
Sets the value of an environment variable.


   name STRING,
   value STRING )
  1. name is the name of the environment variable.
  2. value is the value to be set.


The fgl_setenv() function sets or modifies the value of an environment variable.


Use the fgl_setenv() function with care: Genero environment variables such as FGLDIR, DBDATE, DBCENTURY or FGL_LENGTH_SEMANTICS should be defined before starting the process, and must not be changed at runtime, as it can lead to unexpected behavior of the current process. The same rule applies to database client environment variables like INFORMIXDIR, ORACLE_HOME, and environment variables of third party software components like JAVA_HOME, when using the Java interface.

There is a little difference between Windows® and UNIX™ platforms when passing a NULL as the value parameter. On Windows platforms, the environment variable is removed, while on UNIX, the environment variable gets an empty value (it is not removed from the environment).