FLM environment variables

These environment variables are relevant for the licensing tools.


The FLMDIR environment variable defines the installation directory of the Four Js License Manager (FLM).

This environment variable can be set by running the script file located in the installation directory. For details see Setting the environment.

When the variable is set, you can use the $FLMDIR keyword when configuring the FLM.


The PATH is an operating system environment variable that defines a list of directory names where executable files are located.

On UNIX™ platforms, PATH defines the search path for executable programs. On Windows® platforms, PATH defines the search path for executable programs and DLLs. The path separator is a colon (:) on UNIX and a semicolon (;) on Windows.

This environment variable can be set by running the script file located in the installation directory. For details see Setting the environment.

When the variable is set, licensing commands can be run from any directory.


The FLMPROFILE environment variable specifies the path to the Four Js License Manager (FLM) configuration file.

The default configuration file is at $FLMDIR/etc/flmprofile. If the environment variable is not set, the default configuration file is used.

When the FLMPROFILE environment variable is set, the path to the configuration file or files is specified; see specify the license configuration file for more information.

For each Genero product whose licensing is to be managed by the FLM, you provide the necessary details in its license controller configuration file and/or specify paths to its license controller configuration files by setting its environment variable, FGLLICENSE or GRELICENSE. For more information, see the Install and License your Genero Products manual or the Install and License Genero Report Writer manual.


The FLM_BYPASS_UAC environment variable disables the User Account Control (UAC) prompt in a Windows system.

In a Windows system, some commands will only work if run as administrator, and a Microsoft® User Account Control (UAC) prompt will be raised to open an elevated command terminal where you can complete the action.

When the FLM_BYPASS_UAC=1 is set, the UAC prompt is disabled.

Be aware that with the UAC prompt disabled, you will need to open a terminal with "Run as Administrator" to run commands that need administrator privileges.


The FLM_UMASK environment variable can be defined to set file permissions for directories that are part of the license installation and configuration for your product.


The FLM_UMASK feature is available on UNIX-like platforms only.

FLM_UMASK sets a umask value, which removes, or masks out, permissions. The default permissions for directories is 777, which is the maximum level of permissions for all three user classes – from left to right – the owner, group, and others. It is calculated from the 8-bits of data that assigns read (4), write (2), and execute (1) permissions and combinations of those.

By applying a umask value, you can reduce the default permissions down to more secure levels. For example, 755 would give the owner permissions to read, write, and execute, while everyone else can read and execute (4+1=5) but cannot make changes to files within the directory.

Umask values are represented as four Octal digits (for example, 0077), with the first digit always set to zero. It works as an inverse of the permission values; subtracting the umask value from the default permissions gives you the actual permissions. If a permission is set in the umask value, it will not be set in the permissions applied to the directory:

  • 0: No permissions are removed.
  • 1: The execute bit is unset in the permissions.
  • 2: The write bit is unset in the permissions.
  • 4: The read bit is unset in the permissions.

For example, if you are removing write permissions from group and others, to yield the eventual permissions of 755, you set FLM_UMASK to 0022. The umask value is subtracted from the default permissions, 777-022=755.

You can set the UMASk value in either the FLM license configuration file or the FLM_UMASK environment variable.
  • If both the FLM license configuration file and FLM_UMASK are defined, the FLM_UMASK value takes precedence. The environment variable, FLM_UMASK, can be used to override configured values.
  • If permissions are not defined, the default umask value is applied as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Directory permissions environment
Package Environment variable Default umask value Use Directories
FLM FLM_UMASK 0077 Set a file permission mask for directories that are part of license installation and configuration for FLM license manager.
  • $FLMDIR/lock
  • $FLMDIR/etc
  • Log directory as defined in the FLM configuration file, $FLMDIR/etc/flmprofile
FGLGWS FLM_UMASK 0000 Set a file permission mask for directories that are part of license installation and configuration for the Four Js License Controller for BDL (fglWrt).
  • $FGLDIR/lock
  • $FGLDIR/etc
  • Log directory as defined in the license controller configuration file, $FGLDIR/etc/fgllicense
GRE FLM_UMASK 0000 Set a file permission mask for directories that are part of license installation and configuration for the Four Js License Controller GRE (greWrt)
  • $GREDIR/lock
  • $GREDIR/etc
  • Log directory as defined in the license controller configuration file, $GREDIR/etc/grelicense
on UNIX:
export FLM_UMASK=0022