Manage web service access scopes

Access to services is managed by scopes. In order to grant users or groups scopes, they must be entered into the Genero Identity Provider. It is from this interface that you provide the list of scopes for a service.

Select Security > Services to access the Service access list. From this page, you can create a new service, modify the name and description of an existing service, remove a service, or view/modify the scopes of a service.

The Service access list is where you enter all scopes, with the intention to later assign the scopes to users or groups. These scopes are organized under a Service name. This name is not necessarily a direct correlation to any specific service; it is simply a heading that you can use to organize a set of scopes. You may find that you have one set of scopes that are being used to provide or restrict access to a complex system of services and operations - the service name you choose to enter those scopes in the service access list will likely be a generic term representing the group of services.

Add a new set of scopes

To add a new set of scopes:
  1. Select Security > Services.
  2. Click Create.

    A row appends the service access list.

  3. Enter in a service name and description and click OK.

    The service name can be any name of your choosing. While it does not have to match the name of your web service, it would be advantageous to pick a name that is meaningful.

    The service is created with a single default scope, matching the name of the service. This default scope name can be changed if needed.

  4. To further view or modify the scopes of your new service, see View or modify scopes of a service.

Modify a service name or description

To modify a service name or description:
  1. Select Security > Services.
  2. From the Service access list, select the row containing the service name or description to modify.
  3. Click Change.

    The fields for the selected row are made editable.

  4. Make your modifications and click OK.

Remove a service and its scopes

To remove a service and its scopes:
  1. Select Security > Services.
  2. From the Service access list, select the row containing the service name to remove.
  3. Click Remove.

    A confirmation dialog appears asking you to confirm your selection, as the removal cannot be reversed.

View or modify scopes of a service

By default, a service is created with a single scope matching the service name. The default scope name can be changed, if needed, and additional scopes can be added, modified, or removed.

To add, modify or remove scopes to a service:
  1. Select Security > Services.
  2. From the Service access list, select the row containing the service name.
  3. Click Scopes.

    The scope list for the selected service appears.

  4. Using the buttons at the top of the Scope list page, you can create, modify, or remove scope entries.