Helper tools
Tools that may help you work with Genero Web Applications in development.
These tools are experimental, their function, syntax/name, and usage may change in future versions.
The gwarun tool runs a GWA program in the browser on your desktop.
gwarun [
options ]
- options are described in Table 1.
- module_name is the name of the program module which the command is to run.
Option | Short option | Description |
--version |
Displays version information. |
--help |
-h |
Displays options for the tool. |
--debug |
-d |
Starts in debug mode. Debugs the program via fgldb. |
name |
-t |
Title for the web application |
--use-gas |
-g |
Use GAS in FGLASDIR to run the program. FGLASDIR needs to be set. |
--iframe |
-i |
Test the application in an iframe. |
--popup |
-p |
Test the application in a popup. |
--proxy-gas |
-o |
QA mode for proxying |
To run gwarun, you need to have it in your PATH (see Install Genero Web Application).
The gwarun command line tool can be used in development to run and test GWA programs in the browser on your desktop.
COMMAND 'exit'
fglcomp test
gwarun test
Internally, the gwarun command will call gwabuildtool
build the application package in the gwa_dist directory and gwasrv will be called to display the program in your default browser.
environment variable and set it to either
, or "none"
. Setting BROWSER
to "none" does
not invoke a particular browser, instead a message appears on the command line like
this:Copy the following URL into your browser: http://localhost:9102/d/r/index.htmlYou can open any browser to input this URL: Chrome in incognito mode, the mobile SafariĀ® browser from an IOSĀ® simulator, and so on.
In production, you need to deploy your GWA applications to a GAS for access via a web server.
The gwasrv is a mini web server written in Genero that allows you to run applications generated by gwabuildtool in the browser on your desktop.
gwasrv homepage
- homepage is the name of the main HTML page of your application. Typically, this is index.html
To run gwasrv, you need to have it in your PATH (see Install Genero Web Application).
The gwasrv command line tool can be used in development to serve and test GWA applications generated by gwabuildtool in the browser on your desktop.
In production, you need to deploy your GWA applications to a GAS for access via a web server.
:cd gwa_dist
gwasrv index.html
The default browser opens with an address like
and serves the Genero application now
running in the browser. BROWSER
environment variable and set it to either
, or "none"
. Setting BROWSER
to "none" does
not invoke a particular browser, instead a message appears on the command line like
this:Copy the following URL into your browser: http://localhost:9102/d/r/index.htmlYou can open any browser to input this URL: Chrome in incognito mode, the mobile Safari browser from an IOS simulator, and so on.