
Starts an external application (Androidâ„¢ activity) and waits until the activity is closed.


ui.Interface.frontCall("android", "startActivityForResult",
  [action, data, category, type, component, extras],
  [outdata, outextras])
  1. action - Identifies the activity to be started on the Android device.
  2. data - (optional) The data to operate on in the activity (URL, etc).
  3. category - (optional) A comma separated list of categories.
  4. type - (optional) Specifies the type of the data passed to the activity.
  5. component - (optional) Specifies a component class to use for the intent.
  6. extras - (optional) This is a JSON string containing parameters to pass to the activity.
Return values include:
  1. outdata - holds the flat value returned by the invoked activity.
  2. outextras - holds the JSON data of structured value returned by the invoked activity.

The return values depend entirely on the invoked activity.


The "startActivityForResult" front call starts an external application (Android activity), then waits for the user to exit the external application prior to returning the GMA application.

Important: This front call is only available for an application running on an Android device.

This front call is similar to the RUN statement: The user cannot return to the GMA application while the activity is executing.

The parameters passed to this front call are used to build an Android "intent" object to start an "activity". For more details about Android intent object, refer to the Android "Intent" definition.

The action parameter defines the Android activity to perform, such as "android.intent.action.MAIN", "android.intent.action.VIEW", and so on.

The data (optional) parameter contains the data to operate on. This is the main parameter to transmit data to the activity. It can for example be an URL.

The category (optional) parameter contains a comma separated list of categories, where a category gives additional information about the action to execute. For example, "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" means it appears in the Launcher as a top-level application. See the Android documentation for details about possible categories for a given activity.

The type (optional) parameter defines the type (in fact, a MIME type) of the activity data. Normally the type is inferred from the data itself. By setting this attribute, you disable that evaluation and force an explicit type.

The component (optional) parameter defines the name of a component class to use for the intent. Normally this is determined by looking at the other information in the intent. The component name typically specified as "apk-package-name/java-class-name" or "java-class-name" (the APK package name is optional). If the APK package is not specified, GMA considers that the Java class is included in the current APK.

The extras (optional) parameter specifies a JSON string containing parameters to pass to the activity. This can be used to provide extended information to the component. For example, with an action sending an e-mail message, the extra data can include data to supply a subject, body, for the e-mail.

The outdata returning argument will contain the flag value returned from the activity, typically when the data is simple and not structured.

The outextras returning argument can hold JSON data of any structured value returned by the invoked activity, or NULL in case of error (for example, when the application corresponding to the activity is not installed)


This example invokes the barcode scanner application, and returns the scanned barcode.

DEFINE data, extras STRING,
       json_object util.JSONObject,
       scanned_value STRING
CALL ui.Interface.frontCall(
        "android", "startActivityForResult", 
        [ "",
          NULL, "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" ],
        [ data, extras ])
  -- If the application isn't installed invoke 
  -- the Play Store to give the user a chance to install it
  CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("standard", "launchurl",
          ["market://details?"], [])
  LET json_object = util.JSONObject.parse(extras)
  -- Fetch the scanned value
  LET scanned_value = json_object.get("SCAN_RESULT")