
Define the value delimiter for a channel.


   delimiter STRING )
  1. delimiter defines the delimiter to be used to separate values. Possible options are:


After creating the channel object, define the field value delimiter with the setDelimiter() method.
CALL ch.setDelimiter("^")

The default delimiter is defined by the DBDELIMITER environment variable, or a pipe (|) if DBDELIMITER is not defined.

Specify CSV to read/write in Comma Separated Value format:
CALL ch.setDelimiter("CSV")
Specify TSV to read/write in TAB Separated Value format:
CALL ch.setDelimiter("TSV")
Specify DSV=sep to read/write in Delimiter Separated Value format, using the specified character as separator. For example, to define a semicolon as separator:
CALL ch.setDelimiter("DSV=;")

Setting a NULL delimiter is allowed for backward compatibility, but must be avoided. This was a workaround to read/write complete lines. If the delimiter is set to NULL, the read() and write() methods do not use the backslash (\) escape character. As a result, data with special characters like backslash, delimiter or line-feed will be written as is, and reading data will ignore escaped characters in the source stream. If you need to read or write non-formatted data, it is recommended that you use the readLine()/ writeLine() methods instead. These methods do not use a delimiter, nor do they use the backslash escape character.

Rules for single-char delimiter format

Single-char delimiter formatting rules apply when a unique character is specified as delimiter. These rules are slightly different as when using a DSV delimiter.

Character strings must be encoded in the current application locale: Not charset conversion is done.

Trailing blanks are dropped from CHAR and TEXT, but not from VARCHAR values.

Character-type data need a backslash ( \ ) before any literal backslash or delimiter character and before a NEWLINE character in a character value. When reading character-type data, values can have more characters than the declared maximum length of the column, but any extra characters are ignored. Blank values can be represented as one or more blank characters between delimiters, but leading blanks must not precede other CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT values.

Numeric-typed data representation depends on DBFORMAT/DBMONEY environment variables.

DATE value formatting is based on the DBDATE environment variable. The day and month must be a 2-digit number, and the year must be a 4-digit number.

When reading for MONEY types, values can include currency symbols, but these are not required.

DATETIME values are represented in the format year-month-day hour:minute:second.fraction or a contiguous subset. Time units outside the reference type precision are omitted. The year must be a four-digit number; all other time units (except fraction) require two digits.

INTERVAL values are formatted year-month or day hour:minute:second.fraction or a contiguous subset. Time units outside the reference type precision are omitted.

BYTE values must be ASCII-hexadecimals; without leading or trailing blanks.

NULL values of any data type are represented by consecutive delimiters, without any characters between the delimiter symbols.

The backslash symbol (\) serves as an escape character to indicate that the next character in a data value is a literal that needs to be escaped, such as a backslash, NEWLINE, or the delimiter character.

Rules for Delimiter Separated Values format

The Delimiter Separated Values (DSV) formatting rules apply when using "CSV" (Comma Separated Values), "TSV" (TAB Separated Values), or "DSV=sep" as delimiter.

DSV serialization and de-serialization rules are similar to the single-char delimiter formatting rules when using a regular single-character delimiter, with the following differences:

  • Leading and trailing blanks are kept (no truncation).
  • No ending delimiter is expected at the end of the input record.
  • Values might be surrounded with " double quotes, if the data contains characters such as the " double quote, \ backslash, new-line, or the delimiter character, and that character is not escaped.