DateEdit style attributes

DateEdit style presentation attributes apply to a dateedit element.

Table 1. DateEdit style attributes
Attribute Description GDC CLIENT HTML5 CLIENT
buttonIcon Defines the icon name to use for the button. Yes Yes
daysOff Defines the days of the week that are grayed out.

Possible values are "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday".

Default is "saturday sunday". The days of week can be combined, as shown.

Yes Yes
firstDayOfWeek Defines the first day of the week to be displayed in the calendar.

Possible values are "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday".

Default is "saturday".

Yes Yes

Defines if dates of the previous and next months are shown.

Values can be "yes", "no" (default).

Yes Yes

Indicates if the grid lines between dates must be visible in the calendar.

Values can be "yes", "no" (default).

Yes No

Defines if the week numbers are displayed.

Values can be "yes", "no" (default).

Yes No