The Genero Web Application API is a Genero package consisting of several modules to provide GWA specific application helpers.

The API package is delivered with each GWA installation. It consists of modules that provide GWA specific application helpers:
Use IMPORT FGL instructions to import modules in your GWA program. For example:
  • IMPORT FGL gwa.locations

Finding modules with FGLLDPATH

For compilation and at runtime, you may need to set the FGLLDPATH environment variable to find GWA API package modules:

  • If GWA is installed in FGLDIR:
    • On UNIX™:
      export FGLLDPATH=$FGLLDPATH:$FGLDIR/lib/gwa
    • On Windows®:
      set FGLLDPATH=%FGLLDPATH%;%FGLDIR%\lib\gwa
  • If GWA is installed in its own directory:
    • On UNIX:
      export FGLLDPATH=$FGLLDPATH:gwa-install-dir/lib
    • On Windows:
      set FGLLDPATH=%FGLLDPATH%;gwa-install-dir\lib