Genero BDL errors

System error messages sorted by error number.

Table 1. Genero system error messages
Number Description

A syntax error has occurred.

This general SQL error message indicates mistakes in the syntax of an SQL statement.

Look for missing or extra punctuation; keywords misspelled, misused, or out of sequence, or a reserved word used as an identifier.


An illegal floating point number has been found in the statement.

A numeric constant that is punctuated like a floating-point number (with a decimal point and/or an exponent starting with e) is unacceptable. Possibly the exponent is larger than can be processed.


The specified table table-name is not in the database.

The database server cannot find a table or view specified in the statement. The table or view might have been renamed or dropped from the database.


Statement interrupted by user.

The database server received an interrupt signal from the user. The statement ended early. The program is expected to roll back the current transaction and terminate gracefully.


Column column-name not found in any table in the query.

The column specified does not exist in the database tables used in this SQL statement.


Character column size is too big.

The SQL statement specifies a width for a character data type that is greater than 65,534 bytes.

If you need a column of this size, use the TEXT data type, which allows unlimited lengths. Otherwise, inspect the statement for typographical errors.


Number of columns in INSERT does not match number of VALUES.

Each column that is named or implied in an INSERT statement must have a separate value expression. If the statement does not list specific columns, review the definition of the table for the number of columns and their data types. Also check that the list of expressions in the VALUES clause has no extra or missing comma that might result in an incorrect number of values. Be especially careful of long character strings and expressions with parentheses.


Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column.

The row that is being inserted (or being updated to have a new primary key) contains a duplicate value of some row that already exists, in a column or columns that are constrained to have unique values.


Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row.

The database server cannot read the data block for this SQL client program. The database server returns this error when a record is locked by another process, and the lock timeout defined by the current program has expired.

Consider using the SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT instruction to define a lock timeout. By default, with most databases, this timeout is zero and error -244 is returned immediately when a lock conflict occurs. If all programs do short transactions (holding locks for a short period of time), it is usually safe to define a lock timeout of 5 to 10 seconds to avoid this SQL error.


Cannot read record from file for update.

The database server cannot get a row of a table prior to update.


ORDER BY or GROUP BY column number is too big.

The ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause uses column-sequence numbers, and at least one of them is larger than the count of columns in the select list.


Cannot read record from file for update.

The database server cannot get a row of a table prior to update.


Too many or too few host variables given.

The number of host variables that you named in the INTO clause of this statement does not match the number of columns that you referenced in the SQL statement.


Not in transaction.

The database server cannot execute this COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK statement because no BEGIN WORK was executed to start a transaction. Because no transaction was started, you cannot end one.


Transaction not available.

The database server does not support transactions.


System limit on maximum number of statements exceeded, maximum is count.

The database server can handle only a fixed number of prepared SQL statements for each user. This limit includes statements that were prepared with the PREPARE statement and cursors that were declared with the DECLARE statement.


Cursor not open.

The current statement refers to a cursor that has not been opened. Review the logic of the program to see how it failed to execute the OPEN statement before it reached this point.


Could not lock row for UPDATE.

This statement, probably a FETCH statement that names a cursor declared FOR UPDATE, failed to get a lock on the row it tried to fetch.


There is no current row for UPDATE/DELETE cursor.

The current statement uses the WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name clause, but that cursor has not yet been associated with a current row. Either no FETCH statement has been executed since it was opened, or the most recent fetch resulted in an error so that no row was returned. Revise the logic of the program so that it always successfully fetches a row before it executes this statement.


Unique constraint constraint-name violated.

The current statement uses the WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name clause, but that cursor has not yet been associated with a current row. Either no FETCH statement has been executed since it was opened, or the most recent fetch resulted in an error so that no row was returned. Revise the logic of the program so that it always successfully fetches a row before it executes this statement.


No SELECT permission for table/column.

The person who created this table has not granted SELECT privilege to your account name or to the public for the table or the column. The owner of the table or the DBA must grant this privilege before you can select data from the table or column.


No UPDATE permission for table/column.

The person who created this table has not granted UPDATE privilege to your account name or to the public for the table or the column. The owner of the table or the DBA must grant this privilege before you can update a row in this table or update the column.


No DELETE permission for table.

The person who created this table has not granted DELETE privilege to your account name or to the public. The owner of the table or the DBA must grant this privilege before you can delete a row in this table.


The Insert privilege is required for this operation.

The Insert access privilege on this table or column is not currently held by your account name, nor by the PUBLIC group, nor by your current role. The owner of the table or the DBA must grant the Insert privilege before you can insert a row into this table.


A quoted string exceeds 256 bytes.

A character literal in this statement exceeds the maximum length. Check the punctuation and length of all quoted strings in the statement. Possibly two missing quotes make a long string out of two short ones. You must revise the statement to use a shorter character string.


Found a quote for which there is no matching quote.

Inspect the current statement, examining the punctuation of all quoted strings.


A subquery has returned not exactly one row.

A subquery that is used in an expression in the place of a literal value must return only a single row and a single column. In this statement, a subquery has returned more than one row, and the database server cannot choose which returned value to use in the expression. You can ensure that a subquery will always return a single row. Use a WHERE clause that tests for equality on a column that has a unique index. Or select only an aggregate function. Review the subqueries, and check that they can return only a single row.

This error can also occur when you use a singleton SELECT statement to retrieve multiple rows. You must use the DECLARE/OPEN/FETCH series of statements or the EXECUTE INTO statement to retrieve multiple rows.


Invalid cursor received by sqlexec.

The cursor that this statement uses has not been properly declared or prepared, or the FREE statement has released it, or an automatic re-prepare has been attempted while opening the cursor but that operation failed, leaving the cursor unavailable. Review the program logic to ensure that the cursor has been declared. If it has, and if the DECLARE statement refers to a statement identifier, check that the referenced statement has been prepared.


Cursor not declared with FOR UPDATE clause.

This statement attempts to update with a cursor that was not declared for update. To use a cursor with the UPDATE or DELETE statements, you must declare it FOR UPDATE. Review the program logic to make sure that this statement uses the intended cursor.


The column column-name must be in the GROUP BY list.

In a grouping SELECT, you must list every nonaggregate column in the GROUP BY clause to ensure that a well-defined value exists for each selected column in each grouped row. A column contains either a single aggregate value or a value unique to that group. If a selected column were neither an aggregate nor in the list, two or more values for that column might possibly exist in some group, and the database server is unable to choose which value to display. Revise the query to include either the column name or its positional number in the clause.


Illegal subscript.

The substring values (two numbers in square brackets) of a character variable are incorrect. The first is less than zero or greater than the length of the column, or the second is less than the first.

Review all uses of square brackets in the statement to find the error. Possibly the size of a column has been altered and makes a substring fail that used to work.


ORDER BY column or expression must be in SELECT list.

An expression or column name is in the ORDER BY clause of this SELECT statement, but the expression or column name is not in the select list (the list of values that follows the word SELECT). This action is not supported when a UNIQUE or DISTINCT operator is being used in a query.


Index index-name already exists in database.

This statement tries to create an index with the name shown, but an index of that name already exists. Only one index of a given name can exist in a single database.


Ambiguous column column-name.

The column name appears in more than one of the tables that are listed in the FROM clause of this query. The database server needs to know which columns to use. Revise the statement so that this name is prefixed by the name of its table (table-name.column) wherever it appears in the query.


Database not found or no system permission.

The database you tried to connect to is not known by the db server.

Check database client configuration settings and make sure that there is no spelling error in the name of the database


Cannot create or rename the database.

Possibly you tried to create a database with the same name as one that already exists or rename a database to a name that already exists; if so, choose a different name.


Database not selected yet.

The SQL statement cannot be executed because no current database exists. You must issue a DATABASE or CONNECT TO instruction before executing other SQL statements.


Index already exists on the column (or on the set of columns).

This CREATE INDEX statement cannot be executed because an index on the same column or combination of columns already exists. For a given collation order, at most two indexes can exist on any combination of columns, one ascending and one descending.


Incorrect database or cursor name format.

This statement contains the name of a database or a cursor in some invalid format. If the statement is part of a program, the name might have been passed in a host variable.


Cannot modify a table or view that is also used in subquery.

The UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement uses data taken from the same table in a subquery. Because of the danger of entering an endless loop, this action is not allowed, except in the case of an uncorrelated subquery in the WHERE clause of the DELETE or UPDATE statement.


CURSOR not on SELECT statement.

The cursor named in this statement (probably an OPEN) has been associated with a prepared statement that is not a SELECT statement.

Review the program logic, especially the DECLARE for the cursor, the statement id specified in it, and the PREPARE that set up that statement. If you intended to use a cursor with an INSERT statement, you can only do that when the INSERT statement is written as part of the DECLARE statement. If you intended to execute an SQL statement, do that directly with the EXECUTE statement, not indirectly through a cursor.


The scale exceeds the maximum precision specified.

A problem exists with the precision or scale of a DECIMAL or a MONEY data type usage, for example in a DEFINE statement. It is recommended to declare DECIMAL as DECIMAL(p) or DECIMAL(p,s), where p is the precision (total number of digits) between 1 and 32, and s, is the scale (number of digits to the right of the decimal point) greater or equal to zero and not greater than p. The MONEY type follows the same rules.

Review the DECIMAL or MONEY type definition, and make sure that the precision is in the range [1,32] and that the scale is in the range [0,precision].


Cannot create unique index on column with duplicate data.

This CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement cannot be completed because the column (or columns) contains one or more duplicate rows.


Same number of columns must be specified for view and select clause.

In this VIEW statement, you have listed the names of the columns of the view; however, their number is different from the number of columns in the SELECT statement for the view. Check the punctuation of the two lists, and make sure that you have supplied a name for each item in the select list.


No connect permission.

You cannot access the database that this statement requests because you have not been granted CONNECT privilege to it. Contact a person who has Database Administrator privilege to that database and ask to be granted CONNECT privileges to it.


No resource permission.

If you issued a CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or CREATE PROCEDURE statement, you cannot execute this statement because your account has not been granted the RESOURCE privilege for this database. You need the RESOURCE privilege to create permanent tables, indexes on permanent tables, and procedures.


No DBA permission.

This statement cannot be executed because you have not been granted DBA privilege for this database. Contact a person who has DBA privilege for the database and ask to be granted DBA privilege (or simply ask to have this statement executed for you).


Cannot insert a null into column column-name.

This statement tries to put a null value in the noted column; however, that column has been defined as NOT NULL. Roll back the current transaction. If this is a program, review the definition of the table, and change the program logic to not use null values for columns that cannot accept them.


Fetch attempted on unopen cursor.

This FETCH statement names a cursor that has never been opened or has been closed. Review the program logic, and check that it will open the cursor before this point and not accidentally close it. Unless a cursor is declared WITH HOLD, it is automatically closed by a COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK statement.


The cursor or statement is not available.

You used a statement that names a cursor that is was destroyed. Review the program logic and check that the cursor specified is declared and opened, but not freed, prior to reaching this statement.


Prepare statement failed or was not executed.

This EXECUTE statement refers to a statement id that has not been prepared. Either no PREPARE statement was done, or one was done but returned an error code. Review the program logic to ensure that a statement is prepared and the PREPARE return code is checked. A negative error code from PREPARE usually reflects an error in the statement being prepared.


Command pointer is NULL.

This statement (probably an EXECUTE or DECLARE) refers to a dynamic SQL statement that has never been prepared or that has been freed. Review the program logic to ensure that the statement has been prepared, the PREPARE did not return an error code, and the FREE statement has not been used to release the statement before this point.


Insert attempted on unopen cursor.

This INSERT statement names a cursor that has never been opened or that has been closed. Review the program logic, and check that it will open the cursor before this point and not accidentally close it. An insert cursor is automatically closed by a COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK statement.


Flush attempted on unopen cursor.

This FLUSH statement names a cursor that has never been opened or has been closed. Review the program logic to ensure that it will open the cursor before this point and not accidentally close it. An insert cursor is automatically closed by a COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK.


Illegal ESQL locator, or uninitialized blob variable in BDL.

An SQL statement is using a TEXT or BYTE variable that was not initialized with LOCATE IN FILE or MEMORY.

LOCATE the TEXT or BYTE variable before using it in SQL statements.


Long transaction aborted.

The database server ran out of log space in which to record this transaction. A transaction that is not fully recorded cannot be rolled back. To preserve database integrity, the operating system ended the transaction and rolled it back automatically. All changes made since the start of the transaction have been removed. Terminate the application, and replan it so that it modifies fewer rows per transaction. Alternatively, contact the database server administrator to discuss increasing the number or the size of the logical logs. Be prepared to talk about the number of rows being updated or inserted and the size of each row.


Invalid statement name or statement was not prepared.

The statement has not been prepared, or the format of the statement name is not valid. A valid statement name does not exceed the maximum length, begins with a letter or underscore, does not contain any blanks or nonalphanumeric characters except underscores.


Invalid operation on a non-SCROLL cursor.

You cannot issue a FETCH PRIOR, FETCH FIRST, FETCH LAST, FETCH CURRENT, FETCH RELATIVE n, or FETCH ABSOLUTE n statement with a non-scroll cursor. To do so, you must first declare the cursor as a scroll cursor.


Cursor cursor-name not found.

The cursor that is named in the WHERE CURRENT OF clause in this UPDATE or DELETE statement does not exist. Review the spelling of the name. If it is as you intended, check the DECLARE statement to ensure that it has been executed. Also make sure that the cursor has not been freed with the FREE statement or during a failed automatic re-prepare attempt.


Statement not available with this database server.

The SQL statement used by the program is not valid for the target database server.

Review the code, the SQL instruction cannot be used.


The total size of the index is too large or too many parts in index.

All database servers have limits on the number of columns that can be included in an index and on the total number of bytes in a key (the sum of the widths of the columns). This CREATE INDEX statement would exceed that limit for this database server.


Table table-name not selected in query.

The table name used in an expression (for example, in the WHERE clause) has not been listed in the clause defining the tables to be used in the query (typically the FROM clause in SELECT statements).


Updates are not allowed on a scroll cursor.

For a DECLARE statement, the clause FOR UPDATE is not allowed in conjunction with the SCROLL keyword.


Check constraint constraint-name failed.

The check constraint placed on the table column was violated.


Already in transaction.

This BEGIN WORK statement is redundant; a transaction is already in progress. If this is a program, review its logic to make sure it has not accidentally failed to end the previous transaction.


The constraint contains too many columns.

The total number of columns listed in a UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY clause is limited. The limit depends on the database server in use.


Scroll cursor can't select TEXT or BYTE columns.

Because of the bulk of TEXT and BYTE values, this action would require too much resources to be performed. Review the declaration of the cursor to select the desired columns of other types and also the primary key column. Use a secondary SELECT statement to fetch TEXT/BYTE columns for a given row, by using the primary key column value.


Routine routine-name cannot be resolved.

You called a routine that does not exist in the database, you do not have permission to execute the routine, or you called the routine with too few or too many arguments.


Column specified more than once in the INSERT list.

The error occurs if the user specifies a column name more than once in the INSERT column list.


Missing key in referenced table for referential constraint constraint-name.

A referential constraint has been violated. This condition usually occurs when you are trying to insert a value into or update the value of a column that is part of a referential constraint. The value you are trying to enter does not exist in the referenced (parent-key) column.


Key value for constraint constraint-name is still being referenced.

You have violated a referential constraint. This situation usually occurs when you are trying to delete a row in a column (parent key) that another row (child key) is referencing. If you are using cascading deletes, database logging must be on.


Object object_name already exists in database.

You are trying to define an object that already exists in the database.


Internal error in routine routine-name.

If this internal error recurs, note all circumstances and contact your technical support.


Cannot open file for load.

The input file that is specified in this LOAD statement is unable to be opened.

Check the statement. Possibly a more complete path name is needed, the file does not exist, or your account does not have read permission for the file or a directory in which it resides.


Cannot open file for unload.

The output file that is specified in this UNLOAD statement is unable to be opened.

Check the statement. Possibly a more complete path name is needed; the file exists, but your account does not have write permission for it; or the disk is full.


SQL Syntax error has occurred.

The INSERT statement in this LOAD/UNLOAD statement has invalid syntax.

Review it for punctuation and use of keywords.


Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns.

The LOAD processor counts the delimiters in the first line of the file to determine the number of values in the load file. One delimiter must exist for each column in the table, or for each column in the list of columns if one is specified.

Check that you specified the file that you intended and that it uses the correct delimiter character. An empty line in the text can also cause this error. If the LOAD statement does not specify a delimiter, verify that the default delimiter matches the delimiter that is used in the file. If you are in doubt about the default delimiter, specify the delimiter in the LOAD statement.


Cannot connect to database server servername.

The application is trying to access the database server but failed.


Transaction commit failed - transaction will be rolled back.

This error can occur at transaction-commit time if the database server is unable to commit the transaction.


Field name not found in form.

A field name listed in an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, CONSTRUCT, SCROLL or DISPLAY statement does not appear in the form specification of the screen form that is currently displayed.

Review the program logic to ensure that the intended window is current, the intended form is displayed in it, and all the field names in the statement are spelled correctly.


Field subscript out of bounds.

The subscript of a screen array in an INPUT, DISPLAY, or CONSTRUCT statement is either less than 1 or greater than the number of fields in the array.

Review the program source in conjunction with the form specification to see where the error lies.


Record name not in form.

The screen record that is named in an INPUT ARRAY or DISPLAY ARRAY statement does not appear in the screen form that is now displayed.

Review the program source in conjunction with the form specification to see if the screen record names match.


List and record field counts differ.

The number of program variables does not agree with the number of screen fields in a CONSTRUCT, INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, DISPLAY, or DISPLAY ARRAY statement.

Review the statement in conjunction with the form specification to see where the error lies. Common problems include a change in the definition of a screen record that is not reflected in every statement that uses the record, and a change in a program record that is not reflected in the form design.


Form file (file-name) not found.

The form file that is specified in an OPEN FORM or OPEN WINDOW WITH FORM statement was not found.

Inspect the form name used in the statement. The form file suffix is not required. If the form is not in the current directory, verify that FGLRESOURCEPATH / DBPATH environment variables contain the path to the form file.


A form is incompatible with the current BDL version. Rebuild your form.

The form file that is specified in an OPEN FORM statement is not acceptable. Possibly it was corrupted in some way, or it was compiled with a version of the Form Compiler that is not compatible with the version of the BDL compiler that compiled this program.

Use a current version of the Form Compiler to recompile the form specification.


No form has been displayed.

The current statement requires the use of a screen form. For example, DISPLAY...TO or an INPUT statement must use the fields of a form; however, the DISPLAY FORM statement has not been executed since the current window was opened.

Review the program logic to ensure that it opens and displays a form before it tries to use a form.


NEXT FIELD name not found in form.

This statement (INPUT or INPUT ARRAY) contains a NEXT FIELD clause that names a field that is not defined in the form.

Review the form and program logic. Perhaps the form has been changed, but the program has not.


Field ( field-name ) in BEFORE/AFTER clause not found in form.

This statement includes a BEFORE FIELD clause or an AFTER FIELD clause that names a field that is not defined in the form that is currently displayed.

Review the program to ensure that the intended form was displayed, and review this statement against the form specification to ensure that existing fields are named.


The NEXT OPTION name is not in the menu.

This MENU statement contains a NEXT OPTION clause that names a menu-option that is not defined in the statement.

The string that follows NEXT OPTION must be identical to one that follows a COMMAND clause in the same MENU statement. Review the statement to ensure that these clauses agree with each other.


NEXT OPTION is a hidden option.

The option that is named in this NEXT OPTION statement has previously been hidden with the HIDE OPTION statement. Because it is not visible to the user, it cannot be highlighted as the next choice.

Use the SHOW OPTION statement to unhide the menu option.


Cannot close window with active INPUT, DISPLAY ARRAY, or MENU statement.

This CLOSE WINDOW statement cannot be executed because an input operation is still active in that window. The CLOSE WINDOW statement must have been contained in, or called from within, the input statement itself.

Review the program logic, and revise it so that the statement completes before the window is closed.


Window is already open.

This OPEN WINDOW statement names a window that is already open.

Review the program logic to see if it contains a CLOSE WINDOW statement. It may be possible that you simply need to use a CURRENT WINDOW statement to bring the open window to the top.


PROMPT message is too long to fit in the window.

Although BDL truncates the output of MESSAGE and COMMENT to fit the window dimensions, it does not do so for PROMPT and the user's response.

Reduce the length of the prompt string, or make the window larger. Another option is to display most of the prompting text with DISPLAY and then prompt with a single space or colon.


Window is too small to display this menu.

The window must be at least two rows tall, and it must be wide enough to display the menu title, the longest option name, two sets of three-dot ellipses, and six spaces. Revise the program to make the window larger or to give the menu a shorter name and shorter options.

Review the OPEN WINDOW statement for the current window in conjunction with this MENU statement.


Command does not appear in the menu.

The SHOW OPTION, HIDE OPTION, or NEXT OPTION statement cannot refer to an option (command) that does not exist.

Check the spelling of the name of the option.


The type of your terminal is unknown to the system.

Check the setting of your TERM environment variable and the setting of your TERMCAP or TERMINFO environment variable.

Check with your system administrator if you need help with this action.


An attempt was made to divide by zero.

Zero cannot be a divisor.

Check that the divisor is not zero. In some cases, this error arises because the divisor is a character value that does not convert properly to numeric.


Invalid year in date.

The year in a DATE value or literal is invalid. For example, the number 0000 is not acceptable as the year.

Check the value of year.


Invalid month in date.

The month in a DATE value or literal must be a one- or two-digit number from 1 to 12.

Check the value of month.


Invalid day in date.

The day number in a DATE value or literal must a one- or two-digit number from 1 to 28 (or 29 in a leap year), 30, or 31, depending on the month that accompanies it.

Check the value of day.


Date could not be converted to month/day/year format.

The DATE type is compatible with the INTEGER type, but not all integer values are valid dates. The range of valid integer values for dates is from -693,594 to +2,958,464. Numbers that are outside this range have no representation as dates.

Check the value of the number used to assign the date variable.


Date conversion format must contain a month, day, and year component.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

When a date value is converted between internal binary format and display or entry format, a pattern directs the conversion. When conversion is done automatically, the pattern comes from the environment variable DBDATE. When it is done with an explicit call to the rfmtdate(), rdefmtdate(), or USING functions, a pattern string is passed as a parameter. In any case, the pattern string (the format of the message) must include letters that show the location of the three parts of the date: 2 or 3 letters d; 2 or 3 letters m; and either 2 or 4 letters y.

Check the pattern string and the value of DBDATE.


A character to numeric conversion process failed.

A character value is being converted to numeric form for storage in a numeric column or variable; however, the character string cannot be interpreted as a number.

Check the character string. It must not contain characters other than whitespace, digits, a sign, a decimal, or the letter e. Verify the parts are in the right order. If you are using NLS, the decimal character or thousands separator might be wrong for your locale.


Value too large to fit in a SMALLINT.

The SMALLINT data type can accept numbers with a value range from -32,767 to +32,767.

To store numbers that are outside this range, redefine the column or variable to use INTEGER or DECIMAL type.


Value too large to fit in an INTEGER.

The INTEGER data type can accept numbers with a value range from -2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647.

Check the other data types available, such as DECIMAL.


String to date conversion error.

The data value does not properly represent a date: either it has non-digits where digits are expected, an unexpected delimiter, or numbers that are too large or are inconsistent.

Check the value being converted.


Value will not fit in a SMALLFLOAT.

A statement tries to assign a value that exceeds the limits of the SMALLFLOAT data type.

Review the code and consider using a FLOAT or DECIMAL type.


Value will not fit in a FLOAT.

A statement tries to assign a value that exceeds the limits of the FLOAT data type.

Review the code and consider using a DECIMAL type.


Decimal or money value exceeds maximum precision.

The data value has more digits to the left of the decimal point than the declaration of the variable allows.

Revise the program to define the variable with an appropriate precision.

It is not possible to convert between the specified types.
Note: This error is non-trappable.
Data conversion does not make sense, or is not supported.

Possibly you referenced the wrong variable or column. Check that you have specified the data types that you intended and that literal representations of data values are correctly formatted.


Too many digits in the first field of datetime or interval.

The first field of a DATETIME literal must contain 1 or 2 digits (if it is not a YEAR) or else 2 or 4 digits (if it is a YEAR). The first field of an INTERVAL literal represents a count of units and can have up to 9 digits, depending on the precision that is specified in its qualifier.

Review the DATETIME and INTERVAL literals in this statement, and correct them.


Non-numeric character in datetime or interval.

A DATETIME or INTERVAL literal can contain only decimal digits and the allowed delimiters: the hyphen between year, month, and day numbers; the space between day and hour; the colon between hour, minute, and second; and the decimal point between second and fraction. Any other characters, or these characters in the wrong order, produce an error.

Check the value of the literal.


A field in a datetime or interval is out of range.

At least one of the fields in a datetime or interval is incorrect.

Inspect the DATE, DATETIME, and INTERVAL literals in this statement. In a DATE or DATETIME literal, the year might be zero, the month might be other than 1 to 12, or the day might be other than 1 to 31 or inappropriate for the month. Also in a DATETIME literal, the hour might be other than 0 to 23, the minute or second might be other than 0 to 59, or the fraction might have too many digits for the specified precision.


Extra characters at the end of a datetime or interval.

Only spaces can follow a DATETIME or INTERVAL literal.

Inspect this statement for missing or incorrect punctuation.


Overflow occurred on a datetime or interval operation.

An arithmetic operation involving a DATETIME and/or INTERVAL produced a result that cannot fit in the target variable.

Check if the data type can hold the result of the operation. For example, extend the INTERVAL precision by using YEAR(9) or DAY(9).


Intervals or datetimes are incompatible for the operation.

An arithmetic operation mixes DATETIME and/or INTERVAL values that do not match.

Check the data types of the variable used in the operation.


The result of a datetime computation is out of range.

In this statement, a DATETIME computation produced a value that cannot be stored. This situation can occur, for example, if a large interval is added to a DATETIME value. This error can also occur if the resultant date does not exist, such as Feb 29, 1999.

Review the expressions in the statement and see if you can change the sequence of operations to avoid the overflow.


Invalid datetime or interval qualifier.

This statement contains a DATETIME or INTERVAL qualifier that is not acceptable. These qualifiers can contain only the words YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, FRACTION, and TO. A number from 1 to 5 in parentheses can follow FRACTION.

Inspect the statement for missing punctuation and misspelled words. A common error is adding an s, as in MINUTES.


Value exceeds string column length.

You attempted to insert into a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR or LVARCHAR column using a string host variable, but the string is too long.


Value will not fit in a BIGINT or INT8.

The BIGINT data type can accept numbers with a value range from -9223372036854775807 to +9223372036854775807.

To store numbers that are outside this range, redefine the column or variable to use the DECIMAL type.


This value is not among the valid possibilities.

A list or range of acceptable values has been established for this column in the form-specification file.

You must enter a value within the acceptable range.


The two entries were not the same -- please try again.

To guard against typographical errors, this field has been designated VERIFY in the form-specification file. You must enter the value in this field twice, identically.

Carefully reenter the data. Alternatively, you can cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key.


You cannot use this editing feature because a picture exists.

This field is defined in the form-specification file with a PICTURE attribute to specify its format.

You cannot use certain editing keys (for example, CTRL-A, CTRL-D, and CTRL-X) while you are editing such a field. Use only printable characters and backspace to enter the value.


Error in field.

You entered a value in this field that cannot be stored in the program variable that is meant to receive it.

Possibly you entered a decimal number when the application provided only an integer variable, or you entered a character string that is longer than the application expected.


This field requires an entered value.

The cursor is in a form field that has been designated REQUIRED.

You must enter some value before the cursor can move to another field. To enter a null value, type any printable character and then backspace. Alternatively, you can cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key.


Please type again for verification.

The cursor is in a form field that has been designated VERIFY. This procedure helps to ensure that no typographical errors occur during data entry.

You must enter the value twice, identically, before the cursor can move to another field. Alternatively, you can cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key.


Cannot insert another row - the input array is full.

You are entering data into an array of records that is represented in the program by a static array of program variables. That array is now full; no place is available to store another record.

Press the ACCEPT key to process the records that you have entered.


Cannot delete row - it has no data.

You try to delete a row in an empty row. Nothing was deleted.

There are no more rows in the direction you are going.

You are attempting to scroll an array of records farther than it can go, either scrolling up at the top or scrolling down at the bottom of the array. Further attempts will have the same result.


FORMS statement error number error-num.

An error occurred in the form at runtime.

Edit your source file: go to the specified line, correct the error, and recompile the file.


SQL statement error number error-num.

The current SQL statement returned this error code number.


Program stopped at 'filename', line number line-number.

At runtime an error occurred in the specified file at the specified line. No .err file is generated.

Edit your source file, go to the specified line, correct the error, and recompile the file.


A parameter count mismatch has occurred between the calling function and the called function.

Either too many or too few parameters were given in the call to the function.

The call is probably in a different source module from the called functions. Inspect the definition of the function, and check all places where it is called to ensure that they use the number of parameters that it declares.


A function has not returned the correct number of values expected.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

A function that returns several variables has not returned the correct number of parameters.

Check your source code and recompile.


A validation error has occurred as a result of the VALIDATE command.

The VALIDATE LIKE statement tests the current value of variables against rules that are stored in the syscolval table. It has detected a mismatch.

Ordinarily, the program would use the WHENEVER statement to trap this error and display or correct the erroneous values. Inspect the VALIDATE statement to see which variables were being tested and find out why they were wrong.


A report output file cannot be opened: description

The file that the REPORT TO statement specifies cannot be opened. See the description for more details.

Check that your account has permission to write such a file, that the disk is not full, and that you have not exceeded some limit on the number of open files.


A report output pipe cannot be opened.

The pipe that the REPORT TO PIPE statement specifies is unable to be started.

Check that all programs that are named in it exist and are accessible from your execution path. Also look for operating-system messages that might give more specific errors.


A report output file cannot be written to.

The file that the REPORT TO statement specifies was opened, but an error occurred while writing to it.

Possibly the disk is full. Look for operating- system messages that might give more information.


An array variable has been referenced outside of its specified dimensions.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The subscript expression for an array has produced a number that is either less than one or greater than the number of elements in the array.

Review the program logic that leads up to this statement to determine how the error was made.


An insert statement could not be prepared for inserting rows into a temporary table used for a report.

Within the report function, BDL generated an SQL statement to save rows into a temporary table. The dynamic preparation of the statement (see the reference material on the PREPARE statement) produced an error.

Probably the database tables are not defined now, at execution time, as they were when the program was compiled. Either the database has been changed, or the program has selected a different database than the one that was current during compilation. Possibly the database administrator has revoked SELECT privilege from you for one or more of the tables that the report uses. Look for other error messages that might give more details.


A temporary table needed for a report could not be created in the selected database.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

Within the report definition, BDL generated an SQL statement to save rows into a temporary table, but is unable to create the temporary table.

You must have permission to create tables in the selected database, and there must be sufficient disk space left in the database. You may already have a table in your current database with the same name as the temporary table that the report definition is attempting to create as a sorting table; the sorting table is named "t_ reportname ". Another possible cause with some database servers is that you have exceeded an operating-system limit on open files.


A database index could not be created for a temporary database table needed for a report.

Within the report definition, BDL generated SQL statements to save rows into a temporary table; however, an index failed to be created on the temporary table.

Probably an index with the same name already exists in the database. (The sorting index is named "i_reportname"; for example, "i_order_rpt".) Possibly no disk space is available in the file system or dbspace. Another possibility with some database servers is that you have exceeded an operating-system limit on open files.


A row could not be inserted into a temporary report table.

Within the report definition, BDL generated SQL statements that would save rows into a temporary table; however, an error occurred while rows were being inserted.

Probably no disk space is left in the database. Look for other error messages that might give more details.


A row could not be fetched from a temporary report table.

Within the report definition, BDL generated SQL statements to select rows from a temporary table. The table was built successfully but now an error occurred while rows were being retrieved from it.

Almost the only possible cause is a hardware failure or an error in the database server. Check for operating-system messages that might give more details.


A character variable has referenced subscripts that are out of range.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

In the current statement, a variable that is used in taking a substring of a character value contains a number less than one or a number greater than the size of the variable, or the first substring expression is larger than the second.

Review the program logic that leads up to this statement to find the cause of the error.


A report is accepting output or being finished before it has been started.

The program executed an OUTPUT TO REPORT or FINISH REPORT statement before it executed a START REPORT.

Review the program logic that leads up to this statement to find the cause of the error.


The variable variable-name has been redefined with a different type or length, definition in module-name-1.4gl, redefinition in module-name-2.4gl.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The variable that is shown is defined in the GLOBALS section of two or more modules, but it is defined differently in some modules than in others.

Possibly modules were compiled at different times, with some change to the common GLOBALS file between. Possibly the variable is declared as a module variable in some module that does not include the GLOBALS file.


The function 'function-name' has not been defined in any module in the program.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The named function is called from at least one module of the program, but it is defined in none.

Verify that the module containing the function is a part of the program, and that the function name is correctly spelled.


The error log has not been started.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The program called the errorlog() function without first calling the startlog() function.

Review the program logic to find out the cause of this error.


Character to numeric conversion error.

A character value is being converted to numeric form for storage in a numeric column or variable; however, the character string cannot be interpreted as a number. It contains some characters other than whitespace, digits, a sign, a decimal, or the letter e, or else the parts are in the wrong order so that the number cannot be deciphered.


Use '!' to edit TEXT and BYTE fields.

This is a normal message text used outside an error context.


Cannot build temporary file.

A TEXT or BYTE variable has been located in a temporary file using the LOCATE statement. The current statement assigns a value into that variable, so BDL attempted to create the temporary file, but an error occurred.

Possibly no disk space is available, or your account does not have permission to create a temporary file. Look for operating-system error messages that might give more information.


Write error on blob file 'file-name'.

The runtime system could not write to a TEXT or BYTE storage file. For more information, look for operating-system messages.


Read error on blob file 'file-name'.

The runtime system could not read from a TEXT or BYTE storage file. For more information, look for operating-system messages.


No PROGRAM= clause for this field.

No external program has been designated for this field using the PROGRAM attribute in the form-specification file (For Text User Interface mode on ASCII terminals only)


The field 'field-name' is not in the list of fields in the CONSTRUCT/INPUT statement.

The built-in function get_fldbuf() or field_touched() has been called with the field name shown; however, input from that field was not requested in this CONSTRUCT or INPUT statement. As a result, the function cannot return any useful value.

Review all uses of these functions, and compare them to the list of fields at the beginning of the statement.


SQL character truncation or transaction warning.

The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. If the statement involved is a DATABASE statement, the condition is that the database that was just opened uses a transaction log. On any other statement, the condition is that a character value from the database had to be truncated to fit in its destination.


SQL NULL value in aggregate or mode ANSI database warning.

The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. If the statement that is involved is a DATABASE statement, the condition is that the database that was just opened is ANSI compliant. On any other statement, the condition is that a null value has been used in the computation of an aggregate value.


SQL, database server, or program variable mismatch warning.

The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. If the statement that is involved is a DATABASE or CREATE DATABASE statement, the condition is that the database server opened the database. On any other statement, the condition is that a SELECT statement returned more values than there were program variables to contain them.


SQL float-to-decimal conversion warning.

The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. The condition is that in the database that was just opened, the database server will use the DECIMAL data type for FLOAT values.


SQL non-ANSI extension warning.

A database operation was performed that is not part of ANSI SQL, although the current database is ANSI compliant. This message is informational only.


A report PRINT FILE source file cannot be opened for reading.

The file that is named in a PRINT FILE statement cannot be opened.

Review the file name. If it is not in the current directory, you must specify the full path. If the file exists, make sure your account has permissions to read it.


The character data value does not convert correctly to the field type.

You have entered a character value (a quoted string) into a field that has a different data type (for example INTEGER); however, the characters that you entered cannot be converted to the type of the field.

Re-enter the data.


An illegal color has been specified. Colors 0 through 7 are white, yellow, magenta, red, cyan, green, blue, and black.

Use one of the color names allowed by the COLOR attribute syntax.


There is already a record 'record-name' specified.

A screen record is automatically defined for each table that is used in the ATTRIBUTES section to define a field. If you define a record with the name of a table, it is seen as a duplicate.

Check that the record-name of every screen record and screen array is unique in the form specification.


The symbol 'symbol-name' does not represent a table prefix used in this form.

In a SCREEN RECORD statement, each component must be introduced by the name of the table as defined in the TABLES section or by the word FORMONLY.

Review the spelling of the indicated name against the TABLES section, and check the punctuation of the rest of the statement.


Screen record array 'record-name' has different component sizes.

The screen record array name has component sizes which either differ from the specified dimension of the array or differ among themselves. This error message appears when one or more of the columns appear a different number of times.

The dimension of the screen array is written in square brackets that follow its name. Verify that the dimensions of the screen array match the screen fields.


The attributes AUTONEXT, DEFAULT, INCLUDE, VERIFY, RIGHT and ZEROFILL are not supported for BLOB fields.

Columns of the data type specified cannot be used in the ways that these attributes imply.

Check that the table and column names are as you intended, and verify the current definition of the table in the database that the DATABASE statement names.


The form 'form-name' cannot be opened.

The form filename cannot be opened. This is probably because it does not exist, or the user does not have read permission.

Check the spelling of filename. Check that the form file exists in your current directory. If it is in another directory, check that the correct pathname has been provided. On a UNIXâ„¢ system, if these things are correct, verify that your account has read permission on the file.


The conditional attributes of a field cannot depend on the values of other fields.

The boolean expression in a WHERE clause of a COLOR attribute can use only the name of that field and constants.

Revise this attribute, and recompile the form.


Field 'field-name' has validation string error, String = string.

One of the formatting or validation strings that is stored in the syscolval or syscolatt tables is improperly coded. The string is shown as is the field to which it applies.

Update the string in the tables.


The name 'database-name' is not an existing database name.

This name, which was found in the DATABASE statement at the start of the form specification, is not a database that can be found.

Check the spelling of the database name and the database entries in the FGLPROFILE file.


The label name between brackets is incorrectly given or the label is missing.

In the layout section of a form specification, it is recommended that brackets contain a simple name. Instead, they contain spaces or an invalid name.

Check the layout section of the form for invalid form item labels.


A left square bracket has been found on this line, with no right square bracket to match it.

Every left square bracket field delimiter must have a right square bracket delimiter on the same line.

Review the form definition file to make sure all fields are properly marked.


The field label 'label-name' was not defined in the form.

The indicated name appears at the left of this ATTRIBUTES statement, but it does not appear within brackets in the SCREEN section.

Review the field tags that have been defined to see why this one was omitted.


The column 'column-name' does not appear in the form specification.

A name in this ATTRIBUTES statement has not been defined in the form specification.

Check that all names in the statement are spelled correctly and defined properly.


The field 'field-name' is not a member of the table 'table-name'.

Something in this statement suggests that the name shown is part of this table, but that is not true in the current database.

Review the spelling of the two names. If they are as you intended, check that the correct database is in use and that the table has not been altered.


The column 'column-name' is a member of more then one table -- you must specify the table name.

Two or more tables that are named in the TABLES section have columns with the name shown.

You must make clear which table you mean. To do this, write the table name as a prefix of the column name, as table.column, wherever this name is used in the form specification.


There is a column/value type mismatch for 'column-name'.

This statement assigns a value to the field with the DEFAULT clause or uses its value with the INCLUDE clause, but it does so with data that does not agree with the data type of the field.

Review the data type of the field (which comes from the column with which it is associated), and make sure that only compatible values are assigned.


The table 'table-name' cannot be found in the database.

The indicated table does not exist in the database that is named in the form.

Check the spelling of the table name and database name. If they are as you intended, either you are not using the version of the database that you expected, or the database has been changed.


The column 'column-name' does not exist among the specified tables.

The tables that are specified in the TABLES section of the form exist, but column-name, which is named in the ATTRIBUTES section, does not.

Check its spelling against the actual table. Possibly the table was altered, or the column was renamed.


The table 'table-name' is not among the specified tables.

The indicated table is used in this statement but is not defined in the TABLES section of the form specification.

Check its spelling; if it is as you intended, add the table in the TABLES section.


The column 'column-name' does not exist in the table 'table-name'.

Something in this statement implies that the column shown is part of the indicated table (most likely the statement refers to table-name.column-name); however, it is not defined in that table.

Check the spelling of both names. If they are as you intended, then make sure that the database schema (.sch) is up to date; possibly the table has been altered or the column renamed, and thus needs a new db schema extraction with the fgldbsch tool.


The column 'column-name' appears more then once. If you wish a column to be duplicated in a form, use the same display field label.

The same column name is listed in the ATTRIBUTES section more than once.

The expected way to display the same column in two or more places is to put two or more fields in the screen layout, each with the same tag-name. Then put a single statement in the ATTRIBUTES section to associate that tag-name with the column name. The current column value will be duplicated in all fields. If you intended to display different columns that happen to have the same column-names, prefix each column with its table-name.


The display field label 'label-name' appears more than once in this form, but the lengths are different.

You can put multiple copies of a field in the screen layout (all will display the same column), but all copies must be the same length.

Review the form definition to make sure that, if you intended to have multiple copies of one field, all copies are the same.


The display field label 'label-name' has not been used.

A field tag has been declared in the screen section of the form- specification file but is not defined in the attributes section.

Check your form-specification file.


The display label 'label-name' has already been used.

The forms compiler indicates that name has been defined twice. These names must be defined uniquely in the form specification.

Review all uses of the name to see if one of them is incorrect.


See error number error-num.

The database server returned an error that is shown.

Look up the shown error in the database server documentation.


A blob variable or cursor name expected .

The argument to the FREE statement must be the name of a cursor or prepared statement or, in BDL, the name of a variable with the BYTE or TEXT data type.

Check the name used after the FREE keyword.


The number of variables and/or constants in the display list does not match the number of form fields in the display destination.

There must be exactly as many items in the list of values to display as there are fields listed following the TO keyword in this statement.

Review the statement.


The number of input variables does not match the number of form fields in the screen input list.

Your INPUT statement must specify the same number of variables as it does fields.

When checking this, keep in mind that when you refer to a record using an asterisk or THRU, it is the same as listing each record component individually.


Printing cannot be done within a loop or CASE statement contained in report headers or trailers.

BDL needs to know how many lines of space will be devoted to page headers and trailers; otherwise, it does not know how many detail rows to allow on a page. Since it cannot predict how many times a loop will be executed, or which branch of a CASE will be execute, it forbids the use of PRINT in these contexts within FIRST PAGE HEADER, PAGE HEADER, and PAGE TRAILER sections.

Re-arrange the code to place the PRINT statement where it will always be executed.


The symbol 'symbol-name' has been defined more than once.

The variable that is shown has appeared in at least one other DEFINE statement before this one.

Review your code. If this DEFINE is within a function or the MAIN section, the prior one is also. If this DEFINE is outside any function, the prior one is also outside any function; however, it might be within the file included by the GLOBALS statement.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is not the name of a table in the specified database.

The named table does not appear in the database.

Review the statement. The table name may be spelled wrong in the program, or the table might have been dropped or renamed since the last time the program was compiled.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is not the name of a column in the specified database.

The preceding statement suggests that the named column is part of a certain table in the specified database. The table exists, but the column does not appear in it.

Check the spelling of the column name. If it is spelled as you intended, then either the table has been altered, or the column renamed, or you are not accessing the database you expected.


The variable 'variable-name' is too complex to be used in an assignment statement.

The named variable is a complex variable like a record or an array, which cannot be used in a LET statement.

You must assign groups of components to groups of components using asterisk notation.


The variable 'variable-name' is not a character type, and cannot be used to contain the result of concatenation.

This statement attempts to concatenate two or more character strings (using the comma as the concatenation operator) and assign the result to the named variable. Unfortunately, it is not a character variable, and automatic conversion from characters cannot be performed in this case.

Assign the concatenated string to a character variable; then, if you want to treat the result as numeric, assign the string as a whole to a numeric variable.


The source and destination records in this record assignment statement are not compatible in types and/or length.

This statement uses asterisk notation to assign all components of one record to the corresponding components of another; however, the components do not correspond. Note that BDL matches record components strictly by position, the first to the first, second to second, and so on; it does not match them by name.

If the source and destination records do not have the same number and type of components, you will have to write a simple assignment statement for each component.


The variable 'variable-name' is not of type integer. It cannot be used as a loop index.

The named variable must be of type TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER or BIGINT.


The variable 'variable-name' is too complex to be used as the destination of a return from a function.

The named variable is too complex to be assigned directly in a RETURNING clause.

Individual members of the complex variable must be returned separately.


RETURN statements can be executed only within functions.

This error occurs when the RETURN clause is used in an invalid context such as MAIN, REPORT or DIALOG blocks.


The function 'function-name' has already been called with a different number of parameters.

Earlier in the program, there is a call to this same function or event with a different number of parameters in the parameter list. At least one of these calls must be in error.

Examine the FUNCTION statement for the named function to find out the correct number of parameters. Then examine all calls to it, and make sure that they are written correctly.


The variable 'variable-name' in its current form is too complex to be used in this statement.

The variable has too many component parts. Only simple variables (those that have a single component) can be used in this statement.

If variable-name is an array, you must provide a subscript to select just one element. If it is a record, you must choose just one of its components; however, if this statement permits a list of variables, as in the INITIALIZE statement, you can use asterisk or THRU notation to convert a record name into a list of components.


The symbol 'field-name' is not an element of the record 'record-name'.

The field name used in a record.field expression is not identified as a member of the record variable.

Find the definition of the record (it may be in the GLOBALS file), verify the names of its fields, and correct the spelling of field-name .


The parameter 'param-name' has not been defined within the function or report.

The name variable-name appears in the parameter list of the FUNCTION statement for this function; however, it does not appear in a DEFINE statement within the function. All parameters must be defined in their function before use.

Review your code. Possibly you wrote a DEFINE statement but did not spell variable-name the same way in both places.


The symbol 'symbol-name' has already been defined once as a parameter.

The name that is shown appears in the parameter list of the FUNCTION statement and in at least two DEFINE statements within the function body.

Review your code. Only one appearance in a DEFINE statement is permitted.


The variable 'variable-name' is too complex a type to be used in an expression.

In an expression, only simple variables (those that have a single component) can be used.

If the variable indicated is an array, you must provide a subscript to select just one element. If it is a record or object, you must choose just one of its components.


Aggregate functions are only allowed in reports and SELECT statements.

Aggregate functions such as SUM, AVG, and MAX can only appear in SQL statements and within certain statements that you use in the context of a report body. They are not supported in ordinary expressions in program statements.

Review the code and check that the aggregate functions are in an SQL statement or in the correct blocks of the REPORT routine.


Subscripting cannot be applied to the variable 'variable-name'.

You tried to use a [x,y] subscript expression with a variable that is neither a character data type or an array type.

Check the variable data type and make sure it can be used with a subscript expression.


The variable 'variable-name' is not a record. It cannot reference record elements.

In this statement variable-name appears followed by a dot, followed by another name. This is the way you would refer to a component of a record variable; however, variable-name is not defined as a record.

Either you have written the name of the wrong variable, or else variable-name is not defined the way you intended.


The type of this ORDER BY or GROUP item specified for the report is not valid for sorting.

A REPORT routine defines an ORDER BY or GROUP clause using a variable defined with a type such as TEXT and BYTE, that is too complex to be used in comparisons. As result, columns with such types cannot be used to sort or group rows.

Review the report and sort or group rows by using items defined with simple data types.


A PAGE HEADER has already been specified within this report.

Only one PAGE HEADER control block is allowed in a REPORT.

Search for other PAGE HEADER sections and combine all statements in a unique control block.


A PAGE TRAILER has already been specified within this report.

Only one PAGE TRAILER control block is allowed in a REPORT.

Search for other PAGE TRAILER sections and combine all statements in a unique control block.


A FIRST PAGE HEADER has already been specified within this report.

Only one FIRST PAGE TRAILER control block is allowed in a REPORT.

Search for other FIRST PAGE TRAILER sections and combine all statements in a unique control block.


An ON EVERY ROW clause has already been specified within this report.

Only one ON EVERY ROW control block is allowed in a REPORT.

Search for other ON EVERY ROW sections and combine all statements in a unique control block.


An ON LAST ROW clause has already been specified within this report.

Only one ON LAST ROW control block is allowed in a REPORT.

Search for other ON LAST ROW sections and combine all statements in a unique control block.


Group aggregates can occur only in AFTER GROUP clauses.

The aggregate functions that apply to a group of rows (GROUP COUNT/PERCENT/SUM/AVG/MIN/MAX) can only be used at the point in the report when a complete group has been processed, namely, in the AFTER GROUP control block.

Make sure that the AFTER GROUP block exists and was recognized. If you need the value of a group aggregate at another time (for instance, in a PAGE TRAILER control block), you can save it in a module variable with a LET statement in the AFTER GROUP block.


The report cannot skip lines while in a loop within a header or trailer.

BDL needs to know how many lines of space will be devoted to the page header and trailer (otherwise it does not know how many detail rows to allow on the page). It cannot predict how many times a loop will be executed, so it has to forbid the use of SKIP statements in loops in the PAGE HEADER, PAGE TRAILER, and FIRST PAGE HEADER sections.

Review the report header or trailer to avoid SKIP in loops.


The symbol 'symbol-name' does not represent a defined variable.

The name shown appears where a variable would be expected, but it does not match any variable name in a DEFINE statement that applies to this context.

Check the spelling of the name. If it is the name you intended, look back and find out why it has not yet been defined. Possibly the GLOBALS statement has been omitted from this source module, or it names an incorrect file. Possibly this code has been copied from another module or another function, but the DEFINE statement was not copied also.


Cursors must be uniquely declared within one program module.

In the statement DECLARE cursor-name CURSOR, the identifier cursor-name can be used in only one DECLARE statement in the source file. This is true even when the DECLARE statement appears inside a function. Although a program variable made with the DEFINE statement is local to the function, a cursor within a function is still global to the whole module

Search for duplicated cursor names and change the name to have unique identifiers.


The cursor 'cursor-name' has not yet been declared in this program.

The name shown appears where the name of a declared cursor or a prepared statement is expected; however, no cursor (or statement) of that name has been declared (or prepared) up to this point in the program.

Check the spelling of the name. If it is the name you intended, look back in the program to see why it has not been declared. Possibly the DECLARE statement appears in a GLOBALS file that was not included.


This type of statement can only be used within a MENU statement.

This statement only makes sense within the context of a MENU statement.

Review the program in this vicinity to see if an END MENU statement has been misplaced. If you intended to set up the appearance of a menu before displaying it, use a BEFORE MENU block within the scope of the MENU.


The page length is too short to cover the specified page header and trailer lengths.

A REPORT defines page header and trailer sections with a total number of lines that is not sufficiently less than the specified page length in order to print some detail lines.

Review the [FIRST] PAGE HEADER and PAGE TRAILER blocks to use less lines or increase the page length.


The input file 'file-name' cannot be opened.

Either the file does not exist, or, on UNIX, your account does not have permission to read it.

Possibly the filename is misspelled, or the directory path leading to the file was specified incorrectly.


The listing file 'file-name' cannot be created.

The file cannot be created.

Check that the directory path leading to the file is specified correctly and, on UNIX systems, that your account has permission to create a file in that directory. Look for other, more explicit, error messages from the operating system. Possibly the disk is full, or you have reached a limit on the number of open files.


Record variables that contain array type elements may not be referenced by the ".*" or THROUGH shorthand, or used as a function parameter.

The .* and THROUGH/THRU notation is used to expand a record with an array member.

It is allowed to define a record with an array member, but this element must always be used with its full designation of record.array[n]. The .* or THROUGH/THRU notation only expands simple members of the record.


The elements 'name-1' and 'name-2' do not belong to the same record.

The two names shown are used where two components of one record are required; however, they are not components of the same record.

Check the spelling of both names. If they are spelled as you intended, go back to the definition of the record and see why it does not include both names as component fields.


In this type of statement, subscripting may be applied only to array.

The statement contains a name followed by square brackets, but the name is not that of an array variable.

Check the punctuation of the statement and the spelling of all names. Names that are subscripted must be arrays. If you intended to use a character substring in this statement, you will have to revise the program.


The number of dimensions for the variable 'variable-name' does not match the number of subscripts.

In this statement, the array whose name is shown is subscripted by a different number of dimensions than it was defined to have.

Check the punctuation of the subscript. If it is as you intended, then review the DEFINE statement where variable-name is defined.


There is a numeric constant in the previous line that is too large or too small.

The compiler is unable to process a numeric constant because it is too big or too small to represent a valid SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT or DECIMAL constant.

Check the number of digits and the punctuation of the numeric constant. Make sure you have not typed a letter for a digit for example.


The label 'label-name' has been used but has never been defined within the above main program or function.

A GOTO or WHENEVER statement refers to the label shown, but there is no corresponding LABEL statement in the current function or main program.

Check the spelling of the label. If it is as you intended it, find and inspect the LABEL statement that defines it. You cannot transfer out of a program block with GOTO; labels must be defined in the same function body where they are used.


An ORDER BY or GROUP item specified within a report must be one of the report parameters.

The names used in a ORDER BY, AFTER GROUP OF, or BEFORE GROUP OF statement must also appear in the parameter list of the REPORT statement. It is not possible to order or group based on a global variable or other expression.

Check the spelling of the names in the statement and compare them to the REPORT statement.


There is an error in the validation string: 'validation-string'.

The validation string in the syscolval table is not correct.

Change the appropriate DEFAULT or INCLUDE value in the syscolval table.


This type of statement can be used only in a report.

Statements such as PRINT, SKIP, or NEED are meaningful only within the body of a report function, where there is an implicit report listing to receive output.

Remove the report specific statement from the code which is not in a report body.


The variable used in the INPUT ARRAY or DISPLAY ARRAY statement must be an array.

The name following the words DISPLAY ARRAY or INPUT ARRAY must be that of an array of records.

Check the spelling of the name. If it is as you intended, find and inspect the DEFINE statement to see why it is not an array. (If you want to display or input a simple variable or a single element of an array, use the DISPLAY or INPUT statement.)


The number of lines printed in the IF part of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement of a header or trailer clause must equal the number of lines printed in the ELSE part.

The runtime system needs to know how many lines will be filled in header and trailer sections (otherwise it does not know how many detail rows to put on the page). Because it cannot tell which part of an IF statement will be executed, it requires that both produce the same number of lines of output.

Use the same number of occurrences of PRINT statements in each block of the IF statement.


The variable 'variable-name' has not been defined like the table 'table-name'.

The named variable has been used in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement or in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement, but it was not define LIKE the table being modified. As a result, then runtime system cannot associate record components with table columns.

Make sure the schema file is up to date and check that the variable was defined like the table. You can also rewrite the UPDATE or INSERT statement with a different syntax to show the explicit relationship between column names and record components.


The field 'field-name-1' precedes 'field-name-2' in the record 'record-name' and must also precede it when used with the THROUGH shorthand.

The THROUGH or THRU shorthand requires you to give the starting and ending fields as they appear in physical sequence in the record.

Check the spelling of the names; if they are as you intended, then refer to the VARIABLE statement where the record was defined to see why they are not in the sequence you expected.


'key-name' is not a recognized key value.

The key name used in an ON KEY clause is not known by the compiler.

Search the documentation for possible key names (F1-F255, Control-?).


Cannot open the file 'file-name' for reading or writing.

Note: This error is non-trappable.
The file cannot be opened because:
  • You do not have permissions. Verify that your account has permission to read or write to the file.
  • The file cannot be found. Verify that the file name is correctly spelled and that it exist. Also the source of the file path, such as an environment or program variable, that would give you the proper path may not be set properly. Check your environment configuration and review your code.

The function (or report) 'function-name' has already been defined.

Each function (or report, which is similar to a function) must have a unique name within the program.

Change the function or report name.


You may have at most 4 keys in the list.

An interactive instruction defines a ON KEY() clause with more that 4 keys.

Remove keys from the list.


One dimension of this array has exceeded the limit of 65535.

The program is using a static array with a dimension that exceeds the limit.

Use a dimension below the 65535 limit.


The NEXT FIELD statement can only be used within an INPUT or CONSTRUCT statement.

The NEXT FIELD statement is used outside an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY or CONSTRUCT statement.

Remove the NEXT FIELD statement from that part of the code.


The number of columns must match the number of values in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement.

In an UPDATE statement, the number of values used does not match the number of columns.

Check for the table definition, then either add or remove values or columns from the UPDATE statement.


Record members may not be used with database column substring.

This statement has a reference of the form name1.name2[...]. This is the form in which you would refer to a substring of a column: table.column[...] ; however, the names are not a table and column in the database, so BDL presumes they refer to a field of a record.

Inspect the statement and determine what was intended: a reference to a column or to a record. If it is a column reference, verify the names of the table and column in the database. If it is a record reference, verify that the record and component are properly defined.


The variable 'variable-name' is an array. You must specify one of its elements in this statement.

You tried to use an array without element specification in a SQL statement.

Use one of the members of the array.


Only blob variables of type BYTE or TEXT may be used in a LOCATE statement.

The LOCATE statement is using a variable defined with a data type different from BYTE or TEXT.

Make sure the variables used with LOCATE are defined as BYTE or TEXT.


The program cannot CONTINUE or EXIT statement-type at this point because it is not immediately within statement-type statement.

This CONTINUE or EXIT statement is not appropriate in its context.

Review your code. Possibly the statement is misplaced, or the statement type was specified incorrectly.


A variable used in the above statement must be a global variable.

A REPORT routine is defining an OUTPUT REPORT TO using a local function variable or report parameter.

Review the report clause to use a global or module variable instead.


You cannot have multiple BEFORE clauses for the same field.

You cannot specify more than one BEFORE FIELD clause for the same field.

Review your code to eliminate multiple BEFORE FIELD clauses.


You cannot have multiple AFTER clauses for the same field.

You cannot specify more than one AFTER FIELD clause for the same field.

Review your code to eliminate multiple AFTER FIELD clauses.


Wordwrap may not be used within report headers or trailers.

The report routine uses the WORDWRAP clause in the FIRST PAGE HEADER, PAGE HEADER or PAGE TRAILER sections.

Remove the WORDWRAP clause from the expression.


Startfield of DATETIME or INTERVAL qualifiers must come earlier in the time-list than its endfield.

The qualifier for a DATETIME or INTERVAL consists of start TO end, where the start and end are chosen from this list: YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE SECOND FRACTION.

The keyword for the start field must come earlier in the list than, or be the same as, the keyword for the end field.

Check the order of the startfield and endfield qualifiers. For example, qualifiers of DAY TO FRACTION and MONTH TO MONTH are valid but one of MINUTE TO HOUR is not.


Parenthetical precision of FRACTION must be between 1 and 5. No precision can be specified for other time units.

In a DATETIME qualifier only the FRACTION field may have a precision in parentheses, and it must be a single digit from 1 to 5.

Check the DATETIME qualifiers in the current statement; one of them violates these rules. The first field of an INTERVAL qualifier may also have a parenthesized precision from 1 to 5.


The function 'function-name' can only be used within an INPUT or CONSTRUCT statement.

The function shown is being used outside of an INPUT or CONSTRUCT statement; however, it returns a result that is only meaningful in the context of INPUT or CONSTRUCT.

Review the code to make sure that an END INPUT or END CONSTRUCT statement has not been misplaced. Review the operation and use of the function to make sure you understand it.


No more than one BEFORE or AFTER INPUT/CONSTRUCT clause can appear in an INPUT/CONSTRUCT statement.

There may be only one BEFORE block of statements to initialize each of these statement types.

Make sure that the scope of all your INPUT, CONSTRUCT and MENU statements is correctly marked with END statements. Then combine all the preparation code into a single BEFORE block for each one.


CANCEL INSERT can only be used in the BEFORE INSERT clause of an INPUT ARRAY statement.

The CANCEL INSERT statement is being used outside of the BEFORE INSERT clause of an INPUT ARRAY.

Review the code to make sure that CANCEL INSERT has not been used anywhere except in the BEFORE INSERT clause.


CANCEL DELETE can only be used in the BEFORE DELETE clause of an INPUT ARRAY statement.

The CANCEL DELETE statement is being used outside of BEFORE DELETE clause of an INPUT ARRAY.

Review the code to make sure that CANCEL DELETE has not been used anywhere except in the BEFORE DELETE clause.


The report output, specified by a START REPORT statement, is not any of file, pipe, screen, printer, pipe in line mode, or pipe in form mode.

The output of a report can be sent only to any of file, pipe (in form or line modes), screen, or printer.

Check the START REPORT instruction and make sure that the OUTPUT clause specifies one of the supported values.


This syntax is not supported here. Use [screenrecordname.]screenfieldname.

The field name specification in a BEFORE FIELD or AFTER FIELD is not valid.

Check for the field name and use [screenrecordname.]screenfieldname syntax.


Fatal internal error: description ( line-number ).

This generic error occurs when the fglcomp compiler cannot identify the problem and must stop processing the source.

Check the code near the line displayed in the error message.


Licensing issue.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

This error is raised when a licensing problem occurs.

See the detailed license error message for more details.

-6001 to -6199

The error range -6001 to -6199 is reserved for Fourjs License Manager (FLM) errors. See FLM documentation for more details.


Module 'module-name': The function function-name(np-1,nr-1) will be called as function-name(np-2,nr-2).

Note: This error is non-trappable.
An incorrect number of parameters and/or return variables are used to call a FUNCTION. The numbers shown in parentheses indicate the parameter count and returns count, respectively in the function definition and in the calling statement.

Modify the source code to make the number of parameters and returns match.

For more details, see Checking function parameters/returns.


Module 'module-name': Bad version: Recompile your sources.

You have compiled your program with an old version. The newly compiled version of your program is not supported.

Compile all source files and form files again.


filename 'file-name': Bad magic: Code cannot run with this p code machine.

You have compiled your program with an old version. The new compiled version of your program is not supported. You might also have a file with the same name as the .42r. You used the fglrun 42r-Name without specifying the extension.

To resolve this problem, call fglrun with the .42r extension or recompile your application.


Module 'module-name-1': The function 'function-name' has already been defined in module 'module-name-2'.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The specified function is defined for the second time in the application. The second occurrence of the function is in the specified module.

Eliminate one of the two function definitions from your source code.


Module 'module-name': Unknown op-code.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

An unknown instruction was found in the compiled BDL application.

Check that the version of the Genero Business Development Language package executing the compiled application is the same as the one that compiled the application. It is also possible that the compiled module has been corrupted. If so, you will need to recompile your application.



Note: This error is non-trappable.

This error is internal, and does not normally occur.

Contact your Technical Support.


The 42m module 'module-name' could not be loaded, check FGLLDPATH environment variable.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The .42m module is not in the current directory or in one of the directories specified by the FGLLDPATH environment variable.

Set the environment variable FGLLDPATH with the path to the .42m modules to be loaded.


The dynamic loaded module 'module-name' does not contain the function 'function-name'.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

A BDL module has been changed and recompiled, but the different modules of the application have not been linked afterward.

Link the new modules together before you execute your application.


Module 'module-name' already loaded.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

A module was loaded twice at runtime. This can occur because one module has been concatenated with another.

Recompile and re-link your BDL modules.


INTERNAL ERROR: exception 2 raised before invoking the exception handler for exception 1.

A module was loaded twice at runtime. This can occur because one module has been concatenated with another.

Check for function names, recompile and re-link your BDL modules.


Link has failed.

A problem occurred while linking the BDL program.

Check for function names, recompile and re-link your BDL modules.


Function function-name : local variables size is too large - Allocation failed.

A local function variable is too large and runtime is unable to allocate memory.

Review the variable data types in the function.


Module module-name : Module's variable size is too large - Allocation failed.

A module variable is too large and runtime is unable to allocate memory.

Review the variable data types in the module.


Global variable variable-name size is too large - Allocation failed.

A global variable is too large and runtime is unable to allocate memory.

Review the variable data types in the globals.


Memory allocation failed. Ending program.

Runtime is unable to allocate memory.

Check for system resources and verify if the OS user is allowed to allocate as much memory as the program needs (check for ulimits on UNIX systems).


The global 'constant-name' has been redefined with a different constant-value.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

A global constant has been defined twice with a different value.

A global constant may have only one value. Review your code.


The global 'variable-name' has been defined as a constant and a variable.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The same symbol was used to define a constant and a variable.

Use a different name for the constant and the variable. Review your code.


No runtime. You must call fgl_start() before calling fgl_call().

This error occurs when a C extension has redefined the main() routine, but then does not call fgl_start() to initialize the BDL runtime environment.

Check the C extension and call fgl_start() before any other operation.


WHENEVER ERROR CALL: The error-handler recursively calls itself.

The function specified with the WHENEVER ERROR CALL instruction raises an error that would call itself recursively.

Review the function called by the WHENEVER ERROR CALL and make sure it does not produce a runtime error.

Could not load C extension library ' library-name'. Reason: description
Note: This error is non-trappable.
Runtime system is unable to find the shared library for the reason given.

Check if the C extension library exists in one of the directories defined by FGLLDPATH. If the C extension module depends on other shared libraries, make sure that these libraries can be found by the library loader of the operating system (check the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on UNIX or the PATH environment variable on Windows®).


C extension initialization failed with status number.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

C extension failed to initialize and returned the status shown in the error message.

Check the C extension source or documentation.

class-name class not found.
Note: This error is non-trappable.
The program was compiled with the built-in class class-name but at execution time the class is not found.

Check you installation, it is possible that you are executing program that was compiled with a younger version as the version used in the execution context, which certainly is missing that class in the runtime library.


No such symbol: symbol-name.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The runtime system loads a module dynamically (on demand) and searches for the symbol in a given module. But the symbol is not found, for example, because of an invalid FGLLDPATH, or because the installed module no longer contains the symbol (after a recompilation).


Can not connect to GUI: description

You have run a GUI application but the environment variable FGLSERVER is not set correctly, or the Genero client (graphical front-end) is not running.

It is recommended that the FGLSERVER environment variable is set to the hostname and port of the graphical front-end used by the runtime system to display the application windows. Check that the network connection is still available, make sure no firewall denies access to the workstation, and make sure the front-end is still running.


Can not write to GUI: description

Note: This error is non-trappable.

You are running a GUI application but for an unknown reason the front-end no longer responds and the runtime system is unable to write to the GUI socket.

Check that the network connection is still available, make sure no firewall denies access to the workstation, and see whether the front-end is still running.


Can not read from GUI: description

Note: This error is non-trappable.

You are running a GUI application but for an unknown reason the front-end no longer responds and the runtime system is unable to read from the GUI socket.

Check that the network connection is still available, make sure no firewall denies access to the workstation, and see whether the front-end is still running.


Invalid user interface protocol.

You are trying to execute a program with a runtime system that uses a different AUI protocol version as the front-end.

Install either a new front-end or a new runtime environment that matches (2.0x with 2.0x, 1.3x with 1.3x).


Invalid abstract user interface definition.

You are trying to execute a program with a runtime system that uses a different AUI protocol version as the front-end.

Install either a new front-end or a new runtime environment that matches (2.0x with 2.0x, 1.3x with 1.3x).


Can not open char table file. Check your fglprofile.

This error occurs if the conversion file defined by the gui.chartable entry, in the $FGLDIR/etc/fglprofile file, is not readable by the current user.

Check if the gui.chartable entry is correctly set and if the specified file is readable by the current user.


Can not open server file. Check installation.

A file on the server side cannot be sent to the graphical interface.

Check the permissions of the file located in the $FGLDIR/etc directory. These files must have at least read permission for the current user.


GUI server autostart: can not identify workstation.

GUI Server autostart configuration is wrong. Either DISPLAY, FGLSERVER or FGLPROFILE settings are invalid.

Set the required environment variables and check for FGLPROFILE autostart entries.


GUI server autostart: unknown workstation: check gui.server.autostart entries.

The computer described by the X11 DISPLAY environment variable is neither the local host, nor is it listed in the FGLPROFILE entries.

Check if the X11 DISPLAY name is correctly set, or review the FGLPROFILE entries.


Not connected. Cannot write to GUI.

For unknown reasons there was an attempt to write on the GUI socket before the connection was initiated.

Check the program for invalid GUI operations.


Not connected. Cannot read from GUI.

For unknown reasons there was an attempt to read on the GUI socket before the connection was initiated.

Check the program for invalid GUI operations.


No current window.

The program tries to issue a MENU instruction with no current window open.

Review the program logic and make sure a window is open before MENU.


The type of the user interface (FGLGUI) is invalid.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

While initiating the user interface, the runtime system did not recognize the GUI type and stopped.

Make sure the FGLGUI environment variable has a correct value.


The UserInterface has been destroyed.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The error occurs when the front-end sends a DestroyEvent event, indicating some inconsistency with the starting program. This can happen, for example, when multiple StartMenus are used, or when you try to run an MDI child without a parent container, or when two MDI containers are started with the same name, etc.

Check for inconsistency and fix it.


Wrong connection string. Check client version.

While starting the program, the runtime received a wrong or incorrectly constructed answer from the front-end.

Make sure you are using a front-end that is compatible with the runtime system.


The form is too complex for the console-ui.

The program tries to display a form with a complex layout that cannot be displayed in text mode.

Review the form file and use a simple grid with a SCREEN section instead of LAYOUT.


Error error-num returned from client: description

Note: This error is non-trappable.

Front-end returned the specified error during GUI connection initialization.

Check the front-end documentation for more details.


Invalid or unsupported client protocol feature.

The GUI protocol feature you are trying to use is not supported by the front-end. For example, you are trying to use protocol compression but the runtime is not able to compress data.

Make sure that the front-end component is compatible with the runtime system (versions must be close). Check the runtime system version for supported protocol features. If compression is enabled, check that the zlib library is installed on your system.


Choosing the DIALOG implementation by setting the environment variable FGL_USENDIALOG=0 has been desupported since version 2.20.03.

You try to use the old dialog implementation by setting FGL_USENDIALOG to zero.

The old dialog implementation has been removed, you must unset the FGL_USENDIALOG environment variable.


Internal error in the database library. Set FGLSQLDEBUG to get more details.

An unexpected internal error occurred in the database driver.

Set the FGLSQLDEBUG environment variable to level 1, 2, 3 or 4 to get detailed debug information.


Can't open file 'file-name'.

The runtime system tried to open a resource file in FGLDIR but access is denied or file no longer exists.

Check for file permissions and existence in FGLDIR.


No such interface capability: 'feature-name'.

The runtime system tried to use a front-end protocol capability, but is not able to use it.

Check if the front-end is compatible with the runtime system.


version-num-1 wrong version. Expecting version-num-2.

Some resource files of FGLDIR have been identified as too old for the current runtime system.

Re-install the runtime system environment.


Can't load factory profile 'file-name'.

The default fglprofile file located in FGLDIR/etc is missing or is unreadable.

Check the permission of the file. If the file is missing, reinstall the software.


Can't load customer profile 'file-name'.

The configuration file defined by the FGLPROFILE environment variable is missing or unreadable.

Check if the FGLPROFILE environment variable is correctly set and if the file is readable by the current user.


Can't load application resources 'file-name'.

The directory specified by the fglrun.default entry in FGLDIR/etc/fglprofile is missing or not readable for the current user.

Check if the entry fglrun.default is correctly set in FGLDIR/etc/fglprofile and if the directory specified is readable by the current user.


Internal error in the run time library file library-name.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

Something unpredictable has occurred, generating an error.

Contact your Technical Support.


Bad format of resource 'entry-name' value 'entry-value': you must use the syntax: entry-name='VARNAME=envvar-value'.

The FGLPROFILE file contains an invalid environment variable definition format.

Check the content of the profile file.


All TABLE columns must be defined with the same height.

The form layout defines a TABLE with field tags using different heights.

Review all cells of the table to use the same height in all columns.


Syntax error in profile 'file-name', line number lineno , near 'token'.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The FGLPROFILE file shown in the error message contains a syntax error.

Check the content of the profile file.


Front-end module could not be loaded.

A front call failed because the module does not exist.

The front-end is probably not supporting this module.


Front-end function could not be found.

A front call failed because the function does not exist.

The front-end is probably not supporting this function.


Front-end function call failed. Reason: description

For some reason, the front call failed and produced this runtime error.

Check the content of the error message to get more information.


Front-end function call stack problem.

A front call failed because the number of parameter or returning values does not match.

Make sure the number of parameters and return values are correct.


Can't open file: description

The channel object failed to open the file specified.

Make sure the filename is correct and user has permissions to read/write to the file.


Unsupported mode for 'open file'.

You try to open a channel with an unsupported mode.

See channel documentation for supported modes.


Can't open pipe.

The channel object failed to open a pipe to execute the command.

Make sure the command you try to execute is valid.


Unsupported mode for 'open pipe'.

You try to open a channel with an unsupported mode.

See channel documentation for supported modes.


Can't write to unopened file, pipe or socket.

You try to write to a channel object which is not open.

First open the channel, then write.


Channel write error: description

An unexpected error occurred while writing to the channel. See the description for more details.


Cannot read from unopened file, pipe or socket.

You try to read from a channel object which is not open.

First open the channel, then read.


This runner cannot execute any SQL.

The runtime system is not ready for database connections.

Check the configuration of BDL.


Dynamic SQL: type unknown: type-name .

The database driver does not support this SQL data type.

You cannot use this SQL data type, review the code.


Cannot connect to sql back end.

The runtime system is unable to initialize the database driver to establish a database connection.

Make sure the database driver exists.


Database driver not connected yet.

There is an attempt to execute an SQL statement, but no database connect is established.

First connect, then execute SQL statements.


Could not load database driver driver-name.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The runtime system failed to load the specified database driver. The database driver shared object (.so or .DLL) or a dependent library could not be found.

Make sure that the name of the specified driver is spelled correctly. If the driver name is correct, there is probably an environment problem. Make sure the database client software is installed. Check the UNIX LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or the PATH variable on Windows. These must point to the database client libraries.


Incompatible database driver interface.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The database driver interface does not match the interface expected by the runtime system. This can occur if you copy an old database driver into a younger FGLDIR installation.

Call the support to get a valid database driver.


SQL driver initialization function failed.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The runtime system failed to initialize the database driver, program must stop because no database connection can be established.

There is probably an environment problem (for example, INFORMIXDIR or ORACLE_HOME is not set). Check your environment and try to connect with a database vendor tool (dbaccess, sqlplus) to identify the problem.


Invalid database connection mode.

You try to mix DATABASE and CONNECT statements, but this is not allowed.



Unsupported SQL feature.

This SQL command or statement is not supported with the current database driver.

Review the code and use a standard SQL feature instead.


SQL statement error number error-num (native-error).

An SQL error has occurred having the specified error number.

You can query SQLERRMESSAGE or the SQLCA record to get a description of the error.


General SQL error, check SQLCA.SQLERRD[2].

A general SQL error has occurred.

You can query SQLERRMESSAGE or the SQLCA record to get a description of the error. The native SQL error code is in SQLCA.SQLERRD[2].


Invalid database connection string.

The database connection string that you have used is not valid.

Verify the format of the connection string.


Wrong database driver context.

You try to EXECUTE, OPEN, FETCH, PUT, FLUSH, CLOSE or FREE a cursor that was declared or prepared in a different connect and driver.

Issue a SET CONNECTION before the statement to select the same connection and driver as when the cursor was created.


LOAD cannot get describe information for table columns.

The LOAD instructions needs column description to allocate the automatic fetch buffers, but the database driver is not able to describe the table columns used in the INSERT statement.

If the underlying database client API does not provide result set column description, the LOAD statement cannot be supported.


Can not open Database dictionary 'directory-name'. Run database schema extraction tool.

The schema file does not exist or cannot be found.

If the schema file exists, verify that the filename is spelled correctly, and that the file is in the current directory or the FGLDBPATH environment variable is set to the correct path. If the file does not exist, run the database schema extraction tool to create a schema file.


Can not open globals file 'file-name'.

The globals file does not exist or cannot be found.

Verify that the globals file exists. Check the spelling of the filename, and verify that the path is set correctly.


The file 'file-name' cannot be created for writing.

The compiler failed to create the file shown in the error message for writing.

Check for user permissions to make sure that the .42m file can be created.


The function 'function-name' can only be used within an INPUT [ARRAY], DISPLAY ARRAY or CONSTRUCT statement.

The language provides built-in functions that can only be used within specific interactive statements.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.Check that the function is within the interactive statement and that appropriate END statements (END INPUT/ARRAY/DISPLAY ARRAY/CONSTRUCT) have been used.


The module 'module-name' does not contain function 'function-name'.

The module shown in the error message does not hold the function name as expected.

The specified function needs to be defined in this module.


No member function 'function-name' for class 'class-name' defined.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The function name is misspelled or is not a method of the class for which it is called.

Review your code and the documentation for the method you are attempting to use. If the function is an object method, make sure the referenced object in your code is of the correct class.


Resource error: entry-name :parameter expected

This is a generic error message for resource file problems.


A grammatical error has been found at 'seen-token' expecting: expected-token.

A general syntax error message that indicates the location of the problem code and what code was expected.

Review your code, particularly for missing END statements such as END FUNCTION or END INPUT, etc., and make the necessary corrections.


The function 'function-name' has already been called with a different number of parameters.

Earlier in the program, there is a call to this same function or event with a different number of parameters in the parameter list.

Check the correct number of parameters for the specified function. Then examine all calls to it, and make sure that they are written correctly.


Function 'function-name': unexpected number of returned values.

The function shown returned a different number of values as expected.

Check the body of the function for RETURN instructions.


Redeclaration of function 'function-name'.

The function shown was defined multiple times.

Change the name of conflicting functions.


The library function 'function-name' is not declared.

The function shown was not declared.

Change the name of the function.


The function 'function-name' may return a different number of values.

The function shown contains multiple RETURN instructions which may return different number of values.

Review the RETURN instructions to return the same number of values.


The symbol-kind 'symbol-name' is unused.

This is a warning indicating that the shown symbol is defined but never used. In this message, "symbol-kind" can be "symbol", "parameter", etc.

Useless definition can be removed.


The symbol 'symbol-name' does not represent a defined CONSTANT.

The shown symbol is used as a CONSTANT, but it is not a constant.

Review your code and check for this name.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is a VARIABLE.

The symbol shown is a VARIABLE which cannot be used in the current context.

Review your code and check for this name.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is a CONSTANT.

The symbol shown is a CONSTANT which cannot be used in the current context.

Review your code and check for this name.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is not an INTEGER CONSTANT.

The symbol shown is used as if it was an INTEGER constant, but it is not.

Review your code and check for this name.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is not a REPORT.

The symbol shown is used as a REPORT, but it is not defined as a REPORT.

Review your code and check for this name.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is not a FUNCTION.

The symbol shown is used as a FUNCTION, but it is not defined as FUNCTION.

Review your code and check for this name.


The symbol 'symbol-name' does not represent a valid variable type.

The symbol shown is not known as a valid type to define a program variable.

Review your code and check for the type name.


The method 'method-name' cannot be called without an object.

The specified method is an object method of its class.

Review your code. Ensure that the required object of the class has been instantiated and still exists, and that the method is called specifying the object variable as the prefix, with the period character as a separator.


The method 'method-name' cannot be called with an object.

The specified method is a class method and cannot be called using an object reference. No object has to be created.

Review your code. Ensure that the method is called using the class name as the prefix, with the period character as a separator.


The statement is not Informix compatible.

The SQL statement is not Informix® compatible.

Change the SQL statement by using Informix SQL syntax.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is not a VARIABLE.

The symbol shown is use as a variable, but is not defined as a variable.

Review your code and check for this name.


The GLOBALS file does not contain a GLOBALS section.

The filename specified in a GLOBALS statement references a file that does not contain a GLOBALS section.

Review your code to make sure that the file specified by the filename is a valid GLOBALS file, containing the required GLOBALS section.


The type 'type-name' is too complex to be used within a C-extension.

The type of the global variable is too complex to be used in a C extension. This error can occur when the -G option of fglcomp, to generate the C sources to share global variables with C extensions, when a global variable is defined with complex data types without a C equivalent.

Review the definition of the global variables and use simple types instead, corresponding to a C data type. The BYTE, TEXT and STRING types are complex types.


Memory overflow occurred during p-code generation. Simplify the module.

A memory overflow occurred during compilation to p-code because the .4gl source module is too large.

This problem can occur with very large source files. You must split the module into multiple sources.


Incompatible types, found: source-type, required: target-type.

A LET or RETURNING tries to assign a value or an object reference to a variable defined with a data type or class that is not compatible to the value type. This occurs usually when using Java classes because Java is a strongly typed language. For example, assigning a Java string to a Java StringBuffer raises this error.

Define the target variable with a type corresponding to the assigned value.


Cannot find symbol symbol-name, location: category type-name.

The symbol used does not exist. This occurs typically when referencing a Java class with an invalid name in the class path, or when referencing a class member that does not exist.

Check the symbol names used in the instruction.


primitive-type cannot be dereferenced.

An expression references a method or a field with a primitive Java type, but primitive types are not classes and therefore do not have methods or fields. For example, you try to call a method with a symbol defined as integer or short in Java: DISPLAY

Review the code using the symbol defined with a primitive type.


Incompatible or corrupted database dictionary 'database-name'.

The .sch database schema 'database-name' contains incompatible type definitions or is corrupted.

Re-generate the .sch file with the fgldbsch tool by using the correct command line options to generate compatible types.


Invalid usage of NULL in an expression

The compiler detected an NULL constant in an expression that will always evaluate to NULL or FALSE. For example, when writing IF var == NULL THEN, the program flow will never enter in the IF block.


Can not create index file for database dictionary 'dbname'.

The compiler could not create the .42d index file for the database schema. Make sure that an existing .42d file is writable.


The license 'license-num' is no more valid. Please contact your vendor.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The license number is no longer valid.

Contact your vendor to obtain a new license number.


Invalid license request format.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The request sent to the license manager was not recognized.

Check that the version of the license manager is compatible with the runtime system.


Incompatible License Manager (flmprg) version. The minimum version required is version-num.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The license manager is too old and is not compatible with the current runtime system.

Call the support center to get a new version of the license manager.


The license number 'license-num' is invalid. Please, contact your vendor.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The license server failed to validate the license number.

Call the support center to get a new license number.


The license 'license-num' has expired. Please, contact your vendor.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The license is time limited and it has expired.

Call the support center to get a new license number.


CPU limit exceeded. Please, contact your vendor.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The license is CPU limited and the system has more CPUs as allowed.

Call the support center to get a new license number.


Report Writer token creation failed.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

Check permissions on the lock/token directory (in FGLDIR or FLMDIR).


This GRW license requires a DVM license with a valid maintenance date.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

GRW licenses with the option 'DVM under maintenance' require that the DVM maintenance key expiration date not be expired.

Update the DVM maintenance key.


Cannot get GRW report token information.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

Contact your support center.


The installed license is invalid and cannot be used by this product.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The current license is not valid for the product you have installed.

Contact your support center to get a license corresponding to the current installed product.


Can not open Database dictionary 'schema-name'. Run schema extraction tool.

The schema file does not exist or cannot be found.

If the schema file exists, verify that the filename is spelled correctly, and that the file is in the current directory or the FGLDBPATH environment variable is set to the correct path. If the file does not exist, run the database schema extraction tool to create a schema file.


A grammatical error has been found at 'line-number', expecting token-name.

This is a generic message for errors.


'form-name' form compilation was successful.

This is an information message indicating that the form was compiled without problem.


Open Form 'form-name', Bad Version: version-1, expecting: version-2.

You have compiled your form with a version of the form compiler that is not compatible with that used for compiling the other source code.

Compile your form file and related source code files using the same or compatible versions of the compilers.


The label 'label-name' could not be used as column-title.

The form file defines an invalid TABLE column title.

Check for column titles which are not corresponding to column positions.


The widget 'widget-name' can not be defined as array.

The form file defines an item which is used as a matrix column.

Review your form definition.


The layout tag 'tag-name' is invalid, expecting: token-name.

The form compiler detected an invalid layout tag specification.

Review your form definition.


The attribute 'attribute-name' is invalid for item type 'type-name'.

The form compiler detected an invalid attribute definition for this item type.

Review your form definition and check for invalid attributes.


Syntax error near 'token-1', expecting token-2.

A general syntax error message that indicates the location of the problem code and what code was expected.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Unterminated char constant.

The form compiler detected an unterminated character constant.

Review your form definition and check for missing quotes or double-quotes.


The element 'element-name' conflicts with group-box 'group-name'.

You have used the same name for an element and for a group-box.

Review your form definition and ensure that the names used are unique.


All members of the SCREEN RECORD 'screen-record-name' must reference the same Table or ScrollGrid.

The shown screen record references multiple tables or scrollgrids in your form file.

Review your form definition and use one unique table for a given screen record.


Invalid indentation in between braces.

The LAYOUT section of your form defines an invalid indentation.

Review your form definition and check for corresponding indentations.


TABLE container defined without a SCREEN RECORD in the INSTRUCTION section.

The minimum value of the defined attribute must be lower than the maximum value.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Min value must be lower that Max value.

The minimum value of the defined attribute must be lower than the maximum value.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Number of elements in the SCREEN RECORD must match the number of columns in TABLE container.

The elements defined in the screen record differs from the columns used for the TABLE container.

Review your form definition and add missing table columns to the screen record, order does not matter.


ScrollGrid and/or Group layout tags cannot be nested.

The form definition has nested ScrollGrid and/or Group layout tags. These tags cannot be nested.

Review your form definition and make the necessary corrections.


HBOX tags cannot be used for ARRAYS.

The form definition is using an HBOX tag for an array, which is not permitted.

Review your form definition and make the necessary corrections.


Escaped graphical characters are not accepted in GRID sections.

You try to use Text User Interface graphics in the new GRID container.

This is not allowed, use GROUPs instead.


Close tag does not have a matching tag above.

The form definition has a close tag without a prior matching open tag. Open tags and close tags must match.

Review your form definition file and make the necessary corrections.


The table 'table-name' is empty.

The form layout defines a table layout tag identified by tablename, but nothing was found directly under this table that defines a column or a column title.

Append columns to the table layout region.


The tag 'tag-name' overlaps with table 'table-name'.

In the form layout, tagname overlaps the layout region of tablename and makes it invalid.

Move or remove tagname , or redefine the layout region of tablename .


Checked value must be different from unchecked value for field 'field-name'.

The VALUECHECKED and VALUEUNCHECKED attributes have the same value. This makes no sense because these attributes define the values corresponding to the checked and unchecked states of a checkbox.

Use different values for these attributes.


Duplicated item key found for field 'field-name'.

The ITEMS attribute of field fieldname defines item keys with the same value.

Check ITEMS attribute and use unique key values. Note that '' and NULL are equivalent.


The attribute attribute-name must belong to a column of a TABLE.

A form item uses an attribute that references a form field which is not defined or does not belong to the TABLE.

Check the ATTRIBUTES section for invalid column references.


The column column-name referenced by the attribute-name attribute must belong to the TABLE.

A form item uses an attribute that references a form field which is not defined or does not belong to the TABLE.

Check the ATTRIBUTES section for invalid column references.


Not implemented (yet): feature-name

The feature or syntax you are using is not implemented yet.

This feature cannot be used in the Genero version you have installed.


At least one member of the SCREEN RECORD 'screen-record-name' must not be a PHANTOM field.

A screen record is defined with form fields that are all defined as PHANTOM fields.

At least on screen record field must not be a PHANTOM field.


Repeated screen tags 'tag-name' are misaligned, must align on X or Y.

The layout defines multiple tags with the same name, but these are not properly aligned in the X or Y direction.

Edit the form file and make sure that repeated tags are correctly aligned.


Invalid TREE definition: the field 'field-name' must be an EDIT or LABEL.

The form defines a TREE container with the field column defined with a wrong item type.

Replace the item type by EDIT or LABEL.


Invalid TREE definition: the field 'field-name' must be defined for the SCREEN RECORD.

The form defines a TREE container with an invalid field set.

Check that mandatory fields such as node name, parent id and node id fields are defined.


The fields specified in the THRU option appear in the reverse order.

The form defines a screen record by using the THRU or THROUGH keyword, but the first field is defined after the last field in the ATTRIBUTES section.

Exchange the field names specified in the screen record definition, or review the declaration order in ATTRIBUTES.


Invalid TREE definition: the attribute 'attribute-name' conflicts with id or parentid.

The .per form defines a TREE with invalid configuration. You have probably used the same field for the named attribute and for IDCOLUMN or PARENTIDCOLUMN.

Review the form definition and configure the TREE properly. You must use dedicated columns for the attributes mentioned.


Invalid AGGREGATE definition: must be located below a table column.

The .per form defines an AGGREGATE form item with a field tag that is not aligned under a table column field tag.

Review the table layout and make sure that all aggregate fields are properly aligned and placed below column tags.


This area is reserved for AGGREGATEs.

The .per form defines a TABLE with aggregate fields, but not all aggregate fields are declared with the AGGREGATE item type.

Review the field definitions in the ATTRIBUTES section.


The screen tag 'tag-name' can not be defined in a TABLE.

The .per form defines a TABLE with columns using different field tag names, an no AGGREGATE field is defined.

Review columns of the TABLE, each field tag of a given column must use the same tag name, except if you want to define an AGGREGATE field.


FORM not contain TOPMENU or TOOLBAR.

The form layout includes an external form specification file containing a TOPMENU or a TOOLBAR. Remove these sections from the included form file.


FORM is out of date.

The form layout includes an external form specification file the was compiled with a older version.


A resizable SCROLLGRID requires the definition of exactly one template.

A resizable SCROLLGRID (WANTFIXEDPAGESIZE=NO) must define a single row template.



When using the INITIALPAGESIZE attribute, the SCROLLGRID must be defined as resizable with the WANTFIXEDPAGESIZE=NO attribute.


The display field label 'field-name' has already been defined.

The field item tag is defined several times in different containers of the LAYOUT section.


The screen tag 'tagname' can not be defined in a SCROLLGRID

A SCROLLGRID contains a layout tag such as <TABLE > or <TREE >. This is not allowed.


TABINDEX has to be unique

Some elements of the form define the same TABINDEX. Review the ATTRIBUTE section and make sure that all TABINDEX values are unique.


All TABLE columns must have the same size.

In a TABLE or TREE container, all columns must be defined with the same width and height in the LAYOUT section.



The STRETCH attribute values Y and BOTH are not consistent with WANTFIXEDPAGESIZE: The WANTFIXEDPAGESIZE attribute is equivalent to STRETCH=X.

Remove the WANTFIXEDPAGESIZE attribute in favor of the STRETCH attribute.


Dom: Node not found.

The node was not found in the current document.

Review your code.


Dom: Invalid Document.

The document passed to the DOM API is not a valid document.

Review your code.


Dom: Invalid usage of NULL as parameter.

NULL cannot be used at this place.

Review your code.


Dom: A node is inserted somewhere it doesn't belong.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

You try to insert a node under a parent node which does not allow this type of nodes.

Check for the possible nodes and review your code.


Sax: Invalid hierarchy.

The SAX handler encountered an invalid hierarchy.

Make sure parent/child relations are respected.


Deprecated feature: feature-name

The feature you are using will be removed in a next version.

A replacement for the feature is normally available.


The string resource file 'file-name' cannot be found.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The given string file was not found.

Check if file exists and if path is valid.


The string resource file 'file-name' cannot be read.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The given string file was unable to be read.

Check if file exists and if user has read permissions.


There is no string text defined for the 'key-name' string key.

The runtime system was unable to find a string resource corresponding to the shown key.

Check if the key is defined in one of the resource files.


String resource syntax error near 'token-name', expecting token.

The string file compiler detected a syntax error.

Check for invalid syntax in the .str file.


Duplicate string key 'key-name' ( file-name : line ) IGNORE LINE.

The string file compiler detected duplicated string keys.

Review the .str file and remove duplicated keys.


The string file 'file-name' can not be opened for writing.

The string file compiler was unable to write to the specified string file.

Make sure the user has write permissions and file name is valid.


The string file 'file-name' can not be read.

The runtime system was unable to read from the specified string file.

Make sure the user has read permissions.


Field ( field-name ) in ON CHANGE clause not found in form.

The field used in the ON CHANGE clauses was not found in the form specification file.

Make sure the field name of the ON CHANGE clause matches a valid form field.


You cannot have multiple ON CHANGE clauses for the same field.

It is not possible to specify multiple ON CHANGE clauses using the same field.

Remove unnecessary ON CHANGE clauses.


SFMT: Invalid % index used.

The format string is not valid.

Check for invalid % positions.


SFMT: Format error.

The format string is not valid.

Check for invalid % positions.


Multiple ON ACTION clauses with the same action name appear in the statement.

It is not possible to specify multiple ON ACTION clauses using the same action name.

Remove unnecessary ON ACTION clauses.


Multiple ON KEY clauses with the same key name appear in the statement.

It is not possible to specify multiple ON KEY clauses using the same key.

Remove unnecessary ON KEY clauses.


Dom: Cannot open xml-file.

The given file failed to load.

Check file name and user permissions.


Dom: The attribute 'attribute-name' does not belong to node 'node-type'.

You try to set an attribute to a node which does not have such attribute.

This is not allowed, review your code.


Dom: Character data can not be created here.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

You try to create a text node under a node which does not allow such nodes.

This is not allowed, review your code.


Dom: Cannot set attributes of a character node.

You try to set attributes in a text node.

This is not allowed, review your code.


Dom: The attribute 'attribute-name' can not be removed: the node 'node-type' belongs to the user-interface.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

You try to remove a mandatory attribute from an AUI node.

You can only change the value of this attribute, try 'none' or an empty string.


Sax: can not write.

The SAX handlers were unable to write to the destination file.

Make sure the file path is correct and the user has write permissions.


Multiple inclusion of the source file 'file-name'.

The preprocessor detected that the specified file was included several times by the same source.

Remove unnecessary file inclusions.


The full path to the source file 'file-name' is too long.

The preprocessor does not support very long file names.

Rename the file.


The source file 'file-name' cannot be read.

The preprocessor failed to read the file specified.

Make sure the user has read permissions.


The source file 'file-name' cannot be found.

The preprocessor failed to find the file specified.

Make sure the file exists.


Extra token found after 'directive-name' directive.

The preprocessor detected an unexpected token after the shown directive.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


feature-name : This feature is not implemented.

This preprocessor feature is not supported.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


The macro 'macro-name' has already been defined.

The preprocessor found a duplicated macro definition.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


A &else directive found without corresponding &if, &ifdef or &ifndef directive.

The preprocessor detected an unexpected &else directive.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


A &endif directive found without corresponding &if, &ifdef or &ifndef directive.

The preprocessor detected an unexpected &endif directive.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Invalid preprocessor directive & name found.

The preprocessor directive shown in the error message does not exist.

Review your code and check valid macros.


Invalid number of parameters for macro-name.

The number of parameters of the preprocessor macro shown in the error message does not match de number of parameters in the definition of this macro.

Review your code and check for the number of parameters.


Lexical error: Unclosed string.

The compiler detected an unclosed string and cannot continue.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Unterminated condition &if or &else.

The preprocessor found an un-terminated conditional directive.

Review the definition of this directive.


The operator '##' can only be used with identifiers and numbers. token is not allowed.

The preprocessor found an invalid usage of the ## string concatenation operator.

Review the definition of this macro.


Could not run FGLPP, command used: command

The compiler failed to run the preprocessor command shown in the error message.

Make sure the preprocessor command exists.


Lexical error: Unclosed comment.

The compiler detected an unclosed comment and cannot continue.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


This type of statement can only be used within an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, DISPLAY ARRAY, CONSTRUCT or MENU statement.

This statement has not been used within a valid interactive statement, which must be terminated appropriately with END INPUT, END INPUT ARRAY, END DISPLAY ARRAY, END CONSTRUCT, or END MENU.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


This type of statement can only be used within an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, DISPLAY ARRAY or CONSTRUCT statement.

This statement has not been used within a valid interactive statement, which must be terminated appropriately with END INPUT, END INPUT ARRAY, END DISPLAY ARRAY, or END CONSTRUCT.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Invalid use of 'dialog'. Must be used within an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, DISPLAY ARRAY or CONSTRUCT statement.

The predefined keyword DIALOG has not been used within a valid interactive statement, which must be terminated appropriately with END INPUT, END INPUT ARRAY, END DISPLAY ARRAY, or END CONSTRUCT.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


An error occurred while preprocessing the file 'file-name'. Compilation ends.

The Genero BDL preprocessor failed to parse the whole source file and stopped compilation.

Review the source code and check for not well formed & preprocessor macros.


The program cannot ACCEPT (INPUT|CONSTRUCT|DISPLAY) at this point because it is not immediately within (INPUT|INPUT ARRAY|CONSTRUCT|DISPLAY ARRAY) statement.

ACCEPT XXX has not been used within a valid interactive statement, which must be terminated appropriately with END INPUT, END PROMPT, or END INPUT ARRAY.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Dom: Invalid XML data found in source.

ACCEPT DISPLAY has not been used within a valid DISPLAY ARRAY statement, which must be terminated with END DISPLAY ARRAY.

Review your code and make the necessary corrections.


Sax: Invalid processing instruction name.

The om.SaxDocumentHandler.processingInstruction() does not allow invalid processing instruction names such as 'xml'.

<?xml ..?> is not a processing instruction, it is reserved to define the XML file text declaration. You must use another name.


Illegal input sequence. Check LANG.

The compiler encountered an invalid character sequence. The source file uses a character sequence which does not match the locale settings (LANG). Check source file and locale settings.


Unknown preprocessor directive 'directive-name'.

The preprocessor directive shown in the error message is not a known directive.

Check for typo errors and read the documentation for valid preprocessor directives.


Unexpected preprocessor directive.

The preprocessor encountered an unexpected directive.

Remove the directive.


The resource file 'file-name' contains unexpected data.

The XML resource file shown in the error message does not contain the expected nodes. For example, you try to load a ToolBar with ui.Interface.loadActionDefaults().

Check if the XML file contains the node types expected for this type of resource.


XPath: Unclosed quote at position integer.

The XPath parser found an unexpected quote at the given position.

Review the XPath expression.


XPath: Unexpected character 'char' at position pos.

The XPath parser found an unexpected character at the given position.

Review the XPath expression.


XPath: Unexpected token/string 'token-name' at position pos.

The XPath parser found an unexpected token or string at the given position.

Review the XPath expression.


SQL statement or language instruction with vendor proprietary syntax.

The compiler found an SQL statement which is using a database specific syntax. This statement will probably not run on other database servers as the current.

Review the SQL statement and use standard/common syntax and features.


Spacer items are not allowed inside a SCREEN sections.

The form contains spacer items in a SCREEN section, while these are only allowed in LAYOUT.

Review the form specification file.


A TABLE row should not be defined on multiple lines.

All columns of a row in a TABLE container must be in a single line.

Use a SCROLLGRID if you want to show row cells on multiple lines.


The client connection timed out.

The runtime system failed to establish the connection with the front-end after a given time. This can for example happen during a file transfer, when the front-end takes too much time to respond to the runtime system.

Check that your network connection is working properly.


File transfer interrupted.

An interruption was caught during a file transfer.

File was not transferred, you need to redo the operation.


Network error during file transfer.

A socket error was caught during a file transfer.

Check that your network connection is working properly.


Could not write destination file for file transfer.

The runtime system failed to write the destination file for a transfer.

Make sure the file path is correct and check that user has write permissions.


Could not read source file for file transfer.

The runtime system was unable to read the source file to transfer.

Make sure the file path is correct and check that user has read permissions.


File transfer protocol error (invalid state).

The runtime system encountered a problem during a file transfer.

A network failure has probably raised this error.


File transfer not available.

File transfer feature is not supported.

Make sure the front-end supports file transfer.


The localized string file 'file-name' is corrupted.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The shown string resource file is invalid (probably invalid multibyte characters corrupt the file).

Check for locale settings (LANG), make sure the .str source uses valid characters and recompile it.


'symbol-name' is already defined.

The form file defines several elements of the same type with the same name.

Review the form file and use unique identifiers.


Statement must terminate with ';'.

An ESQL/C preprocessor directive is not terminated with a semicolon.

Add a semicolon to the end of the directive.


Invalid 'include' directive file name.

An include preprocessor directive is using an invalid file name.

Check the file name.


A &elif directive found without corresponding &if, &ifdef or &ifndef directive.

The preprocessor found an &elif directive with no corresponding &if .

Add the &if directive before the &elif, or remove the &elif .


The compiler plugin name could not be loaded.

fglcomp failed to load the plugin because it was not found.

Make sure the plugin exists and can be loaded.


The compiler plugin name does not implement the required interface.

fglcomp failed to load the plugin because the interface is invalid.

Check if the plugin corresponds to the version of the compiler.


The attribute 'attribute-name' has been defined more than once.

The variable attribute shown in the error message was defined multiple times.

Review the variable definition and remove duplicated attributes.


The attribute 'attribute-name' is not allowed.

The variable attribute shown in the error message is not allowed for this type of variable.

Review the possible variable attributes.


An error occurred while parsing the XML file.

The runtime system failed to parse an XML file, which is probably not using a valid XML format.

Check for XML format typos and if possible, validate the XML file with a DTD.


Could not open xml file.

The specified XML file cannot be opened.

Make sure the file exists and has access permissions for the current user.


Invalid multibyte character has been encountered.

A compiler found an invalid multibyte character in the source and cannot compile the form or module.

Check locale settings (LANG) and verify if there are no invalid characters in your sources.


The item 'item-name' is used in an invalid layout context.

The form item name is used in a layout part which does not support this type of form item. This error occurs for example when you try to define a BUTTON as a TABLE column.

Review your form definition file and use correct item types.

-8083 NULL pointer exception.

The program is using calling a method thru an object variable which is NULL.

You must assign an object reference to the variable before calling a method.


Can't open socket: description

The channel object failed to open a TCP socket. See the description for more details.

Make sure the IP address and port are correct.


Unsupported mode for 'open socket'.

You try to open a channel with an unsupported mode.

See channel documentation for supported modes.


The socket connection timed out.

Socket failed to established a connection and timeout expired.

Check all network layers and try again.


File error in BYTE or TEXT readFile or writeFile.

File I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to a file.

Verify the file name, content and access permissions.


The dialog attribute 'attribute-name' is not supported.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

A dialog instruction was declared with an ATTRIBUTES clause containing an unsupported option.

Review the ATTRIBUTES clause and remove unsupported option.


Action 'action-name' not found in dialog.

You try to use and action name that does not exist in the current dialog.

Verify if name of the action is defined by an ON ACTION clause.


Field 'field-name' already used in this DIALOG.

The DIALOG instruction binds the same field-name or screen-record multiple times.

Review all sub-dialog blocks and check the field-names / screen-records.


The clause 'clause-name' appears more than once.

You have defined the same dialog control block multiple times. For example, AFTER ROW was defined twice.

Remove the un-necessary control blocks.


At least one field for this INPUT ARRAY must be editable.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

An INPUT ARRAY is executed on fields that are read-only. At least one field must be editable and active.

Review the form specification file or check that at least one field is active.


Multi-range selection is not available in this context.

You try to use multi-range selection but it is not possible in the current dialog type.

Disable this feature.


Multi-range selection is not available in this context.

You try to use multi-range selection but it is not possible in the current dialog type.

Disable this feature.


Cannot change selection flag for this range of rows.

An attempt of selection flag modification with DIALOG.setSelectionRange() failed because the range is out of bounds or because there is no multi-range selection available in this context.

Make sure you can use multi-range selection, and check the start and end index of the range.


General SQL Warning, check SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] or SQLSTATE.

The last SQL statement has generated an SQL warning setting the SQLCA.SQLAWARN flags.

Program execution can continue; however, it is recommended that you take care and check the native SQL code and the SQL message in SQLERRMESSAGE.


Value too large to fit in a TINYINT.

The TINYINT data type can accept numbers with a value range from -128 to +127.

To store numbers that are outside this range, redefine the column or variable to use the SMALLINT or INTEGER type.


ON FILL BUFFER conflicts with DISPLAY ARRAY as a tree.

The DISPLAY ARRAY instruction is using a treeview as decoration, but it implements also an ON FILL BUFFER trigger to do paged mode. The paged mode is not possible when using a treeview, because all rows of visible nodes are required (i.e. the dialog cannot display a tree only with a part of the dataset).

To populate dynamically the array for a treeview, use the ON EXPAND to add new nodes and ON COLLAPSE to remove nodes.


The form 'form-name' is incompatible with the current runtime version. Rebuild you forms.

The .42f form was probably compiled with an earlier version as the current runtime system.

Recompile the form with the fglform compiler corresponding to the current fglrun.


Attempt to access a closed dialog.

A call to a DIALOG class method is done with a dialog object that has terminated.

Review the program logic and call the DIALOG methods only for active running dialogs.


The TABLE column tag 'tag-name' appears multiple times in the row definition.

A TABLE column can only be used once in the row definition, you have probably repeated the same screen tag by mistake.

Modify the TABLE row definition in the layout section in order to use each column only once.


Syntax error in preprocessor directive.

The source file contains a preprocessor macro with an invalid syntax.

Check the preprocessor manual page and fix the syntax error.


The source and destination file name of a file transfer must not be NULL or empty.

The program is doing an fgl_getfile() or fgl_putfile() and the source or destination file name is NULL or empty.

Provide a valid file name for both source and destination parameters.


Cannot read from TUI: system-error .

A program running in text mode (FGLGUI=0) failed to read from console input stream.

Check the console/terminal settings.


Not found.

This message displayed by the runtime system when a record was not found. It can be displayed in different contexts, for example when searching a record in a list with the built-in search feature.


Field ( field-name ) in ON ACTION INFIELD not found in form.

The field name used in an ON ACTION INFIELD action handle was not found in the form.

Make sure you are using the correct field name and field prefix (table name or screen record name).


FGL_LENGTH_SEMANTICS environment variable is invalid. Valid values are BYTE and CHAR

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The value specified in the FGL_LENGTH_SEMANTICS environment variable must be BYTE or CHAR.


Subdialog dialog-name: already active

The sub-dialog is already in use.


JSON parse error: description

Verify the input string passed to the JSON parsing function. See the description for more details.


JSON stringify error: description

The JSON serialization failed. See the description for more details.


Can not happen: description

The runtime system encounters an unexpected situation. The message is displayed to the user, but the program flow will continue. This unexpected situation must be fixed by programmers.


Illegal argument.

The runtime system instruction, function or object method does not expect the value passed as argument. This can for example occur when calling the Array.sort() method with an invalid array-record member name.


The actions DETAILACTION and DOUBLECLICK must be different.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The DETAILACTION and DOUBLECLICK attributes are used in DISPLAY ARRAY to configure a table decoration and behavior. These attributes cannot define the same action.


Completer item list too long. The list must not contain more than 50 items.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The array passed to the setCompleterItems() dialog method is too long, reduce the list.


Character to boolean conversion error.

A character string must be "1", "0" or NULL to be converted to a BOOLEAN.


Illegal context.

The current instruction is used on a wrong context.


'##' cannot appear at start of macro expansion.

The preprocessor operator ## must join two identifiers (a ## b).


'##' cannot appear at end of macro expansion.

The preprocessor operator ## must join two identifiers (a ## b).


'#' is not followed by a macro parameter.

The preprocessor operator # must be followed by a parameter of the macro.


File transfer: copy file to file-name failed.

The runtime system failed to copy the specified file.


File transfer: remove file file-name failed.

The runtime system failed to delete the specified file.


File transfer: touch file file-name failed.

The runtime system failed to touch the specified file.


\x used with no following hex digits.

The \xNN character code is malformed.


hex escape sequence out of range.

The \xNN character code contains an invalid hexadecimal value.


File transfer: create symbolic link file-name failed.

A symbolic link required by the file transfer was unable to be created.


Image to font mapping: Font file file-name not found.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The font file was not found, check FGLIMAGEPATH environment variable.


Image to font mapping: Format error in file file-name.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The image to font mapping file contains errors.


Image to font mapping: Cannot open file file-name.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The image to font mapping file was not found, check FGLIMAGEPATH environment variable.


No current row.

In order to use ui.Dialog methods such as getFieldValue(), you must set the current row with the ui.Dialog.setCurrentRow() method.


FOCUSONFIELD conflicts with DISPLAY ARRAY as tree.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

A DISPLAY ARRAY dialog FOCOUSONFIELD attribute cannot be used with a TREE container.


SQL parameter index out of bounds.

The index passed as argument to the setParameterValue() method of base.SqlHandle is lower than 1, or is greater than the number of ? placeholders in the SQL statement.


profile: 'entry-name-1' conflicts with 'entry-name-2'.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The FGLPROFILE configuration file(s) define exclusive entries that cannot be used together.


Can not initialize form: reason.'.

The form file could not be initialized. This error occurs for example when a COMBOBOX INITIALIZER function cannot be found. This error cannot be trapped.


Call function function-name: wrong number of parameters, expect caller-count, have definition-count.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The function was defined with a wrong number of parameters. Check the function signature, and define the same number of parameters as required by the caller.


Call function function-name: wrong number of return values, expect caller-count, have definition-count.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The function has returned a wrong number of values. Check the function body for RETURN instructions and return the number of values required by the caller.


apidoc: parameter name 'param-name' is invalid.

The compiler has detected a comment error while extracting the source documentation: The @param variable name is not in the list of parameters in the next FUNCTION definition.

Check the function parameter name.


apidoc: tag missing: @param param-name.

The compiler has detected a comment error while extracting the source documentation: There is a missing @param tag that describes a parameter of the next FUNCTION definition.

Check the function parameter name.


apidoc: invalid tag name @ tag-name.

The compiler has detected a comment error while extracting the source documentation: The @ tag-name tag is not a known tag name.

Check for typo errors in the tag name.


Cannot load java shared library. Reason: system-error

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The runtime system failed to load the JVM shared library (or DLL).

Make sure that a JRE is installed on the machine and check the environment (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on UNIX or PATH on Windows).


Cannot create java VM.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

The runtime system loaded the JVM shared library (or DLL), but was unable to initialize the Java VM with a call to JNI_CreateJavaVM().

Check that the Java requirements and resources needs to create a Java VM.


Array element type is not a Java type.

The fglcomp compiler detected a Java Array definition which is not using a Java type for the elements.

Review the DEFINE statement and use a Java type.


Java is not supported.

The platform you are using does not support a recent Java version required by Genero.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

You cannot use the Java interface in this operating system, you must review your source code and remove all Java related parts.


Cannot assign a value to final variable 'variable-name'.

The program tries to set a Java class variable which is not writable.

Review the program logic.


The Java variable 'variable-name' can not be used here.

The program tries to use a Java class variable in an invalid context. For example, a Java class variable is used in an INPUT instruction.

Review the program logic and use a regular Genero BDL variable.


Java exception thrown: java-exception-text.

A Java exception has been thrown while executing Java code.

Check the exception text and review the code.


Java object required.

A Java object reference is expected by the instruction. This error typically occurs in a CAST() or INSTANCEOF().

Check the expression used in the instruction and make sure it references a Java object.


Not supported yet: details.

The compiler has detected a syntax usage that may be supported in a future version but is not yet valid.

-8400 has private access.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

An instruction references a module function or module variable which is declared as private.

Make the function or variable public in the imported module.


Reference to name is ambiguous.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

A function or variable referenced without the module prefix, but exists in several imported modules. This error can also be printed by the compiler for Java calls.

Add the module prefix before the object name to remove the ambiguity.


Module name does not exist.

The module name to be imported was not found.

Make sure the module name matches the file name.


Module name has not been imported.

A statement is referencing a module name which has not been imported.

Import the module before usage.


category-name qualifier-name.symbol-name has not been defined.

The symbol identified by qualifier-name.symbol-name cannot be found. For example, a START REPORT or SUBDIALOG is referencing a report or sub-dialog symbol with module prefix, but the symbol is not found in the specified module.

You must import the module defining the referenced symbol.


The function 'function-name' has not been defined.

The function name is referenced in the compiled module, but none of the imported modules define that function.

You must import the module containing the function.


The type of the parameter 'param-name' is not an SQL type: cannot be inserted into a temporary table used for this report.

The REPORT parameter name is defined with a BDL type that has no SQL equivalent and thus cannot be used to create the temporary table needed to sort rows for a two-pass report.

Define the parameter with an SQL-compatible type (CHAR, VARCHAR, INTEGER, DECIMAL, etc).


ON ACTION action-name conflicts with ON action-name.

The dialog block defines conflicting ON ACTION and ON triggers, defining the same actions. For example, an ON ACTION delete is defined within a dialog block that is also defining an ON DELETE trigger.

Review the dialog actions, if you want to use ON triggers defining actions.


The action action-name shadows another action with the same name.

The dialog defines ON ACTION blocks using the same action name at different levels (dialog, sub-dialog and field level).

Use different action names when a conflict occurs.


The symbol 'symbol-name' is not a DIALOG.

The symbol referenced is not defined as a DIALOG subdialog block.


Char constant too long.

The code defines a character string constant that is tool long.


The statement id 'statement-name' has already been used.

Several PREPARE instructions use the same statement identifier in the current module. This feature is supported for backward compatibility; however, it is recommended that you review the code to make sure that this is not a mistake.


Illegal type attribute value "wrong-value", expecting correct-value.

A program variable is defined with an invalid attribute value. Review the ATTRIBUTES() clause of the DEFINE instruction.


Invalid number of return values.

The function uses a RETURN instruction with a number of values that does not correspond to the number of types defined with the RETURNS clause.


Missing RETURN.

The function is defined with a RETURNS clause, but does not contain a RETURN instruction.


Only functions can return values.

It is not allowed to use a RETURN instruction in a MAIN or REPORT block. Use EXIT PROGRAM in MAIN, or EXIT REPORT in REPORT.


Cannot call non-FUNCTION type type-name.

The CALL instruction is used with a program variable which is not a function reference.


Return type of FUNCTION function-name is unknown.

A function referenced with the FUNCTION expression is missing the RETURNS clause in its definition.


Illegal argument name 'parameter-name', expecting 'definition-name'.

A function call is using a parameter name that does not match the name specified in the function definition.


RECORD initializer expected.

The provided initialization value does not use the ( ) notation for RECORD variable definition.


ARRAY initializer expected.

The provided initialization value does not use the [ ] notation for an ARRAY variable definition.


Scalar initializer expected.

The provided initialization value does not use a scalar value for the primitive-typed variable definition.


Record member 'name' not exists.

The provided initialization value specifies a member name that does not match the members of the RECORD variable definition.


Duplicate field in RECORD initializer: 'name'.

The provided initialization value defines duplicate RECORD member names.


Imported symbol 'method-name' can not be qualified in a macro.

Methods for types must be defined in the module where the TYPE is defined.


>Imported symbol 'symbol-name' can not be qualified in an include file.

An file included by the preprocessor &include instruction is referencing a symbol defined in an imported module. This practice is not recommended, reduce the dependencies between imported symbols and code produced by the preprocessor code. Move the code from included file into the imported module.


A method definition requires a RECORD type defined locally in this module.

A method is defined in the module for a RECORD type that is not defined in this module, or with a type that is not a RECORD. RECORD types and methods for this type must be defined in the same module.


Method and field names must distinguish. Type type-name has field filed-name.

A method for a type cannot use the same name as one of the fields of the RECORD type.


The method method-name has already been defined.

A method for type is defined twice in the module or in an interface definition. Rename one of the methods if it's not duplicated code, or remove one occurrence of the method listed in the interface.


Method parameters or return values can not have anonymous types.

A method defines a parameter with a RECORD, DYNAMIC ARRAY, DICTIONARY, etc, that defines an implicit anonymous type. This is not allowed in methods. First define a user type with the TYPE instruction, then use this type for the method parameter(s).


An INOUT parameter requires a RECORD type.

The INOUT keyword can only be used with a type name declared by TYPE definition.


A method without return type (RETURNS) can not return values.

The method body contains a RETURN instruction with value(s), but the declaration does not specify any RETURNS clause.


type-name does not implement interface-name: reason.

The user-defined type does not match the specified interface for the given reason.


Parameter names can not be specified here. The parameter names of the called function are not known.

A function call uses named parameters, but the actual function definition is not known by the compiler. Use IMPORT FGL with the module name implementing the function, or do not use named parameters.


Can not initialize a list of variables.

A DEFINE statement specifies a list of variables followed by an = initializer. This is not allowed, split the code into several DEFINE statements.


Anonymous type interface: not supported.

A DEFINE statement declares variable(s) with the INTERFACE keyword, that would create an interface without a name. In order to declare a variable as an interface, a named TYPE must be defined as an INTERFACE and the variable definition must use this type name.


Recursive type definition.

Successive TYPE statements define types that reference each other recursively. For example, typeA references typeB which in turn references typeA. Review the type definitions to avoid the circular reference.


Global variables cannot be initialized with an initialization literal.

A GLOBALS block contains a DEFINE statement with a value initializer. This is not allowed. Use PUBLIC variables and IMPORT FGL instead.


The Genero Mobile pcode size limit has been reached.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

Contact your vendor for details.


Modules compiled with Genero require a Genero license at runtime.

Note: This error is non-trappable.

Contact your vendor for details.


Value not allowed for this XML attribute.

Remove the value for this attribute or see the "Mapping between simple BDL and XML data types" section.


Value mandatory for this XML attribute.

Set a value to the XML attribute. See the "Mapping between simple BDL and XML data types" section.


Cannot set the XML attribute, because only one XSD attribute is allowed per definition.

Select the unique appropriate XSD data type.


XML Attribute only allowed on a BDL TYPE.

Remove the XML attribute or change your BDL DEFINE instruction into a BDL TYPE definition.


XML Attribute is not allowed on a type definition.

Remove the XML attribute or change your BDL TYPE definition into a BDL DEFINE instruction.


XML Attribute XSTypeNamespace cannot be set without attribute XSTypeName.

Add a XSTypeName attribute.


XML Attribute is only allowed on a simple data type definition.

Remove the XML attribute or change your RECORD or ARRAY into a simple BDL data type.


XML Attribute is only allowed on a BDL RECORD definition.

Change your BDL variable definition into a RECORD.


XML Attribute is only allowed on a one dimentional array definition.

Remove the XML attribute or use a one dimentional array.


Attributes XMLAttribute, XMLElement, XMLAny and XMLBase are exclusives.

Choose only one of the above available choices.


Attributes XMLChoice, XMLAll, XMLSequence, XMLSimpleContent and XSComplexType are exclusives.

Choose only one of the above available choices.


Attribute XSTypeName has been defined twice with the same value XML attribute and the same XSTypeNamespace value, but not the same definition.

Define a unique (XSTypeName,XSTypeNamespace) couple for your program.


XMLName or XMLNamespace not allowed on nested XMLChoice variable.

Remove the XMLName and XMLNamespace attributes.


XMLName or XMLNamespace not allowed on nested XMLSequence variable.

Remove the XMLName and XMLNamespace attributes.


Unrecognized XML attribute value.

Review the available values for this XML attibute.


XML Attribute is only supported on a member of a record.

Remove the XML attribute.


XML Attribute is only supported on a record's member when XMLChoice is defined.

Remove the XML attribute.


XML Attribute is only supported on a record's member when XMLSimpleContent is defined.

Remove the XML attribute.


XML Attribute not supported on this simple type.

Remove the XML attribute or change your BDL type definition.


Attribute XMLTypeNamespace cannot be set without attribute XMLTypeName.

Set XMLTypeName attribute.


XMLSimpleContent attribute supports only XMLAttribute and XMLAnyAttribute attributes.

Remove the unallowed XML attributes.


Attribute XMLBase has been defined more than once in the BDL record.

Set only one XMLBase attribute.


Attribute XMLSelector has been defined more than once in the BDL record.

Set only one XMLSelector attribute.


XML Attribute cannot be set with other attributes.

Remove all the other XML attributes.


Attribute XMLSelector is missing in the BDL record.

Set the XMLSelector attribute on one of the record member.


Attribute XMLBase is missing in the BDL record.

Set the XMLBase attribute on one of the record member.


Nested XML attribute cannot be defined on a BDL TYPE.

Remove the Nested XML attribute.


Nested XML attribute cannot be defined on root variable.

Remove the Nested XML attribute.


Invalid parameter.

See the documentation about the function parameters.


Parameters of a published RPC Web Service operation must be a Record or NULL.

Review your parameters definition.


Parameters of a published DOC Web Service operation must be a Record, an Array or NULL.

Review your parameters definition.


XML Attribute is not allowed on a BDL record's member.

Remove the XML attribute or set it at the appropriate place.


XML Attribute can only be set on a ARRAY defined inside a RECORD.

Remove the XML attribute or set it at the appropriate place.


XML Attribute cannot be defined at first level of a variable.

Remove the XML attribute or set it at the appropriate place.


Attributes 'XMLAttribute' are not allowed on nested sequence or choice.

Remove the XMLAttribute attribute.


RPC Web Functions cannot have XMLList set on one of the parameters.

Put your BDL ARRAY inside a BDL RECORD.


Attribute XMLName is mandatory on BDL variable when used as SOAP Header.

Add the XMLName attribute.


RPC Web Functions cannot have XMLNamespace set on one of the parameters.

Remove the XMLNamespace attribute.


XSComplexType attribute allows only attributes with one optional nested list or nested record.

Set only one XMLOptional attribute for all nested record members.


XMLName or XMLNamespace not allowed on nested XMLAll.

Remove XMLName and XMLNamespace.


Nested XML Attribute is not allowed on an array.

Remove the XML attribute


XMLBase Attribute allows only one additional XSD attribute.

Set a unique XSD attribute.


XML Attribute value is not allowed on a BDL record's member.

Set the appropriate value to the specified XML attribute.


Unsupported facet constraint for the BDL type.

Check the available facet constraint in "Mapping between simple BDL and XML data types" section.


Invalid value for facet constraint 'constraint-name'.

Check the available facet constraint value. See XML facet constraint attributes.


Facet constraint attributes cannot be defined without a XSD simple type attribute.

Add the appropriate XSD attribute.


Facet XSDLength and XSDMinLength or XSDMaxLength cannot be used together.

Select only one of the above attributes.


XML Attribute not allowed on BDL objects.

Remove the XML attribute.


Attribute XMLName cannot be set with XMLAny or XMLAnyAttribute.

Remove the XMLName attribute.


XML Attribute not allowed on members of xmlchoice='inherited' records.

Remove the XML attribute.


Parameter with public qualifier not allowed.

Remove the PUBLIC instruction.


Parameters of published Web Service operations must be variables in global or modular scope.

Move your variables to a GLOBALS instruction or to modular scope.


A published Web service header must be a variable in global or modular scope.

Move your Web service header to a GLOBALS instruction or to modular scope.


Web service function with private qualifier not allowed.

Remove the PRIVATE instruction.


Web service function must be a string literal.

You cannot use a variable for your web service function name.


XML Attribute is not allowed on an array definition.

Remove the XML attribute.


Attribute XMLAny has been defined more than once per BDL record.

Use only one XMLAny attribute in a BDL RECORD.


Attribute XMLAnyAttribute has been defined more than once per BDL record.

Use only one XMLAnyAttribute attribute in a BDL RECORD.


Attribute XMLList and XMLAnyAttribute are exclusives.

Use only one of the above XML attributes.


Element of BDL array with XMLAnyAttribute must be a BDL record containing three variables for the namespace, name, value of type STRING.



XML Attribute is only allowed on dynamic arrays.

Change your BDL ARRAY into a DYNAMIC ARRAY.


XML Attribute cannot be set inside a nested record.

Remove the XML attribute.


Attribute XMLAttribute is not allowed after attribute XMLAnyAttribute.

Move the record member with XMLAnyAttribute attribute to the last position.


A published Web service fault must be in global or modular scope.

Move your variables to a GLOBALS instruction or to modular scope.


Attribute XMLName is mandatory on the BDL variable when used as Fault.

Set the XMLName attribute.


Colon not allowed for XML attribute value.

Remove the colon.


XML Attribute is only allowed on a root variable.

Remove the attribute or move it to the root variable.


Bad W3CEndPointReference definition.

Review your RECORD definition. It needs to match this structure:
  address STRING, -- The location of the Web Service (for ex: URL)
  ref RECORD
    ... (other members defining the state)

See com.WebService.CreateStatefulWebService.


Invalid state BDL variable, only simple variables or W3CEndpointReference record allowed.

Check that the "state" parameter type of function com.WebService.CreateStatefulWebService is correct. Its type must be a simple type definition or a W3CEndPointReference RECORD.


Registered HTTP variable error.

Check that the BDL variable match the definition set in com.WebService.registerInputHTTPVariable or com.WebService.registerOutputHTTPVariable.

-9070 Attribute name only allowed on XML elements.

Check that attribute names are specified for types that are XMLElement (Optional) elements.

-9100 Rest verb is missing.

Function is missing a REST attribute, for example, WSGet, WSPut, WSPost, or WSDelete.

Check the ATTRIBUTES() clause of your function.

-9101 Only one rest verb allowed.

Function must only have one REST attribute of this type, for example, WSGet, WSPut, WSPost, or WSDelete, etc.

Check the ATTRIBUTES() clause of your function.

-9102 Rest operation cannot be private.

Check that the REST function is declared as public.

-9103 Attribute name only allowed as parameter of a rest function.

Check that WSParam, WSQuery, WSHeader, WSCookie, or WSOptional REST attributes are set on the input parameter of a REST function.

-9104 Invalid WSPath template value : value.

Template value in WSPath is incorrect. Check the punctuation, for instance, the ending curly bracket is missing.

-9105 Some WSPath template values are missing : value.

Add parameters with WSParam attribute to match the missing template values.

-9106 name operation requires input parameter body.

If you use WSPost or WSPut as REST resource operation, the FUNCTION must have at least one REST input body.

-9107 Rest parameter name is not exclusive.

Check that only one of the following is set: WSParam, WSQuery, WSHeader, WSCookie on a BDL Rest function parameter

-9108 Attribute name not allowed with WSParam.

WSOptional and WSName cannot be set when WSParam is set.

-9109 Attribute name only allowed on Rest input or output function parameter.

Check that WSParam, WSQuery, WSHeader, WSCookie, or WSOptional Rest attributes are set on the output parameter of a REST function.

-9110 WSPath must start with a slash : value

Add a slash to the WSPath attribute value.

-9111 WSParam 'name' does not match any of the WSPath template value.

Add the template value to WSPath for the missing WSParam attribute.

-9112 Attribute 'name' is not allowed as element of an array.

WSParam, WSQuery, WSHeader, WSCookie, or WSOptional cannot be set on an array.

-9113 Attribute 'name' only allowed on function definition.

WSGet, WSPost, WSPut, WSDelete, WSDescription, WSThrows, and WSRetCode can only be set as function attributes.

-9114 WSMedia value 'value' only allowed on simple datatype definition.

One of the WSMedia values cannot be set on an array.

-9115 WSMedia value 'value' not allowed on this datatype definition.

One of the WSMedia values is not valid for that variable. For instance, you cannot set 'text/plain' on a DATETIME.

-9116 Malformed WSThrows value : value

The WSThrows attribute has invalid syntax.

Look for missing or extra punctuation; missing quotes, missing commas, or spaces after the colon (:), or a reference to a modular variable that does not exist.

-9117 Invalid HTTP code in WSThrows value : code

This HTTP code is not allowed in WSThrows.

Check to make sure you are using HTTP error codes between 400 to 599 in your WSThrows attribute.

-9118 Invalid error variable in WSThrows value : variable

WSThrows attribute is referencing a variable incorrectly.

Check that WSThrows is referencing a public modular variable.

-9119 Invalid description in WSThrows value : description

Check that there is no blank in the description of a WSThrows value.

-9120 Malformed WSRetCode value : value

Check the WSRetCode attribute syntax and correct the punctuation.

-9121 Invalid HTTP code in WSRetCode : code

Check that the HTTP code is in the range 200 to 399.

-9122 WSScope only allowed with WSInfo.

Check that the WSScope attribute is set on the WSInfo record.

-9123 Only one 'name' allowed per module.

You can only set one WSContext or WSInfo per module.

-9124 Attribute 'name' is only allowed on a dictionary definition.

WSContext can only be set on a DICTIONARY.

-9125 Attribute 'name' must be defined on private variable.

Attribute WSContext must be defined on a private modular dictionary.

-9126 Attribute 'name' must be defined on public variable.

Attribute WSInfo must be defined on a public modular variable.

-9127 WSPath value 'value' already encountered for same HTTP verb.

The same HTTP verb cannot be used more than once with the same resource path. Look for another FUNCTION using the same verb (identified by a WS* attribute) with the same WSPath. Make sure the paths have different values.

-9130 Attribute 'name' is not allowed on a function definition.

The FUNCTION definition contains a WS* attribute that cannot be used in this context. Remove the attribute from the function definition.


Incorrectly formed hexadecimal value.

You try to load data with LOAD or locate a BYTE variable with a file containing malformed hexadecimal values.

Check the file content and fix the typos before loading again.


Invalid delimiter. Do not use '\' or hex digits (0-9, A-F, a-f).

You try to LOAD or UNLOAD data with an invalid field delimiter.

Change the field delimiter to a valid character such as | (pipe) or ^ (caret).


Internal runtime error occurred in WS server program.

Contact your support center.


Cannot create WS operation because the given function is not defined.

Verify that the name of the FUNCTION of fgl_ws_server_publishFunction() is correct.


Invalid WS-function declaration, no parameters allowed.

Verify that the FUNCTION has no input and no output parameters.


Operation name is already used in the current web service.

You must change the name of the Web-Function operation in the function fgl_ws_server_publishFunction().


WS server port already used by another application.

You must change the port number in the function Fgl_ws_server_start().


Some BDL data types are not supported by XML.

Verify that all exposed functions don't contain one of the following data types:

  • DATETIME beginning with MINUTE
  • DATETIME beginning with SECOND
  • INTERVAL beginning with YEAR and/or MONTH

Invalid fgl_ws_set/getOption() parameter.

Verify that the option flag of the fgl_ws_setOption() or fgl_ws_getOption() function exists.


WS input record not defined.

Verify that the name of the input record on the fgl_ws_server_publishFunction() exists.


WS output record not defined.

Verify that the name of the output record on the fgl_ws_server_publishFunction() exists.


The port value from the FGLAPPSERVER environment variable or from the parameter of the fgl_ws_server_start() function is not a numeric one.

Verify that the port value contains only digits. See fgl_ws_server_start()


No application server has been started at specified host.

Verify that FGLAPPSERVER contains the right host and port where the application server is listening.


No more licenses available.

Contact your support center.


Current runner version not compatible with the Web Services Extension.

Install the right version of the Genero BDL.


The input namespace of your Web function is missing.

Add a valid input namespace in fgl_ws_server_publishFunction().


The output namespace >namespace of your Web function is missing.

Add a valid output namespace in fgl_ws_server_publishFunction().


Cannot load a certificate or private key file.

Verify that each FGLPROFILE entry contains a valid security identifier.


Cannot find a certificate in the Windows key store.

Verify that each FGLPROFILE entry contains a valid Windows security identifier.


Cannot load the Certificate Authorities file.

Verify that the FGLPROFILE entry contains the correct Certificate Authorities file name.


Cannot create the Certificate Authorities from the Windows key store.

Verify that you have enough rights to access the Windows key store.


Cannot set the cipher list.

Verify that all ciphers in the list are valid ones and supported by openssl.


Unable to reach the HTTP proxy.

Verify that the proxy.http.location FGLPROFILE entry contains the correct HTTP proxy address.


Unable to reach the HTTPS proxy.

Verify that the proxy.https.location FGLPROFILE entry contains the correct HTTPS proxy address.


Unknown HTTP proxy authenticate identifier.

Verify that the proxy.http.authenticate FGLPROFILE entry contains a valid HTTP authenticate identifier.


Unknown HTTPS proxy authenticate identifier.

Verify that the proxy.https.authenticate FGLPROFILE entry contains a valid HTTP authenticate identifier.


Cannot create a HTTP authenticate configuration.

Verify that all authenticate logins and passwords are correctly set.


Cannot create an encrypted HTTP authenticate configuration.

Verify that all authenticate logins and encrypted passwords are correctly set.


Cannot create a server configuration.

Verify that all ws.ident.url FGLPROFILE entries are correctly set.


Unknown server configuration security identifier.

Verify that all FGLPROFILE entries contain a valid Security identifier.


Unknown server configuration authenticate identifier.

Verify that all ws.ident.authenticate FGLPROFILE entries contain a valid HTTP Authenticate identifier.


Invalid self object.

Contact your support center.


Cannot perform operation due to invalid parameters.

Check all parameters against the built-in classes documentation.


Service registration failed, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check the following :

  • A service of the same name already exists
  • The namespace of the service is missing
  • A header cannot have the same name and namespaces as an operation

Cannot create web service, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check that the service has a valid name and namespace.


Cannot create Web operation, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check that operation name and namespace are valid based on the style (Document or RPC).


Cannot publish Web operation, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check that input or output headers have previously been created.


Published BDL function not found, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check that the FUNCTION to be published exists.


Published BDL function not correctly defined, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check that the FUNCTION has no input or output parameters.


Input parameter of published operation error. See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Contact your support center.


Output parameter of published operation error. See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Contact your support center.


Web Service header configuration error, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Verify that a one-way function do not have an output header.


Service is already registered. You cannot modify a service after it has been registered.

Check that you do not call a service modifier method on a service after registration.


Invalid option.

Check the option name according to documentation.


Unsupported web service operation.

Verify if a Document style operation does not perform SOAP Section5 encoding.


Bad URI.

Check that URI passed to a HttpRequest or TcpRequest is valid.


HTTP runtime exception, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Contact your support center.


XML runtime exception, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Contact your support center.


WSDL generation failed.

Contact your support center.


Charset conversion exception, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Change server charset response via a HTTP accept header or change you application locale.


TCP runtime exception, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

If detailed message is 'The TCP connection has been interrupted', then check that your network was working properly and that the INT_FLAG was not set to TRUE.

When working with a Web Service application, this can be the result of a COM error. Check in FGLWSDEBUG to see whether it was shut down on the client or server side.

For example:
Class: TCPConnection::atomicReceive()
Msg: TCP input stream shut down.
Code: 104

You can find the 104 code in /usr/include/asm-i386/errno.h (depending on your system).

In this example it corresponds to: #define ECONNRESET 104 /* Connection reset by peer */

  • Review the WSDL and see if what we send to the server is correct
  • Review the server log and see why it has ended the connection

Index is out of bound.

Check your index maximum value.


Unsupported request-response feature.

Check the streaming operations order or for invalid usage. For example, in function readTextRequest(), the incoming request can be read only once, so processing the incoming message while sending the response is not allowed.


No request was sent.

Check that you called one of the doRequest(), doXmlRequest() or doTextRequest() method before to call getResponse() or getAsyncResponse().


Request was already sent.

Check that you do not call twice one of the doRequest(), doXmlRequest() or doTextRequest() methods.


Waiting for a response.

Check that you do not perform a new request before reading the response of previous one.


No stream available.

Check that you do not call a method to read on a stream that has not yet been created.


Streaming is over.

Check that you do not read a streaming response that was closed.


Streaming in progress.

Check that you do not call twice beginXmlResponse() without a call to endXmlResponse().


Streaming not yet started.

Check that you do not call endXmlRequest() or endXmlResponse() without a beginXmlRequest() or beginXmlResponse().


Streaming already started.

Check that you do not call twice beginXmlRequest() or beginXmlResponse().


Unexpected peer stream was shutdown.

The peer closed connection during reading operation.


Cannot return incoming request, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check detailed message.


Operation failed, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check the parameter for invalid data.


Parameter cannot be NULL.

Check that the parameter is not NULL


BDL callback function not found, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check that BDL callback function exists.


BDL callback function requires one input and one output parameter, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

Check BDL callback parameters according to documentation.


Web Service fault error. See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more detail.

A method of the COM class has failed, for example, the variable passed to com.WebServiceEngine.SetRestError() is not the expected one. Contact your support center if the error detail does not provide the information needed to fix the error.


Stateful Service error. See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more detail.

Contact your support center.


Access denied lock error.

Either the file is already locked, or the application does not have the write access right to the given path.


HTTP Multipart error : description.

One of the methods of the COM multipart API has failed. See the description for more details. Contact your support center if the error detail does not provide the information needed to fix the error.


Cannot load Certificate Authorities from path : path.

The certificate defined by the current FGLPROFILE configuration was not found.

Check the certificate authority settings as described in: HTTPS configuration.


Incoming request has been closed : reason

The GAS has disconnected the web service server, for example while calling the com.WebServiceEngine.GetHTTPServiceRequest or com.WebServiceEngine.HandleRequest methods.

Use a TRY/CATCH block to trap this error, as described in com.WebServiceEngine.GetHTTPServiceRequest.


Invalid TCP IP version.

The FGLPROFILE configuration parameter defines a value different from valid possible values ( 4 and 6 ).


Unknown network interface name : name.

The FGLPROFILE configuration parameter defines a network interface that does not exist.


Request canceled by user.

The HTTP request initiated by a com.HTTPRequest.getResponse() method has been canceled by the user.

-15579 Proxy unreachable

The proxy URL is unreachable.

Check to verify that the host and port are set correctly, and that the proxy is online and available.


XML deserialization error.

The WSDL contract does not match the BDL variable definition.

Check that BDL variables are correctly generated according to the WSDL.


Internal error, should not happen.

Contact your support center.


Operation failed.

Check method for invalid parameters according to documentation.


Name cannot be NULL.

Check that name parameter is not NULL.


Namespace cannot be NULL.

Check that namespace parameter is not NULL.


Prefix cannot be NULL.

Check that prefix parameter is not NULL.


Value cannot be NULL.

Check that parameter is not NULL according to documentation.


Node cannot be NULL.

Check that node parameter is not NULL.


Text cannot be NULL.

Check that text parameter is not NULL.


Target of a processing instruction cannot be NULL.

Check that target parameter is not NULL.


Name of an entity reference cannot be NULL.

Check that entity name parameter is not NULL.


XPath expression cannot be NULL.

Check that xpath parameter is not NULL.


Filename cannot be NULL.

Check that filename parameter is not NULL.


Document cannot be NULL.

Check that document parameter is not NULL.


DTD string cannot be NULL.

Check that dtd parameter is not NULL.


Stax cannot be NULL.

Check that stax parameter is not NULL.


Malformed XML name.

Check that xml name is well-formed.


Malformed XML string.

Check that xml string is well-formed.


Malformed XML prefix.

Check that xml prefix is well-formed.


Malformed XML namespace.

Check that xml namespace is well-formed.


Bad validation type.

Check validation type parameter.


No XML schema found.

Check that a valid XML schema is used for validation.


No DTD schema found.

Check that a DTD schema is present in XML document.


Feature or option cannot be NULL.

Check that parameters are not NULL.


Feature or option is unsupported.

Check option or feature name according to documentation.


Feature or option value is invalid.

Check option or feature validity according to documentation.


Node is not part of the document.

Check that node belong to the same XML document.


Node does not have the correct parent node.

Check that node to remove belongs to the right parent node.


Node is already linked to another node.

Check that node is not already attached to another node.


Cannot add a node to itself.

Check that node to add is not itself.


Index is out of bounds.

Check index maximum value.


StaxWriter runtime exception: reason

See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details and check the reason for the error.


StaxReader runtime exception: reason

See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details and check the reason for the error.


Serializer runtime exception: reason

See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details and check the reason for the error.


Document loading runtime exception, check xml.DomDocument.getErrorDescription() for more details.

Check detailed message of dom document.


Document saving runtime exception, check xml.DomDocument.getErrorDescription() for more details.

Check detailed message of dom document.


Invalid encoding.

Check encoding value.


PublicID of a DTD cannot be set with a SystemID.

Check DTD node creation


Undefined namespace prefix in the XPath expression.

Check an undeclared prefix used in XPath expression.


XPath expression error.

Check XPath expression.


A namespace in the XPath namespace list is missing.

Check for an undeclared namespace used in XPath expression


XPath function has two mandatory parameters.

Check parameters according to documentation.


Internal XPath error.

Contact your support center.


Invalid XPath namespace.

Check namespace value passed to XPath method.


Unable to load schema.

Check XML schema parameters in DomDocument.setFeature().


Schemas are malformed or inconsistent.

Check XML schema validity in DomDocument.setFeature().


URI is malformed.

Check that URI is well-formed according to documentation.


Protocol layer needs a new try to complete operation.

Sax writer close operation requires a new request to complete previous one.


Charset conversion error.

Check fglrun LANG and system locale.


Unable to load xml security library.

Contact your support center.


Xml security operation failed. See SQLCA.SQLERRM for more detail.

Check detailed message.


URL cannot be null.

Check if XML-Security URL is NULL.


CryptoX509 cannot be null.

Verify that CryptoX509 object has been correctly instantiated.


CryptoKey cannot be null.

Verify that CryptoKey object has been correctly instantiated.


Bad signature transformation.

Check transformation URL validity passed to appendReferenceTransformation()


Bad signature digest.

Check digest URL validity passed to createReference().


Bad signature node.

Check XML-Signature node passed to CreateFromNode().


Bad key type.

Check key identifier URL.


Bad key usage.

Verify usage of CryptoKey object passed to setKeyEncryptionKey() or setKey().


Bad XPathFilter2 type, only intersect, subtract or union allowed.

Verify type used in a XPathFilter2 transformation.


Bad derived key URL.

Check derived key identifier URL.


Internal error, should not happen.

Contact your support center.


Called operation failed, see SQLCA.SQLERRM for more details.

See SQLCA.SQLERRM for details on why the operation failed.


Invalid parameter.

Check that your security library function has the correct parameters.


File access denied.

Check that your security library function has the permissions to access to the file.


File does not exist.

Check that the file exist on your system for the security library function to access.


Algorithm not supported.

Check that the algorithm is in the supported list for security library function. See security.Digest.CreateDigest.


Invalid current object.

Check that the context for security library function is correctly initialized. See security.Digest.CreateDigest.


Internal security error.

Contact your support center.