
Performs the request by sending an entire string at once.


   data STRING )
  1. data is a string containing the request. The request fails if NULL or an empty string ( '' ) is provided.


Performs the request by sending an entire string at once.

Supported methods are PUT and POST.

The default Content-Type header is text/plain, but it can be changed if of the form */*. For example: application/json.

Automatic character set conversion from the application locale to the user-defined charset is performed. In case of conversion error, the method throws an exception.

Note: To avoid character conversion problems when sending text over HTTP, consider setting the same user-define character set as the program defined by the application locale (assuming that the server understands the client application character set).

In HTTP 1.1, if the body size is greater than 32 KB, the request will be sent in several chunks of the same size.

This HTTP request method is non-blocking: It returns immediately after the call. Use the com.HTTPRequest.getResponse method, to perform a synchronous HTTP request, suspending the program flow until the response returns from the server. If the program must keep going on, use the com.HTTPRequest.getAsyncResponse method, to check if a response is available.

In case of error, the method throws an exception and sets the STATUS variable. Depending on the error, a human-readable description of the problem is available in the SQLCA.SQLERRM register. See Error handling in GWS calls (STATUS).

The INT_FLAG variable is checked during GWS API call to handle program interruptions, for more details, see Interruption handling in GWS calls (INT_FLAG)