FGLPROFILE entries for Web Services

The FGLPROFILE entries relating to Genero Web Services are divided between five categories: security, basic or digest HTTP authentication, proxy configuration, server configuration, and XML cryptography.

HTTPS and password encryption

The following table lists the FGLPROFILE file entries specifying the security certificates and algorithms the Web Services client uses for HTTPS and password encryption. These entries specify how an application using the low-level com or xml APIs performs secured communications.
Important: On iOS platform the security entries are not available because iOS SSL/TLS layer is used. However, you can configure the following security Web Services FGLPROFILE entries for GMI mobile devices: security.global.ca, security.global.ca.lookuppath, and security.global.systemca.

Any entry defining a file on disk, for example security.global.ca, xml.keystore.calist, etc., can be set with a relative or an absolute path. If set as relative, the file is located based on the current execution directory. The recommended practice is to specify an absolute path in case fglrun is not always executed from the same directory.

Table 1. Security Configuration FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description
security.global.script Filename of a script executed each time a password of a private key is required by the client. The security script accepts one argument corresponding to the filename of the private key for which the password is required, and must return the correct password or the client stops. For script examples, see Windows® Password Script Example or UNIX™ Password Script Example. This entry cannot be used if security.global.agent is set.
security.global.agent Port number where the fglpass agent is waiting for requests. It returns the password that grants access to a private key when needed by a BDL application. The DVM and the fglpass agent perform authentication and exchange encrypted data over the local host network only. Refer to Using the password agent for details. This entry cannot be used if security.global.script is set.
security.global.agent.gid Set this entry as true to specify agent authentication based on OS user group. This entry is only for UNIX platforms. For more details, see Use the password agent.
Important: Since GWS version 3.20.07 this entry is no longer supported. Protocol defaults to the OpenSSL engine preference.

The SSL/TLS protocol to use for secured communications.

Possible values are:

  • TLSv1.2

  • TLSv1.1

  • TLSv1 (version 1.0)

  • SSLv3

  • SSLv23 (The default, enabling all supported protocols)

security.global.ca Filename of the Certificate Authority list, with the concatenated PEM-encoded third party X.509 certificates considered as trusted, and in order of preference.
security.global.ca.lookuppath A list of directories containing certificate authorities. Genero Web Services will load the CA from the directories in this list. The entry is a list of directories separated by a semicolon.
security.global.windowsca If set to true, build the Certificate Authority list from the Certificate Authorities stored in the Windows key store. This entry is only valid on Windows systems where security.global.ca is not set.
security.global.cipher The list of encryption, digest, and key exchange algorithms the client is allowed to use during a secured communication. If this entry is omitted, all algorithms are supported. For more details about cipher, refer to www.openssl.org.
security.global.certificate Filename of the PEM-encoded client X.509 certificate to be used for any secured connection if not redefined in a specific server configuration.
security.global.certificate.selfsigned.preload If set to true, load the global self-signed certificate and private key used for HTTPS connections at the start of the application. Default value is false; the certificate and key is not loaded till the first HTTPS request for applications or services. Enabling this entry on a slow machine, may speed up the TLS handshake and help avoid connection errors.

Filename of the PEM-encoded private key associated to the above X.509 certificate and to be used for any secured connection if not redefined in a specific server configuration.

If the PEM file is password protected, you need to use the security.global.script or security.global.agent entries to supply the passphrase to decrypt the private key.

security.global.keysubject The subject string of a X.509 certificate and its associated private key registered in the Windows key store to be used for any secured connection if not redefined in a specific server configuration. This entry is valid only on Windows systems.
security.global.systemca When set to true, the Certificate Authority is loaded from the key store on macOS® or Windows systems, and from a predefined directory on Unix/Linux®. If set to false, the Certificate Authority is not loaded from the system-default location. Default is true. This entry is only valid where security.global.ca is not set.
security.global.ocsp.enable If set to true, once the server has been validated against local certificate authority, an additional request is performed to the certificate issuer's URL to ensure that no certificate has been revoked at time of connection. Default value is false (no additional request is done)
security.global.ocsp.url Instead of checking revocation to the URL inside the issuer's certificate, you can specify a fixed URL where all OCSP requests will be sent.

For example:

security.global.ocsp.url = "http://any_url"

By default, this entry is not set and the URL inside the certificate is used.

security.global.options Set SSL options when connecting to a server not supporting secure renegotiation — an unpatched server. For example, to ensure you can connect to the server, configure these option flags (enclose options in quotes and add a pipe (|) separator between flags):
security.global.options ="SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3|SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT"
For more details on OpenSSL OP flags, refer to the OpenSSL (external link) documentation.
Warning: Using unsafe SSL connections

Using security.global.options has security implications. It should not be used unless you are unable to upgrade the server with the latest security fixes.

security.idsec.certificate Filename of the PEM-encoded client X.509 certificate.

Filename of the PEM-encoded private key associated to the above X.509 certificate.

If the PEM file is password protected, you need to use the security.idsec.script or security.idsec.agent entries to supply the passphrase to decrypt the private key.

security.idsec.keysubject The subject string of a X.509 certificate and its associated private key registered in the Windows key store. This entry is valid only on Windows systems.
  1. The idsec keyword must be replaced with your own identifier, and all necessary entries must be set. See FGLPROFILE setting.
  2. If an entry is defined more that once, only the last occurrence is taken into account.

Basic or digest HTTP authentication

The following table lists the FGLPROFILE entries that specify the login and password to use in the case of HTTP authentication to a server or a proxy. The entries also specify the login and password to use in an application using the low-level com or xml API.

Table 2. HTTP basic or digest Authentication FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description
The login identifying the client to a server during HTTP Authentication.
The password validating the login of a client to a server during HTTP Authentication. As passwords are never recommended to be in clear text, you must encrypt them with the fglpass tool. For more information, see FGLPROFILE password encryption.
The string identifying the server to the client during HTTP Authentication. If the string does not match the server's string, authentication fails. This parameter is optional, but it is recommended that you check the server identity, especially if the server's location is suspicious.
One of the following strings representing the different HTTP Authentication mechanisms.
  • Anonymous (default value) - The client does not know anything about the server, and performs a first request to retrieve the server authentication mechanism. It then uses the login and password to authenticate to the server using the Basic or Digest mechanism, depending on the server's returned value.
  • Basic - The client authenticates itself to the server at first request, by sending the login and the password using the Basic authentication mechanism.
  • Digest - The client performs a first request without any login and password, to retrieve the server information before authenticating itself to the server in a second request using the Digest mechanism.
  1. The idauth keyword must be replaced with your own identifier, and all necessary entries must be set. See FGLPROFILE setting.
  2. If an entry is defined more that once, only the last occurrence is taken into account.

Proxy configuration

The following table lists the FGLPROFILE entries that specify how the Web Services client communicates with a proxy. The entries specify the way an application using the low-level com or xml API communicates with a proxy.

Table 3. Proxy Configuration FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description
Location of the HTTP proxy defined as host:port or ip:port. If the port is omitted, the port 80 is used.
The list of beginning host names, separated with semicolons, for which the Web Services client does not go via the HTTP proxy.
The authenticate.idauth the Web Services client uses to authenticate itself to the HTTP proxy.
Location of the HTTPS proxy defined as host:port or ip:port. If the port is omitted, the port 443 is used
The list of host names, separated with semicolons, for which the Web Services client does not go via this HTTPS proxy.
The authenticate.idauth the Web Services client uses to authenticate itself to the HTTPS proxy.
Note: If an entry is defined more that once, only the last occurrence is taken into account.

IPv6 configuration

The following table lists the FGLPROFILE entries that specify how the Web Services client uses the IPv6 network protocol.

Table 4. IPv4 and IPv6 FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description
Defines the IP protocol version to be used. Your options:
  • IPv6 - Use IPv6.
  • IPv4 - Use IPv4.
  • undefined - Use IPv6 if available, otherwise fall back on IPv4. In some cases, the fallback can lead to performance issues.

If not set, IPv4 is used.

Important: This entry is not supported on Microsoft™ Windows platforms.
Defines the name of the network interface to be used for IPv6 link-local addresses. For example, this entry can get values such as "eth0", "en0", "ethernet_5".
Defines the id of the network interface to be used for IPv6 link-local addresses. For example, this entry can get values such as "1", "2", "11".
Note: If an entry is defined more that once, only the last occurrence is taken into account.

Server configuration

The following table lists the FGLPROFILE file entries that specify the correct way a Web Services client connects to an end point (usually a server).
Note: The entries specify also the way an application using the low-level com or xml API connects to an end point.
Table 5. Server Configuration FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description
The end point URL of the server.

See Using * wildcards in server URLs.

A regular expression to define all possible URLs that can be used in this server configuration.
Note: If the ws.idws.url is defined, the regex.url entry is ignored.

This regex entry follows W3C rules as described in https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#regexs

See Using regular expressions in server URLs.

The list of encryption, digest and key exchange algorithms the client is allowed to use during a secured communication to that server. It overwrites the global definition.
If set to true, the client performs a strict server identity validation. If not fulfilled, it stops the communication; otherwise no server identity verification is performed. The default value is true.
The security identifier (security.idsec) the client uses to perform HTTPS communication with the server. See also Add configuration entries in your FGLPROFILE file.
The authenticate.idauth the client uses to authenticate itself to the server.
  1. The idws keyword must be replaced with your own identifier. All necessary entries, depending on the remote server's configuration, must be set. See FGLPROFILE setting.
  2. You can use the unique identifier in the .4gl code instead of the server URL, with the alias:// prefix. For example, alias://idws.
  3. If an entry is defined more that once, only the last occurrence is taken into account.

XML configuration

The following table lists the FGLPROFILE entries that control XML to Genero values conversion, and XML cryptography key or certificate mapping.

Table 6. XML configuration FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description
The list of PEM-encoded third party X.509 certificates, separated with semicolons, of the Certificate Authority considered as trusted, in order of preference.
The list of PEM-encoded third party X.509 certificates, separated with semicolons, to be used to find out the correct X.509 certificate when getting an incomplete one in a XML signature or an encrypted XML document.
The filename of a cryptography key. For instance RSA.pem, DSA.der or HMAC.bin.
The filename of a cryptography X.509 certificate. For instance Cert.crt.

Controls empty string XML nodes conversion to Genero STRING values.

The default is false, empty XML tags are converted to NULL.

If set to true, an empty XML tag is converted to an empty STRING value. As result, in Genero, the LENGTH() function will return zero and the IS NULL comparison operator will evaluate to FALSE.

Note that this entry only works for the STRING data type, and if the tag is not present, the STRING is set to NULL.

xml.signature.prefix = { "prefix" | "<none>" }

Defines the prefix for an XML Signature.

Use "<none>" to specify no prefix.

By default, the XML Signature prefix is "dsig".

xml.encryption.prefix = { "prefix" | "<none>" }

Defines the prefix for an XML Encrypted data.

Use "<none>" to specify no prefix.

By default, the XML Encrypted data prefix is "xenc".

  1. The idxml keyword must be replaced with your own identifier. See FGLPROFILE: XML cryptography.
  2. You can use the unique identifier in the .4gl code instead of the filename.
  3. If an entry is defined more that once, only the last occurrence is taken into account.

HTTP configuration

The following table lists the FGLPROFILE entries control options for the HTTP protocol.

Table 7. HTTP Configuration FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description

This entry applies to all HTTPRequest objects created in a program.

The HTTP RFC 2616 specifies that a Date header should not be sent, if the HTTP request does not contain a body.

With the http.global.request.date FGLPROFILE entry, you can control this as follows:

  • By default (no entry), or if http.global.request.date = false, no HTTP Date header is sent for GET, HEAD and DELETE requests.
  • When http.global.request.date = true, an HTTP Date header is sent for any GET, HEAD, DELETE requests.
Note: For PUT and POST requests, the HTTP Date header is always sent.
Note: If an entry is defined more that once, only the last occurrence is taken into account.