Data types

Selecting the correct data type assists you in the input, storage, and display of your data.

Table 1. Genero Business Development Language data types
Data type Description
CHAR[(n)] Fixed size character strings
VARCHAR[(n[,r])] Variable size character strings
STRING Dynamic size character strings
DATE Simple calendar dates
DATETIME q1 TO q2 High precision date and hour data
INTERVAL q1 TO q2 High precision time intervals
BIGINT 8 byte signed integer
INTEGER 4 byte signed integer
SMALLINT 2 byte signed integer
TINYINT 1 byte signed integer
FLOAT[(p)] 8 byte floating point decimal
SMALLFLOAT 4 byte floating point decimal
DECIMAL[(p[,s])] High precision decimals
MONEY[(p[,s])] High precision decimals with currency formatting
BYTE Large binary data (images)
TEXT Large text data (plain text)