
Displays a file dialog window to get a path to open a file on the local file system.


ui.Interface.frontCall("standard", "openFile",
  1. path - The default path.
  2. name - The name to be displayed for the file type.
  3. wildcards - A blank separated list of wildcards (for ex: "*.pdf" or "README* test*.txt")
  4. caption - The caption to be displayed.
  5. result - Holds the name of the selected file (or NULL if canceled).


When invoking the "openFile" front call, the front-end displays a file dialog window using the local file system, to let the end user enter a file path, to select an existing file.

If the user cancels the dialog, the front call returns NULL in the result variable.

Note: With the GWS-JS front-end, the path parameter is ignored, and wildcards can only be hold one type of file extension.