Using the DECIMAL type

When calling a Java™ method with an expression evaluating to a DECIMAL , the runtime system converts the DECIMAL value to an instance of the com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal class implemented in FGLDIR/lib/fgl.jar. You can then manipulate the DECIMAL from within the Java code.

You must add FGLDIR/lib/fgl.jar to the class path in order to compile Java code with com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal class.

The com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal class implements following:

Table 1. Methods of the com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal class
Method Description
String toString()
Converts the DECIMAL value to a String object.
static void valueOf(String val)
Creates a new FglDecimal object from a String object representing a decimal value.
static void valueOf(int val)
Creates a new FglDecimal object from an int value.
static int encodeTypeQualifier(
  int precision,
  int scale)
Returns the encoded type qualifier for this decimal according to precision and scale.

encoded qualifier = (precision * 256) + scale

Use 255 as scale for floating point decimal.

In the Java code, you can convert the com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal to a java.lang.BigDecimal as in following example:
public static FglDecimal divide(FglDecimal d1, FglDecimal d2){
    BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal(d1.toString());
    BigDecimal bd2 = new BigDecimal(d2.toString());
    BigDecimal res = bd1.divide(bd2, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
    return FglDecimal.valueOf(res.toString());
If you need to create an com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal object in your program, you can use the valueOf() class method as in this example:
IMPORT JAVA com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal
  DEFINE jdec com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal
  LET jdec = FglDecimal.valueOf("123.45")
  DISPLAY jdec.toString()