
Calls a function in a cordova plugin and returns a result.


ui.Interface.frontCall("cordova", "call",
  [plugin-name, function-name [, param1, param2, ... ] ],
  1. plugin-name - This is the name of the Cordova plugin.
  2. function-name - This is the name of plugin function to be called.
  3. param1, param2, ... - Optional parameters to be passed to the Cordova function.
  4. result - Holds the Cordova function return value.


The call front call executes synchronously the Cordova plugin function identified by the plugin-name and the function-name.

The other arguments (param1, param2, …) are arguments for the Cordova plugin function. Each argument may have a different type like FLOAT, INTEGER, STRING, RECORD or DYNAMIC ARRAY (for RECORD and DYNAMIC ARRAY, the runtime system will do the BDL to JSON conversion automatically).

The front call returns one result variable of type FLOAT, INTEGER, STRING, RECORD or DYNAMIC ARRAY, that matches the JSON equivalent of the plugin function result (for RECORD and DYNAMIC ARRAY, the runtime system will do the JSON to BDL conversion automatically).

The call Cordova front call is synchronous: This means that the call will not return until the plugin returns a result. Some functions may not return a result at all (such as start/stop functions) and therefore would cause the front call to wait forever. Those functions need to be called asynchroneously with the callWithoutWaiting front call.

In case of an error, the front call raises a runtime error -6333 that can be caught with TRY/CATCH or WHENEVER ERROR.
Note: Use the err_get() function, to identify the reason of the error. For more details about front call error handling, see ui.Interface.frontCall().


CALL ui.interface.frontcall( "cordova", "call",
     ["Calendar", "listCalendars"], [calendars] )