The Signature class / xml.Signature methods |
Creates a new reference that will be signed with the compute() method
createReference( uri STRING, digest STRING ) RETURNING ind INTEGER
The returned value represents the index for any further manipulation of this reference.
The uri can be:
An absolute url such as http://, https://, tcp://, tcps://, file:/// and alias:// (see FGLPROFILE Configuration for more details about URL mapping with aliases), and where the data can be a XML document or any kind of data such as images or html pages.
NULL to sign the whole document, but only one NULL is allowed in the entire signature.
A fragment like #tobesigned. Note that a DOM node fragment is identified via the value of an attribute of type ID such as xml:id or any attribute whose type was changed to ID with setIdAttribute() or setIdAttributeNS().
In case of error, the method throws an exception and sets the STATUS variable. Depending on the error, a human-readable description of the problem is available in the SQLCA.SQLERRM register. See Error handling in GWS calls (STATUS).