Database drivers changes

New and desupported database drivers.

New database server versions supported in Genero 5.01:

New database clients supported in Genero 5.01:

  • The new dbmmys_8_4 ODI driver for Oracle MySQL 8.4 LTS:

    The MySQL 8.2 and 8.3 versions are Innovation Releases (IR), while MySQL versions 8.0 and 8.4 are Long-Term Support releases (LTS). The dbmmys_8_2 driver provided in previous Genero versions has been desupported in favor to MySQL 8.4 with the new dbmmys_8_4 ODI driver, requiring If you need to access a MySQL 8.2 or 8.3 server, install MySQL Connector client with and use the dbmmys_8_4 ODI driver.

For more details, see Database driver specification (driver).

Deprecated database drivers in Genero 5.01:

The following ODI database drivers will be removed in a future version:

  • dbmesm* : Easysoft ODBC for SQL Server.

    On Linux and Windows®, use Microsoft ODBC for SQL server. For other platforms, use FreeTDS.

Desupported databases server versions in Genero 5.01:

Desupported database server versions:

  • None

Changes in earlier versions

Make sure to check the upgrade notes of earlier versions, to not miss changes introduced in maintenance releases. For more details, see Database drivers changes in BDL 5.00.

Notable changes introduced in maintenance releases:
  • No particular change to consider.