
Returns the value of a JSON array element.


   index INTEGER )
  RETURNS result-type
  1. index is the index of the element in the JSON array object.
  2. result-type can be a simple type, a util.JSONObject or a util.JSONArray object reference.


The get() method returns the value or JSON object corresponding to the element at the given position.

The index corresponding to the first element is 1.

If no element exists at the given index, the method returns NULL.

If the element identified by the name is a simple value, the method returns a string. If the element is structured, the method returns a util.JSONObject instance and the returned object must be assigned to a program variable defined with the util.JSONObject type. If the element is a list of values, the method util.JSONArray instance and the returned object must be assigned to a program variable defined with the util.JSONArray type.
Note: If the element is a simple value, pay attention to the data format when directly assigning the result of the get() method to a program variable. For example, if the JSON string value represents a date, it will use the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). Assigning this ISO-formatted date string to a DATE variable will fail, if DBDATE format does not match.

A name/value pair can be set with the put() method.


    DEFINE arr util.JSONArray
    LET arr = util.JSONArray.parse('[123,"abc",null]')
    DISPLAY arr.get(2) -- abc