
Creates or updates a (local) notification to be displayed on the mobile device.


ui.Interface.frontCall("mobile", "createNotification",
   [options], [id] )
  1. options - A RECORD containing options to create the notification, where members are:
    • id INTEGER - Defines a unique notification id.
    • number INTEGER - Badge increment (one by default)
    • channel_name STRING - Android specific: All notifications are created under a notification channel. Using a channel name allows to create groups of notifications.
    • title STRING - Defines the title of the notification.
    • content STRING - Defines the body / text of the notification.
    • icon STRING - Defines the icon of the notification.
    • show_badge BOOLEAN - TRUE / FALSE: shows or hides the badge.
  2. id - is an INTEGER variable receiving the unique notification id returned by the frontcall. Returns NULL if notification cannot be processed on the mobile device.


The "createNotification" front call creates or updates a new (local) notification.

  • Badge numbers are not handled automatically by iOS. To get a badge number, use the ios.setBadgeNumber frontcall.
  • Icons are not planned to be supported by GMI.
  • Channels are specific to Android. Consequently, the behavior with clearNotifications is a GMA specific feature.
The options parameter must be a record defined as follows:
    id INTEGER,
    number INTEGER,
    channel_name STRING,
    title STRING,
    content STRING,
    icon STRING,
    show_badge BOOLEAN

If the provided id member identifies an existing notification, it will update the notification. Otherwise, if NULL or if the id is not yet used, the frontcall will create a new notification. If NULL is provided in the id record member, a unique id will be automatically created by the frontcall.

The badge number is automatically increased by one when a notification (remote or locale) is created (on a same channel) and decreased by one when a notification is removed (by clearing, or interacting with it). However, the value (one by default) that will be added or subtracted for a specific notification can be changed by the number member.

The channel_name option can be used to group notifications by channels. If NULL is specified, it defaults to "GMA NOTIFICATION channel".

The show_badge option only applies to the first notification created under a new notification channel. The show_badge option will be ignored if the channel already exists. Clearing or dismissing all notification under a notification channel will not delete it, and the show_badge option will remain at the same value. However, clearing the channel or clearing all channels will reset this option, and will allow to create the same channel with a different show_badge value.

If the user selects a notification on the mobile device, the predefined "notificationselected" action will be sent to the current dialog instruction. For more details, see mobile.getLastNotificationInteractions.


    id INTEGER,
    number INTEGER,
    channel_name STRING,
    title STRING,
    content STRING,
    icon STRING,
    show_badge BOOLEAN
LET options.title = "Arrival"
LET options.content = "Shipment arrived"
CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("mobile","createNotification",[options],[])
DISPLAY "Returned notification id: ",