Parallel dialogs for split views

In order to control the left-hand and right-hand split view content, you must implement two parallel dialogs, each dedicated to a pane.

Create each window and start the parallel dialog for that window. Repeat for each window. When all windows have been created and all dialogs started, run the event loop to activate them.
OPEN WINDOW w_left WITH FORM "customer_list"
START DIALOG d_list_view

OPEN WINDOW w_right WITH FORM "customer_detail"
START DIALOG d_detail_view

WHILE fgl_eventLoop()

The parallel dialogs must be implemented with a declarative dialog block. See Parallel dialogs (START DIALOG) for more details.

For small iOS devices (not tablets), consider using the ACCESSORYTYPE=DISCLOSUREINDICATOR in the DISPLAY ARRAY dialog, for left-pane controllers.