Deploy a web service NOT using the Deployment App

Deploy and secure a web service without using the Deployment App.

Before you begin

The REST web service, in its source code, should already use the WSScope attribute to define the scopes that will provide security globally for the service (on the WSInfo record) or for its functions. You should have a list of such WSScope entries.

For more information about WSScope and how it is implemented in a Genero REST web service, see the WSScope topic in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

About this task

When you deploy and secure a web service without using the Deployment App, you must first register the service using the Genero Console App, then add the configuration information required by the Genero Application Server to start the application using the security provided by the Genero Identity Provider.

  1. If not already registered, register the web service scopes in the GIP using the Console App.
    Instructions are provided here.
    1. Open the Console App.

      To access the Console App, open a browser and enter: host:port/ua/r/admin/ConsoleApp

    2. Select Security > Services.
      The Service access list form appears.
    3. Click Create.
      A new, empty row is added to the service access list, with the cursor in the Service name field.
    4. Enter a name in the Service name field, and a description in the Description field.
      The name entered can be any name you wish.
      When you have finished, click OK.
    5. With the new service highlighted in the list, doubleclick (or click Scopes) to open the Scope list page for the service.
      The Scope list form displays for the new service. By default, a single scope was created using the name of the service.
    6. Add any additional scopes required by the service.
      It is the WSScope entries in the Genero source that determine what additional scopes need to be entered.
      To add a scope, click Create and enter the information requested.
    7. When you have finished entering all necessary scopes, click Back until you return to the front page of the Console App.
  2. Create your app XCF using the appropriate delegate service for an application.
    The application configuration file should resemble this example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <APPLICATION Parent="ws.default">
       <DELEGATE service="services/GeneroAccessService">
    The <PATH> entry must point to the executable of your app, you will likely have to modify this entry.
    The GeneroAccessService delegation protects web service applications.

    The <IDP> entry of localhost is valid when everything runs on the same Genero Application Server. Otherwise, you must provide the GIP URL. For example:

  3. Install the application configuration file (.xcf) on the GAS without the Deployment App, in a dedicated GAS group or in the default app group.
  4. Access your application; it is protected by the IdP.
    It will require a valid access Token with a scope set in WSScope, otherwise you will get an access denied.