
Specify functions in a REST web service module that are used as postprocessing request handlers.


WSPostProcessing = "[ wsheader ]"
  1. WSPostProcessing has one option, wsheader. It is a string value setting.
  2. When used on its own without an option, WSPostProcessing is set on a callback function for the body of the REST request.

WSPostProcessing is an attribute set on a BDL private function in a REST web service module.


You use this attribute to specify callback functions in the REST service module that are called when an incoming REST request is executed and before the REST response is forwarded to the client. The callback function must be one of the predefined callback functions. For more details, see Configuring callback functions and Examples of callback functions. The callback function typically modifies the return header and body of the REST request.
PRIVATE # REST Header outgoing callback
FUNCTION HeaderPostCallback(header STRING, value STRING) ATTRIBUTES (WSPostProcessing="wsheader") RETURNS (STRING)
  DISPLAY "Value:",value
  RETURN value # new header value

Example using WSPostProcessing

For details, go to Examples of callback functions.