
Starts the GDC update.


ui.Interface.frontCall("monitor", "update",
  [ path-to-update-file [,warning-text [,elevation-prompt] ] ],
  [ result ])
  1. path-to-update-file - Defines the path to the zip archive containing the update material.
  2. warning-text - The warning to be displayed to the user before updating the GDC.
  3. elevation-prompt - A boolean to indicate if the MS Windows elevation prompt must be displayed, when the GDC installation requires administrator privileges. When set to true and the update requires permissions elevation, the elevation prompt is displayed. When set to false and the update requires permission elevation, the update will fail. The parameter is ignored, if the update does not require permission elevation. Default is false.
  4. result - The execution status (TRUE=success, FALSE=error).


The "update" front call will start the update process based on the specified file. This file is expected to have been pushed previously on the GDC (generally using the fgl_putfile() built-in function).

For more details about this feature, see the Genero Desktop Client User Guide, in the Auto-Update section.