
Returns a DomNodeList object containing all DomNode objects matching a XPath 1.0 expression.


   expr STRING
   [, args ] )
  RETURNS xml.DomNodeList
  1. expr defines the XPath 1.0 expression.
  2. args is a variable list of parameters, to define a list of prefixes bound to namespaces in order to resolve qualified names in the XPath expression.


This method returns a DomNodeList object containing all DomNode objects matching an XPath 1.0 expression.


This method is not part of W3C standard API.

args is a variable list of parameters, that defines a set of prefix/namespace pairs, used to resolve qualified names in the XPath expression. You must provide an even number of method parameters, representing the prefix and its corresponding namespace:
selectByXPath( expr,
  "prefix-1", "namespace-1",
  "prefix-2", "namespace-2",
  "prefix-3", "namespace-3",
  ... )

A namespace must be an absolute URI ( ex: 'http://', 'file://' ).

If args is NULL, the prefixes and namespaces defined in the document itself are used when available:
selectByXPath( expr, NULL )

In case of error, the method throws an exception and sets the status variable. Depending on the error, a human-readable description of the problem is available in the sqlca.sqlerrm register. See Error handling in GWS calls (status).


selectByXPath( "../../d:Record/*[last()]", 
  "d", "http://defaultnamespace" )

selectByXPath( "ns:Record", NULL )

selectByXPath( "ns1:Records/ns2:Record", 
  "ns1", "http://namespace1",
  "ns2", "http://namespace2" )
Invalid example:
selectByXPath( "ns1:Record", "ns1" )