Better support for all kind of FGL INTERVAL types data storage with native ORACLE INTERVAL types.

Since first versions of Genero FGL, the interval types INTERVAL[(n)] YEAR TO MONTH and INTERVAL DAY[(n)] TO FRACTION(f) are stored respectively in ORACLE INTERVAL YEAR[(n)] TO MONTH and INTERVAL DAY[(n)] TO SECOND(f).

However, other FGL interval types such as INTERVAL MONTH TO MONTH or INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE, and even INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND were converted to ORACLE CHAR(50). As a result, with interval data in an Oracle CHAR(50) column, it was not possible to exploit the interval data directly in the ORACLE engine. For example (without casting), interval arithmetic is impossible with CHAR(50) strings representing interval values.

Starting with Genero BDL 4.00, all FGL interval types of both year-month and day-time class are now stored in native ORACLE interval types.

For example, an FGL INTERVAL HOUR(6) TO MINUTE is converted to an ORACLE INTERVAL DAY(5) TO SECOND(0). When using such FGL interval variables in SQL, the hours are split into days, to fit into the corresponding native ORACLE internal type. When fetching the interval data from ORACLE, the number of days are converted to a number of hours to fit into the FGL interval variable.

  1. When extracting a database schema from an Oracle database with the fgldbsch tool, native Oracle interval types are converted to the corresponding Genero interval types. However, since Oracle only has 2 native interval types, the original Informix interval type definition is lost, if it does not match exactly. For example, in a CREATE TABLE executed by a program, an Informix INTERVAL HOUR(9) TO MINUTE type is converted to Oracle's INTERVAL DAY(8) TO SECOND(0), which is extracted by fgldbsch as an INTERVAL DAY(8) TO SECOND type. To keep the original Informix interval types, you need to define the exact type codes in the .sch file.
  2. Native SQL data types are used by several Genero BDL instructions and will impact the behavior, such data formatting with LOAD/UNLOAD and the type name returned by the base.SqlHandle.getResultType(n) method. For example, when creating a table from a program with a column defined as INTERVAL HOUR(6) TO FRACTION(4) type, the ODI converts the type name to Oracle's INTERVAL DAY(5) TO SECOND(4). As result, the data format for LOAD/UNLOAD will be ddddd hh:mm:ss.ffff, and the type name returned by base.SqlHandle.getResultType() will be "INTERVAL DAY(5) TO FRACTION(4)", based on the native Oracle interval type.

For more details, see INTERVAL data type.