Apache HTTP Server versions 2.2.x provides load balancing
tools through two Apache modules
The two modules are:
The mod_proxy_balancer module provides support of HTTP requests
load balancing. The mod_headers module provides HTTP cookies management
needed by the Cookie-based
request processing. For Sessionless
request processing, the mod_headers module is not required.
Sessionless requests
following example shows how to configure Apache 2.2.x to do load balancing
requests. It assumes the architecture illustrated by
Session-bound request processing.
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyPass / balancer://GASFarm
<Proxy balancer://GASFarm>
BalancerMember http://GAS1.corporate.com
BalancerMember http://GAS2.corporate.com
- These configuration entries can be put at the server level in
the httpd.conf file.
- The ProxyPass instruction tells the module to
rewrite all incoming requests so that they are routed to the GASFarm web
- The <Proxy balancer://GASFarm>...</Proxy> block
defines which are the members of GASFarm web farm.
- The BalancerMember instructions declare two HTTP
web server members of GASFarm web farm: GAS1.corporate.com and GAS2.corporate.com.
For example, the http://localhost/ws/r/echo URL
will be rewritten to http://GAS1.corporate.com/ws/r/echo,
assuming that the GAS1.corporate.com server has been chosen.
Session-bound requests
following example shows how to configure Apache 2.2.x to do load balancing
requests. It assumes the architecture illustrated by
Session-bound request processing.
The example illustrates
request routing.
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyPass / balancer://GASFarm stickysession=GAS_AFFINITY
<Proxy balancer://GASFarm>
BalancerMember http://GAS1.corporate.com route=GAS1
BalancerMember http://GAS2.corporate.com route=GAS2
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header add Set-Cookie "GAS_AFFINITY=balancer.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e;
path=/; domain=.corporate.com" env=BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE
- These configuration entries can be put at the server level in
the httpd.conf file.
- The ProxyPass instruction tells the module to
rewrite all incoming requests so that they are routed to the GASFarm web
farm. The stickysession parameter gives the name
of the cookie to use to retrieve the GAS that holds the session.
- The <Proxy balancer://GASFarm>...</Proxy> block
declares which are the members of GASFarm web farm.
- The BalancerMember instructions declare two HTTP
web server members of the GASFarm web farm: GAS1.corporate.com and GAS2.corporate.com.
The route parameter gives the name of the route associated
with that member. If that route name is found in the request cookie,
then that member will be chosen.
- The Header instruction will set, in the HTTP
response, the cookie named GAS_AFFINITY to value balancer.BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE.
The BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE variable is assigned
to the route of the GASFarm member that has be chosen
for the current request. Lastly, the env parameter
tells the module to set that cookie only if the BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE variable
is defined.
For example, the http://localhost/wa/r/gwc-demo URL
will be rewritten to http://GAS1.corporate.com/wa/r/gwc-demo,
assuming that the GAS1.corporate.com server has been chosen.