
Displays a file dialog window to let the user select a single file path on the local file system.


ui.Interface.frontCall("standard", "openFile",
  1. path - The initial directory path to look for files. On some platforms, when path is a filename like "/tmp/document.txt", the name of the file is used as default file to be selected.
  2. name - The label to be displayed for the file types / wildcards.
  3. wildcards - A space-separated list of file extensions with the star-dot prefix ("*.pdf *.jpg"). Supported file extensions is platform-specific. See Usage section for more details.
  4. caption - The caption of the file dialog window / frame.
  5. result - The name of the selected file (or NULL if canceled).


When invoking the "openFile" front call, the front-end displays a file dialog window using the local file system, to let the end user select an existing file.

Note: The file dialog window rendering and features depend on the type of front end and the type of the front end platform (desktop OS, web browser).

If the user cancels the dialog, the front call returns NULL in the result variable.

Important: With the GBC front-end in a web browser, the path parameter is ignored.
Tip: When specifying a file path, pay attention to platform specific rules regarding directory separators and space characters in file names. When the front-end executes on a recent Microsoft™ Windows™ system, you can use the / slash character as directory separator, like on Unix systems. A directory or file name can contain spaces, and there is no need to surround the path with double quotes in such case. When using backslash directory separators, make sure to escape backslash characters in string literals with \\.

When using the GMA or GMI front-end, the values returned by openFile and openFiles front calls contains a temporary system location of the file on the mobile device. This path is platform dependent, and may change in future versions. Consider the path returned by these front calls as an opaque local file identifier, and do not use this path as a persistent file name.

Once the file path is known, it is possible to fetch the file content from the device to the program context with the fgl_getfile() API. The procedure is similar to fetching photos from the device. For more details, see the section about file management on mobile devices.

Mobile platform specific notes for the openFile and openFiles front calls:
  • Android/GMA:
    • The values returned by the front call contain the filename and the extension as an URL query string format: ?name=filename&ext=extension
    • With the openFiles frontcall, the user must use a long tap to select multiple files. Otherwise, with a single tap, the openFiles frontcall will behave like openFile and return a unique element in the result array.
    • The path, name and caption parameters are ignored by GMA. The Android file manager opens by default the last folder where a file was selected. The first time the front call is executed on the device, it opens the "recent files" folder.
    • Supported wildcards are those listed in (custom extensions are not supported)
    • See Handling files on Android devices for more details.
  • iOS/GMI:
    • The name and the caption parameters are ignored.
    • Prior to iOS 13, the path parameter is ignored and the file chooser always opens in the last location it was used. Startting with iOS 13, the path parameter is used: When running on the device, one can use os.Path.pwd() for example. When running remote, the current directory on the device cannot be known, but "." can be used as a synonym for the "Documents" directory on the device.
    • By default, common extensions like *.pdf or *.png are recognized. Custom extensions like *.err are by default grayed. To enable picking files with custom extension, it must be specified in the Info.plist file.
    • If the filename returned starts with "file:" prefix, it is an URL to a file external to the app, to be fetched with fgl_getfile() for example. When no "file:" prefix is present, it is a file from the app sandbox, that can be used with os.Path methods.
    • See Handling files on iOS devices for more details.


                path STRING,
                name STRING,
                wildcards STRING,
                caption STRING
           END RECORD
    DEFINE result STRING

    LET rec.path = "/tmp"
    LET = "Image files"
    LET rec.wildcards = "*.jpg *.png"
    LET rec.caption = "Open file"
    CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("standard","openFile",[rec.*],[result])

    IF result IS NULL THEN
       DISPLAY "No file was selected."
       DISPLAY "File :", result
    END IF