
The gICAPI.UseGbcThemeVariables() function can be used to declare a set of GBC theme variables to be referenced in the CSS of a web component.

Purpose of gICAPI.UseGbcThemeVariables()

The values defined for GBC theme variables can be propagated into the HTML/CSS code of your gICAPI webcomponent.

This allows to adapt the rendering of the webcomponent to the settings used in GBC.

Providing the list of GBC theme variables

The gICAPI.UseGbcThemeVariables() function must be called with an array of strings, declaring the GBC theme variables to be used in the CSS of your web component.

The variable names referenced in the array passed in the UseGbcThemeVariables() call must be defined in your theme.scss.json GBC theme file.

In the CSS of your webcomponent HTML code, the value of a GBC theme variable can then be referenced by prefixing the variable name with two minus signs, in the var() function:
  "some-var-name"    =>    var(--some-var-name)


The following code example uses the gICAPI.UseGbcThemeVariables() function to declare a set of background color GBC theme variables, to be used in CSS definitions:

var onICHostReady = function(version) {






.container {
  background-color: var(--theme-field-background-color);