What is the GWC?

The Genero Web Client delivers your applications over the Web using browser-based themes.

The Genero Web Client is installed as part of the Genero Application Server.

The Genero Web Client allows you to deliver true Web applications with applications developed in the Genero Business Development Language (BDL). Having the underlying source written in Genero BDL means that the GWC is flexible enough to let you build a simple Web application to a corporate Web application with only a few limitations. It brings BDL applications to the Internet world and the ability to be integrated in a Web site. It renders the application using technologies understood by a browser using various Web technologies. It can deliver the application to any device equipped with a Web browser.

Why deliver an application as a Web application?

The GWC uses themes, comprised of templates and snippet sets, to create dynamic web pages. The HTML5 theme is the theme to use for all Genero Web Client applications.

Note: The AJAX, Silverlight, Basic, and iPhone themes are deprecated. For details regarding these themes, consult previous versions of this manual.