Retrieves a file from the front-end context to the virtual machine context.
remotePath STRING,
localPath STRING )
- remotePath is the path of the file to retrieve from the front-end context.
- localPath is the path of the file to write in the virtual machine context.
The fgl_getfile()
function uploads a file from the front-end
workstation disk to the application server disk where fglrun is executed.
.When the front-end is located on a mobile device (GMA or GMI), the
function can take an opaque file path as first
argument, to identify a local device resource returned from a front call such as
choosePhoto, takeVideo. This allows you to retrieve the
media file into the virtual machine context, for persistent storage, and to share it
with applications running on other devices. This fgl_getfile()
feature can be used with a standalone app running on the device, or a client/server
app executing on a server and displaying on the device. For more details, see Runtime images.