Load balancing

One way to increase the capacity of the Genero Application Server (GAS) is to scale it out by deploying multiple instances of the GAS on different servers.

As the GAS is fully integrated with existing Web Servers, third-party tools can be used to implement load balancing. GAS applications can be load balanced using standard load balancing techniques, including software load balancers such as Windows™ Network Load Balancing or HAProxy, as well as hardware-based load balancing appliances.

Note: There is no reason to have a Web server, its dispatcher, and the VMProxy on different machines. While the load balancer will balance load across different machines, on each machine you will find one Web server, one dispatcher, all attached proxies, and all attached DVMs. In production, you should think of the GAS as a group comprised of the web server, dispatcher and proxies, and DVMs.

This section discuss considerations for load balancing GAS applications on multiple instances. The provided examples illustrate simple configurations for Internet Information Services and Apache Web Servers.