
Creates a new HTTPPart object based on given filename located on disk.


   filename STRING )
  1. filename specifies the name of a file.


Creates a new HTTPPart object based on given filename located on disk. To be used via the addPart() method.

The com.HTTPPart.CreateAttachment() method automatically sets the following headers for the created HTTPPart object:
  • Content-Type is defined based on the file name extension. If the file extension is not recognized, Content-Type defaults to application/octet-stream.
    Note: File extensions to Content-Type mapping can be customized in the file FGLDIR/lib/wse/mime.cfg.
  • Content-Transfer-Encoding is set to "binary".
  • Content-Disposition is set with the base name of the given filename as follows: attachment; filename="basename".
For example, when calling the method as follows:
LET part = com.HTTPPart.CreateAttachment( "/opt/myapp/resources/logo.jpg" )
The resulting HTTP part headers will look like:
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary 
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="logo.jpg"

In case of error, the method throws an exception and sets the STATUS variable. Depending on the error, a human-readable description of the problem is available in the SQLCA.SQLERRM register. See Error handling in GWS calls (STATUS).