Variables Explains how to define program variables. Understanding variablesThis is an introduction to variables.DEFINEThe DEFINE instruction declares a program variable with a given type.VARThe VAR instruction declares a program variable within a code block.Primitive type specificationType definitions using a primitive data type define a primitive type.Variable initializersVariables can be initialized in their definition.Attributes on variable definitionsVariables can be defined with meta-data information.Declaration contextA variable can be declared in different contexts, which defines its visibility.Structured variablesVariables can be declared with a composite data type, based on simple data types.Database column typesSimple variables and record structures can be defined from database columns types.User defined typesUser defined types help to centralize the definition of complex structured data types.Variable default valuesVariables get a default value when defined.INITIALIZEThe INITIALIZE instruction initializes program variables with NULL or default values.LOCATE (for TEXT/BYTE)The LOCATE statement specifies where to store data of TEXT and BYTE variables.FREE (for TEXT/BYTE)The FREE statement releases resources allocated to the specified variable.LETThe LET statement assigns values to variables.VALIDATEThe VALIDATE instructions checks a variable value based on database schema validation rules.ExamplesVariable definition usage examples.