
Returns the local window manager identifier of the window corresponding to the AUI window id passed as parameter.

Important: This feature is desupported. It may still be available, but can be removed in a next version.


ui.Interface.frontCall("standard", "getWindowId",
 [aui-win-id], [loc-win-id]) 
  1. aui-win-id - The id of the window node in the AUI tree.
  2. loc-win-id - The id of the window in the window manager where the front-end is running.


Returns the window identifier corresponding to the AUI window id passed as parameter, in the window manager where the front-end is displaying the application forms.

The node id must reference a Window node, otherwise "0" is returned. In traditional mode, window widgets are simple frames. Use "0" as aui-win-id parameter to get the top level window id in the local window system.

This front call is provided for development and debugging purpose only.