Set group scopes for profile API

GIP users need to have access to the Profile API in order to create a user profile, update their details, and avatar.

Before you begin

The Profile API has several scopes. In this task we focus on the scope. In the next task, Set group scopes for app using a service, you will get to see how to use other profile scopes.

In this task you will configure the user you created in Create a user group and a user to access the Console App to update their profile:
  • you test for user access to the Console App using the application URL.
  • you set the scope for your user group.
  • you complete the task by testing again for user access to the Console App.
  1. Log in to the Console App as the user you created in Create a user group and a user
    The Console App is located at http[s]://host:port/[gas/]ua/r/admin/ConsoleApp.

    Select the Console Application link from the GAS demos page at http[s]://host:port/[gas/]demos.html.

    You get an access is denied message. This is expected.
    Access denied : some scopes are required
  2. Log in to the Console App as administrator.
  3. Select Groups > Manage groups.
  4. From the Group List page, select the group name you created previously in Create a user group and a user.
  5. Doubleclick (or click Modify) to open the Group page.
  6. Select the scope.

    Scopes are listed under the Access scopes heading and in the rows under the Scope column. When finished click Save.

  7. Log out as administrator by clicking the close button (x).
  8. Log in as the user you created in Create a user group and a user.
    This user now has access as expected.
  9. Create a profile for this user.
    1. Select the Users > Update me menu option.
    2. Click Profile to open the User Profile page.
    3. Enter details in the First name, Last name, and Email fields. Other fields in the form are optional. Click Save to save your changes.
    4. Log out by clicking the close button (x).