
Starts an HTTP streaming response.


   code INTEGER,
   desc STRING )
  RETURNING writer xml.StaxWriter
  1. code is the status code of the response.
  2. desc is the description of the response.
  3. writer is a new xml.StaxWriter the will be used to write the HTTP body.


The beginXmlResponse() method starts a HTTP streaming response by sending the a status (code) and description (desc), followed by the headers previously set, and returns a xml.StaxWriter object ready to send XML as the HTTP body.

If the request failed to be read, its content will be discarded; for example, when a request is not well formatted.

The default Content-Type header is text/xml, but it can be changed if of the form */xml or */*+xml. For example: application/xhtml+xml.

In HTTP 1.1, if the body size is greater than 32k, the response will be sent in several chunks of the same size.

If the description is NULL, a default description according to the status code is sent.

In case of error, the method throws an exception and sets the STATUS variable with the appropriate error number.