
Defines the type of an SQL parameter for this SQL handle.


   index INTEGER,
   type STRING )
  1. index is the ordinal position of the ? SQL parameter (starts at 1).
  2. type is the name of the primitive type to be used, such as "DECIMAL(10,2)", "DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND".


The setParameterType() method defines the type of an SQL parameter specified with a ? place holder in the string passed to the prepare() method.

The SQL statement must have been prepared with a prepare() call.

The method will raise error -8131, if the index passed as parameter is lower as 1 or greater as the number of ? parameter placeholders in the prepared SQL statement.

The type of an SQL parameter is important and must match the type of the target SQL column. After prepare(), if setParameterType() is not used, the type of the SQL parameter is defined by the expression passed to any setParameter() call. However, it is also possible to pre-define the type of an SQL parameter with the setParameterType() method. When calling setParameter() with strings representing the actual values, it is mandatory to define the real type with setParameterType(), to avoid any SQL type conversion issues. Once the type is defined by setParameterType(), the same type conversion rules apply as with a LET variable = string instruction.


DEFINE sh base.SqlHandle
CALL sh.prepare("UPDATE customer SET cust_creadate=? WHERE cust_id=?")
CALL sh.setParameterType(1,"DATE")
CALL sh.setParameterType(2,"INTEGER")
LET value = TODAY -- DBDATE formatted string representing a date value
CALL h.setParameter(1,value) -- Type is defined by setParameterType()
CALL h.setParameter(2,pkey)  -- Type is defined by pkey INTEGER
CALL sh.execute()

For a complete example, see Example 1: SqlHandle with simple SQL.