How to implement custom single sign-on

The aim of this tutorial is to show the basics for delegating the start of a Genero application to another service, in order to handle the authentication via a REST service.

Tutorial overview

Genero Application Server Single sign-on (SSO) solution is based on the "delegate" mechanism. For more details, see How to implement delegation.

The purpose of this tutorial is to:
  • Prevent direct access to the application and force the end user to enter a login and password via an XHTML page.
  • Add a cookie mechanism allowing the password to be kept by the browser, in order to allow future connections without requiring another login.
  • Add a simple method for logging out.

This example can be adapted for your own application needs.

Important: This tutorial will help you to understand how to handle authentication using a REST service, using a basic authentication mechanism with a username/password and cookie management. On production sites, the security must be improved. Please consider the recommendations mentioned in the last step of this tutorial.


The end user types the URL of the application in his web browser (step 1 in the workflow). Instead of starting the application program directly, the GAS forwards the HTTP request to the SSOService program. This program checks the user credentials or cookie validity, and returns the appropriate HTTP response. The response is one of the following:
  • indicates the user credential are not valid;
  • indicates the user credentials are valid, and creates and sets a cookie in the browser; or
  • if an existing cookie is received, allows the execution of the application.

Diagram of the tutorial workflow, detailed in the paragraphs that follow.

Figure 1. Single sign-on tutorial workflow

As shown in the diagram, the following steps are performed:
  1. The user enters a URL in the web browser.

    Screen shot of browser with URL entered of localhost:6394/wa/r/myApp

    Figure 2. Application URL

  2. The Genero REST service receives the HTTP request and checks for a valid cookie.
  3. If the cookie is valid, the REST service returns an HTTP response with code 307, and the description _GENERO_INTERNAL_DELEGATE_, to notify the GAS dispatcher to start the application.
  4. If the cookie is not valid, the REST service returns a login page to the browser, with HTTP code 200.
  5. The end user enters a name and password, and submits the HTML form to the GAS.
  6. The Genero REST service receives the HTTP request and checks the user credentials.
  7. If the user is invalid, the REST service returns an HTTP request with an error page, with HTTP code 200.
  8. If the user is authenticated, the REST service creates a new cookie, and returns and HTTP response with code 302, to redirect the browser to the application URL.
  9. The browser receives the HTTP response, and redirects to the application URL, with the new cookie returned by the REST service. Then return to step 2 (above).

Initial workflow path

The first time the user enters the application URL, it is redirected to the login page.

Genero login page showing username and password fields, a login button, and a checkbox asking would you like to keep the password

Figure 3. Login page

Based on XHTML standards, when the login button is clicked, all data entered in fields of the form, as well the checking of the box “Would you like to keep password?”, are set as parameters in the URL query string.

Important: Use HTTPS in production. This example uses a POST method to submit the login form. With the POST method, the username and password are not visible in the browser URL field, however they are passed in clear text in the body of the POST request. You should use HTTPS in order to encrypt and secure on any production site, and avoid clear data being sent through the network.

In step 2 of the workflow, the SSOService program checks the existence of a valid cookie, and analyzes the URL query string parameters in order to find values for the user login and password. Since this is the first start, there is no existing valid cookie (step 3b of the workflow) and the query string is null because the HTML login form was not yet submitted (step 4 on the workflow). As a result, the connection is refused and the user is directed by the service to a login XHTML page.