OpenIDConnect log file

The Genero OpenIDConnect implementation produces a log file that helps to identify issues.

The log file is called OIDC.log and is located in $(res.appdata.path)/log. This log file contains all incoming and outgoing requests. It can help to debug OpenID Connect/OAuth2 issues.

You can specify the level of detail recorded to the log with the -debug category option of the OpenIDConnect server program. There are two categories that can be logged individually or together:
  • MSG - Standard information regarding access and errors. By default, only access and error information are logged.
  • DEBUG - Traces the entire process of single sign-on (SSO).

To add debugging information to the OIDC.log, modify OpenIDConnectServiceProvider.xcf to include the -debug DEBUG option as first argument in the command defined by the MODULE element. (Line breaks have been added to improve readability.)

For GAS:
<APPLICATION Parent="ws.default"
     <!-- Some ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE entries removed for this example -->
    <MODULE>OpenIDConnectServer -logPath "$(res.appdata.path)" -debug DEBUG</MODULE>
<APPLICATION Parent="ws.default">
    <!-- Some ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE entries removed for this example -->
    <MODULE>OpenIDConnectServer -logPath "$(res.appdata.path)" -debug DEBUG</MODULE>

Logging is based on the Genero ERRORLOG() function. As several instances of the same OpenID Connect server can write to the log file, the PID of the server process is written to the log file as well.