Wait for an HTTP input request to process an operation of one of the registered SOAP or REST Web Services, or return an HttpServiceRequest to handle a low-level request not registered at all.
timeout INTEGER,
status INTEGER )
RETURNS com.HttpServiceRequest
- timeout defines the timeout in seconds.
- status defines the variable receiving the method execution status. The
variable must be
, otherwise a runtime error is thrown.
The com.WebServiceEngine.HandleRequest()
class method returns a com.HttpServiceRequest
object to
handle an incoming HTTP request, or NULL
if there was no request during the given
period of time.
The timeout parameter defines the time in seconds to wait for an incoming request. A value of -1 means infinite wait.
- If there is no request in the given period of time, or if there is an error, the status code is
updated by reference, and a
object is returned. - If the request is intended for a registered web service, it is processed automatically. The
status code is updated by reference and a
object is returned. - If the request isn't dedicated to a registered web service, a status code of value 1 is returned
by reference, and a valid instance of an
object, immediately usable to handle the incoming request, is returned.
In case of error, the method throws an exception and sets the
variable. Depending on the error, a human-readable description of the
problem is available in the sqlca.sqlerrm
register. See Error handling in GWS calls (status).
Any new call to this function will raise an error until the previous HTTP request is processed by sending a response back to the client, or destroyed.
The status returned by the method provides information about the execution of the last web operation. A return status of zero means OK. For a complete list of error codes, see Error codes of com.WebServicesEngine
A status of -8 or -10 is returned if an invalid or unsupported HTTP request is sent. Supported methods are GET, PUT, POST, HEAD, DELETE, OPTIONS, TRACE, and PATCH
This is not an issue in production environments as the Genero Application Server (GAS) and GWSProxy will detect the ended DVM, return an HTTP error code to the client app, and any new request will start a new DVM in a clean state via GWS proxy and the pool configuration.
If the com.WebServiceEngine.Flush()
method is used, the return status handling
must be done in the web operation function, while
will return the code -31,
to indicate that a flush was done.
The error -15575 can be thrown if the GAS disconnects the Web Services program.
URLs are sent in UTF-8 on the network, if the web services server is not able to convert UTF-8 URLs back to fglrun locale charset, error -15552 will be thrown. As a general advice, run your WS server program in UTF-8.