
Queries general front-end properties.


ui.Interface.frontCall("standard", "feInfo",
 [name], [result]) 
  1. name - The name of the property.
  2. result - The value of the property.


The feInfo front call returns a front-end property value depending on the property name passed in as the parameter.

Some feInfo options take an optional parameter, such as screenResolution:
CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("standard", "feInfo", ["screenResolution", 2], [resolution])
Table 1. Property names and descriptions for the standard.feInfo front call

feInfo property values

Property name Description

Returns the directory name that can be used for temporary files on the front-end side. This directory is cleaned at front-end start-up and end, and is common to all front-end instances.

The possible values returned are:

  • With Genero Application Server, this is not applicable.
  • With Genero Desktop Client, the local cache directory. For example, "/home/username/.cache/Four Js/Genero Desktop".
  • With Genero Mobile for Android™, this is the GMA application cache directory. Content may be erased, once the app is closed.
  • With Genero Mobile for iOS, this is the temporary directory in the application sandbox (iOS NSTemporaryDirectory() system call). Content may be erased, once the app is closed.
deviceModel Returns the name of the device, for example "iPad4,5".
  • With Genero Mobile for iOS, returns the identifierForVendor.
  • With Genero Mobile for Android, returns the IMEI, otherwise the Android id (but may change after device re-installation)

    For GMA / Android, accessing this device information requires the READ_PHONE_STATE. Starting with Android 10, the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE privileged permission is required, but this privilede can only be set for fully managed devices. See Android permissions for more details.

The code identifying the type of front-end component.

To save a network round trip, it is recommended to use ui.Interface.getFrontEndName() instead.

The possible values returned are:

  • "Genero Desktop Client" for Genero Desktop Client.
  • "GBC" for Genero Browser Client.
  • "GMA" for Genero Mobile for Android.
  • "GMI" for Genero Mobile for iOS.

The installation directory of the front-end executable.

  • With Genero Desktop Client, it returns the path to the installation directory of the GDC.
  • With Genero Application Server, it returns the path to the installation directory of the GAS.
  • With Genero Mobile for Android, it returns the installation directory. For example, "/data/data/com.fourjs.gma/fgl".
  • With Genero Mobile for iOS, it returns the installation directory. For example: "/private/var/mobile/Applications/B3E6-C48A-ED4EFA". Below the installation directory are the "Documents" (which is by default pwd), "" (deployed p-code resides in and "tmp" directories.

The installation path returned by this front call may change in future versions, do not base application code on this. On mobile devices, consider using the os.Path.pwd utility function to get the application working directory when executing programs.

freeStorageSpace Returns the number of bytes available on the (mobile) device.
  • With Genero Mobile for iOS, returns an error (not allowed).
  • With Genero Mobile for Android, returns the ICCID if available, otherwise raise an error.

    For GMA / Android, accessing this device information requires the READ_PHONE_STATE. Starting with Android 10, the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE privileged permission is required, but this privilede can only be set for fully managed devices. See Android permissions for more details.

  • With Genero Mobile for iOS, returns an error (not allowed).
  • With Genero Mobile for Android, returns the IMEI if available, otherwise raises an error.

    For GMA / Android, accessing this device information requires the READ_PHONE_STATE. Starting with Android 10, the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE privileged permission is required, but this privilede can only be set for fully managed devices. See Android permissions for more details.


Returns the IP address of the network interface used for the GUI connection.

For mobile platforms, this is the preferred IP address of the device. If there is WIFI, either the IPv4 address is returned (for example: or if there is no IPv4 address, the IPv6 address is returned (for example: 2a02:810a:82c0:478:d462:e334:6a1d:fb78). If there is no WIFI, either the cellular IPv4 or IPv6 address is returned. If there is no network, NULL is returned.


Number of screens available on the front-end platform.

On typical front-end platforms and devices, the number of screens is 1. In some rare cases, a desktop computer can be configured with more than one screen.


The operating system type where the front-end is running.

Possible return values include "WINDOWS", "LINUX", "macOS", "ANDROID", "IOS".


The version of the operating system.

Example of returned values: "4.3", "5.10.15".


Returns the screen pixel density of the front-end platform (Pixels Per Inch). This front call takes an optional screen number as parameter (1 is the default).

  • With Genero Mobile for iOS, it returns the PixelsPerInch of an iOS device.
  • With Genero Mobile for Android, it returns the DPI (ppi == dpi)

Returns the screen resolution of the front-end platform. This front call takes an optional screen number as parameter (1 is the default).

Example of returned values: "1200x1824", "1920x1104".


For mobile devices, the value can change depending on the device orientation.


Returns the build platform target code name, identifying the operating system the front-end binary was compiled. This front call is provided for debugging purpose, do not base code on the returned value, it can change if the target OS version is upgraded for example. Use the ostype property instead.

Example of returned values:
  • "w64v110" = Windows® 64 bits, Visual C++ 11.
  • "d32a040" = Android 4.0 ARM 32 bits.
  • "d32x040" = Android 4.0 x86 32 bits.
  • "i32a070" = iOS 7.0 ARM 32 bits.
  • "i32x070" = iOS 7.0 x86 32 bits.

Returns the current size of the front-end view-port.

  • For mobile front-ends, this is the size of the mobile screen.
  • For Genero Desktop Client, this is the size of the window container.
  • For Genero Browser Client, this is the size of the browser webview.

Example of returned values: "1200x1824", "1920x1104".


Returns the language and territory of the locale defined on the front-end platform, in the language_territory format.

  • For Genero Desktop Client and mobile front-ends, the front-end locale is defined by the operating system.
  • For Genero Browser Client, the front-end locale is defined in the web browser preferences.