You specify a response body in a return parameter without an attribute. Other return
values can be sent in headers, using the WSHeader attribute.
A message body in the response is required when you
perform an HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operation on a resource, otherwise the response
results in the error-9106.
Example responses in header and body
In this sample REST function data is returned in a header and in
the message body. The function's RETURNS clause has two return values:
An integer is returned in a header. It is specified with the WSHeader
A string is returned in the body. It is specified without an attribute.
WSPath = "/help")
RETURNS (INTEGER ATTRIBUTE(WSHeader, WSDescription = "Reference number"),
RETURN 3, "Hello world"
Figure: Output of the HTTP response
In the output the header is given a default name, "rv0",
at runtime. You can change default header naming via the WSName attribute.
Warning:Standard response headers
a standard HTTP header on a response must be handled with care,
especially for those that define the response body such as Content-Type, or
Content-Encoding. Make sure what you define with WSName does not
conflict with what is specified in the OpenAPI documentation for the service.