Install license with Four Js License Manager (via internet)

Use this procedure to license a Genero product using the FLM command line tool, flmprg. During installation, the license is registered with Four Js via the internet.

Access to the FLM license directory
Users who install licenses must have write access to the $FLMDIR/etc/license directory. If access is denied, users receive the error message:
(FLM-9): Failed to open file 'C:\Program Files\FourJs\flm6/etc/license/license-TAB#AAAXYZ.dat' for writing.
Internet is required

To follow this procedure, you must have internet access from the FLM server to validate the license.

Which procedure should I follow?

To install your license, you must have either a license string, or you must have your license number, license key, and your customer login.

If you are not provided with a license string, you can generate a license string from your license number, license key, maintenance/subscription key, and login. For instructions on how to generate a license string, see Encode a license string.

Install using a license string

  1. Start the command line interface.
    Open a command prompt.
    • On Linux®/UNIX®/macOS™, open a command prompt. "sudo" may be required.
    • On Windows®, right-click on the License Manager Workplace Window from the Start menu and select Run as administrator.
  2. Install license on the FLM.
    Type the command flmprg --install-license-string license-string auto

    For this command you need a license string. This command validates the license with Four Js over the internet.

    The installation of the license is complete.

Install using a license number and key

  1. Start the command line interface.
    Open a command prompt.
    • On Linux/UNIX/macOS, open a command prompt. "sudo" may be required.
    • On Windows, right-click on the License Manager Workplace Window from the Start menu and select Run as administrator.
  2. Type flmprg -l and when prompted, enter the license number and the license key.
  3. At the prompt:
    Do you want to continue using HTTP ? (y/n) 
    Enter: y
  4. At the prompt:
    Enter your customer login > 
    Enter your customer login.
  5. At the prompt:
    Do you need to configure an HTTP proxy ? (y/n)
    Enter y if your access to the internet is through a proxy, and provide the required information for HTTP proxy and Port when prompted; otherwise, enter n.
    Figure: Installing and Registering a License via HTTP with License Manager (flmprg)

    Installation of license number and license key using the License Manager flmprg -l command and taking the option to automatically register the license over the internet

    The installation of the license is complete.