Command tools changes

Modifications to consider regarding command line tools.

This topic describes changes that may need code review.

See also new 5.01 features of commands.

Changes to fgldbsch

Starting with version 5.01.00, the fgldbsch tool will by default deny SQL table or column names that are not valid identifiers (like "Customer Name"), or when a table/column name is a case-insensitive duplicate of other table/column names (like "Stock" vs "STOCK").

To bypass this control and allow invalid table or column names in the .sch file, use the -sl (sloppy) option. This option has been implemented in case if an SQL table mixes valid and invalid column names, and DEFINE varname LIKE tabname.colname instructions are used with the columns using regular identifier names.

To skip problematic tables and extract valid table defintions, use the already-existing -ie (ignore errors) option.

Use the -v verbose option to get details of the database schema extraction process.

Changes in earlier versions

Make sure to check the upgrade notes of earlier versions, to not miss changes introduced in maintenance releases.