Writing a Custom Snippet

To change how a specific interface object is rendered by the snippet-based rendering engine, you modify the snippet itself.

To do this, you need to:

  1. Through the template path, identify the snippet that is associated with the interface object that you wish to modify. For example, to change the window, find through the template path, the window object and see that the snippet id is Window.
  2. Identify the language that the snippet is written in. We know that the snippets have template language (for that provides the path to the interface object(s), but the snippets may also include JavaScriptâ„¢ and HTML, or other languages.
  3. Create a copy of the snippet and make your modifications to the copy. Do not modify the snippet that comes installed with the product. If you modify the snippets provided with the product, you will lose your work when you upgrade the product. You can place the copy in a directory of your choosing; when you define the resource for your custom snippet you will be able to specify the path to the snippet file.