Deploying application files
To deploy an application, you must deploy all of the required runtime and resource files. Many (but not all) of these files are compiled from the source files.

These program files must be deployed at the user site:
- .42m - PCode modules
- .42f - Runtime form files
- .42s - Compiled localized string files
- .4ad, .4st, etc - XML resource files
Runtime environment settings
The .42m modules are found from the directory set provided in the FGLLDPATH environment variable.
The resource files (.42f, .42s, etc) are found at runtime from the directory set provided in the FGLRESOURCEPATH environment variable.
The fglprofile configuration file and environment variables can be used to change the behavior of programs.
Directory structure for program files
When deploying your program files, you have the following options:
- Copy all program files (.42m, .42f, etc) into the same distribution directory. The runtime files will be found by fglrun, when executing the main module from that directory as current working directory. This solution is suitable for small applications with a few program files.
- Group .42m program files and (.42f, etc) resource files in distinct directories, to distinguish application domains, and easily disable/remove some parts of your software from the production site. The directory structure of the production environment can be the same than the source directory tree (without the sources of course!). Define FGLLDPATH (to all dir paths to .42m files) and FGLRESOURCEPATH for resource files.
- Use the package concept to structure your modules, and clone the source directory structure to the production environment (without sources). Define FGLLDPATH (to top-dir) and FGLRESOURCEPATH for resource files.