The SFMT() operator replaces place holders in a string with values.


SFMT ( str-expr , param [ , param [...] ] )
  1. str-expr is a string expression.
  2. param is any valid expression used to replace parameter place holders (%n).
  3. At least one parameter is required.


The SFMT() operator can be used with parameters that will be automatically set in the string at the position defined by parameter placeholders. The parameters used with the SFMT() operator can be any valid expression. Numeric and date/time expressions are evaluated to strings depending on the current format settings (DBDATE, DBFORMAT).

A placeholder is a special marker in the string, that is defined by the percent character followed by the parameter number. For example, %4 represents the parameter #4. You are allowed to use the same parameter placeholder several times in the string. If you want to use the percent sign in the string, you must escape it with %%.

Predefined placeholders can be used to insert information about last runtime system error that occurred. Note that these are only available in the context of a runtime error trapped with a WHENEVER ERROR GOTO / CALL handler:

Table 1. Predefined placeholders for runtime system error information
Predefined parameter Description
%(ERRORFILE) Name of the module where last runtime error occurred.
%(ERRORLINE) Line number in the module where last runtime error occurred.
%(ERRNO) Last operating system error number.
%(STRERROR) Last operating system error text.


  LET n = 234
  DISPLAY SFMT("Order #%1 has been %2.",n,"deleted")

In this example, %1 is replaced by the value of the variable n, while %2 is replaced by the string "deleted", resulting in: Order #234 has been deleted.