
Loads an XML Document into a DomDocument object from a file or an URL.


   url STRING )
  1. url is a valid URL or the name of the file.


Loads an XML Document into a DomDocument object from a file or an URL, where url is a valid URL or the name of the file.

Only the following kinds of URLs are supported: http:// , https:// , tcp:// , tcps:// , file:/// and alias:// . See FGLPROFILE: Web Services configuration for more details about URL mapping with aliases, and for proxy and security configuration.

See setFeature() to specify how the document can be loaded. HTML parsing is possible when enable-html-compliancy is enabled.

See getErrorsCount() and getErrorDescription() to retrieve error messages related to XML document loading.

In case of error, the method throws an exception and sets the STATUS variable with the appropriate error number.