
Opens a dialog window to get a file path to save data on the front-end workstation.


   dirname STRING,
   typename STRING,
   extlist STRING,
   caption STRING )
  1. dirname is the default path to be displayed in the dialog window.
  2. typename is the name of the file type to be saved.
  3. extlist is a blank separated list of file extensions defining the file type.
  4. caption is the label to be saved.


This function opens a dialog window to let the user select a file path on the front end workstation file system, in order to save the file.

The function returns the file path on success.

The function returns NULL if a problem has occurred or if the user canceled the dialog.

Important: This function is provided for backward compatibility and should be avoided to run your programs with different sort of front-ends. It must be called after the front-end connection was established.