Configure the license controller for reserved or shared license

To configure the license controller to use a reserved or shared license, edit the license controller configuration file.

It is assumed you have configured a license reservation or share as described in Manage license reservation (flmprg) or Manage license sharing (flmprg), and that your product is configured to use the FLM server. For details of how to configure the license controller to use the FLM, see Configure a Genero license controller.

In this task you will configure your product to use a license reservation or share.

Locate your product's license controller configuration file.
Table 1. Genero products and license configuration files
Genero product Default license controller configuration file
Genero Business Development Language (BDL) $FGLDIR/etc/fgllicense
Genero Report Engine (GRE) $GREDIR/etc/grelicense

Default locations of the license controller configuration files are shown. You can set the location of these files by using the FGLLICENSE or GRELICENSE environment variables.

  1. Open your license controller configuration file for editing.
  2. Change the configuration to use the reserved or shared license:
    1. Comment the line with the license number number=TAB#XXXXXXXX if it exists.
      An error is thrown if you configure both the license number and license reservation or share.
      (FLM-124): Warning, license.number and license.reservation are both configured.
      The license reservation is used and the license number is ignored.
      Check your license configuration.
    2. Configure the license reservation or share.
      • If configuring a license reservation, under license add reservation= and the name of your reservation ("qaRes" in the example)
        # fgllicense or grelicense configuration file
      • If configuring a license share, under license add number= and the name of your license share ("qaShare" in the example).
        # fgllicense or grelicense configuration file
  3. Check that your license configuration is taken into account at runtime.
    1. Run the gwc-demo application on the host where the product is installed.
      Start an instance of the Genero Desktop Client (GDC). In the FGL demo directory ($FGLDIR/demo) run the command fglrun demo.42m
      The application should launch without error messages.
    2. At the command line type the command flmprg -a info users to check the active users while the demo application is running.

      The output should show one active user using the reservation or share for the license.